Interrupted time series

Interrupted time series analysis sometimes known as quasi-experimental time series analysis is an approach for the analysis of a single time series of data known to be affected by interventions (interrupted time series, ITS). [1] The interrupted time series design is the design of experiments based on the interrupted time series approach.

Applications include various research in social sciences:

The ITS design is the base of the comparative time series design, whereby there is a control series and an interrupted series, and the effect of an intervention is confirmed by the control series. [2]

Effects of the intervention are evaluated by changes in the level and slope of the time series and statistical significance of the intervention parameters. [3]

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Interrupted Time Series Analysis, Sage Publications, Inc., 1980, Editor's Introduction, pp. 5, 6
  2. The Design and Analysis of Research Studies, p. 168
  3. Handbook of Psychology, Research Methods in Psychology, p. 582
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