Isaac Trachtenberg

Isaac Trachtenberg
Born 11 November 1923
Zhytomyr, Soviet Union
Citizenship Ukraine
Alma mater Kiev Medical Institute

Isaac Mikhailovich Trachtenberg (born November 11, 1923 in Zhytomyr) - Ukrainian and Soviet hygienist, Professor, MD, a member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, academician of the Bogomolets National Medical University, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (1994), winner of the state Prize of Ukraine (2002). Bogomolets (2010, academic awards for Preventive Medicine of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (1995, 2002, 2010).


Birth and early years

Trachtenberg was born on November 11, 1923 in Zhytomyr. In 1940 he has graduated from the Kiev school № 44. In 1940 he was a student of philological faculty of the Kiev State University.

Since 1941, he studied in the Kiev Medical Institute. In 1942, he combined his studies at the institute along with the work as a toolmaker in "Chelyabenergomontazhe" in the construction of the plant's defense industry. At the same time he took a 110-hour VSL-1 training.

In 1943, he was elected as a chairman of the student union of the Kiev Medical Institute. For active public work was awarded the diploma of the Chelyabinsk Council of People's Deputies.

In 1944, he returned to Kiev with a team of students and teachers of the institute, where he continued his studies. Two years later, graduated from the Kiev Medical Institute, and was enrolled in graduate school in the competition at the Department of Occupational Health, headed by Lev Ivanovich Medved. In 1947-1948 he participated in the first post-war scientific forums in Preventive Medicine (XII All-Union Congress of the Ukrainian and V hygienists, epidemiologists, microbiologists, infectious disease). In 1948, the Republican antiepidemic commission was appointed commissioner for conducting control activities Railway district of Kiev. In the same year he was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945".

Scientific Activities

In 1951, Trachtenberg was awarded the scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences, and he was enrolled as Assistant Department of Occupational Health Kiev Medical Institute. From 1951 to 1955, he worked as an assistant to the department. In his role as professor, which in those years led a member of the Academy of Medical Sciences Hayk Khachaturovich Shahbazian, Trachtenberg served until 1972 and during that time has published three monographs, one of which is devoted to mercury poisoning, the second - Toxicology of polymers, the third - physiology of mental labor.

In 1956, Trachtenberg was awarded the academic title of an associate professor and in 1961 he was elected a chairman of the union of the Kiev Medical Institute. Already in 1964, he was awarded the academic degree of doctor of medical sciences. Two years later, in 1966 Trachtenberg was awarded the medal "For the defense of Kiev" and in the same year he received the title of professor. In 1968 he was awarded the diploma of the Presidium of the Ukrainian national committee of the union of medical workers, and then in 1970 Certificate of Merit Executive Committee of Kyiv City Council of People's Deputies. In 1972, Trachtenberg, was elected head of the Laboratory of Industrial Toxicology and Occupational Health for the use of chemicals Kyiv Research Institute of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases Ministry of Health of Ukraine. He also became a member of the Industrial Toxicology Section of the Problem Commission "Scientific basis of health and occupational diseases," Academy of Medical Sciences.




Other Publications

He is actively published in the newspapers: "The Mirror of the week", "Day", "Pravda Ukrainy", "Medical Newspaper" (Moscow), "Your Health Protection" (Kiev), "Health Protection of Ukraine" (Kiev) "Doctor" (Kiev), "Mistetstvo lіkuvannya" (Kiev), "Rainbow" (Kiev).


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