Ishida (shogi)

Ishida vs Static Rook
pieces in hand:
pieces in hand:
(with Mino castle)

In shogi, Ishida (石田流 ishida-ryū or 石田流三間飛車 ishida-ryū sankenbisha) is a type of Third File Rook (Ranging Rook) opening.

In contrast to the regular Third File Rook opening, Ishida advances to the middle e rank the seventh file pawn if played by Black (P-7e) or the third file pawn if played by White (P-3e). This allows the player's rook to be move up the 7f square (Black) or the 3d square (White).

Ishida is named after the 17th century shogi master Kengyo Ishida.

Ishida proper (slow Ishida)

Ishida formation
pieces in hand:
pieces in hand:

Ishida proper uses a particular piece formation not found in other Third File Rook positions. In this structure, an early bishop exchange is prevented. Thus, it is known as a slow game (持久戦 jikyūsen).

This contrasts with Quick Ishida (haya ishida) where the possibility of a bishop exchange remains throughout the opening – a rapid attack game (久戦 kyūsen). When referring specifically to the slow Ishida variant, the term 石田流本組 ishida-ryū hom gumi is used in Japanese, which is translated as Ishida Plenary Formation by Kawasaki (Kitao 2011). Hosking refers to this simply as Ishida while the fast game is called Ishida Quick Attack.

See also


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