Ingrid Mwangi

Ingrid Mwangi (born 1975) is a Kenyan-German artist. She works with photography, film, and sculpture as well as installation and performance art.

Life and career

Ingrid Njeri Mwangi was born in Nairobi in 1975 to a German mother and a Kenyan father.[1] She moved to Germany at the age of 15. Mwangi works and lives in Berlin, Germany with her husband and collaborator Robert Hutter.[2]

Mwangi's work is concerned with social conventions and identity. She participated in the 2007 Brooklyn Museum exhibition Global Feminisms. Her 2001 series of photographs, Static Drift, was included. The work makes use of images evoking national and racial identities projected onto her body.[3] Mwangi's 2000 work Neger Don't Call Me features photographs of her face covered with masks made from her dreadlocks.[4]

In 2005, she and her husband merged their biographies and names to form one artist, Mwangi Hutter.[5] They have four children.[6]


Solo shows

2013 Mwangi Hutter - Single Entities / @ Salon - ALEXANDER OCHS GALLERIES BERLIN | BEIJING,Berlin 2011 Constant Triumph - Spelman College Museum of Fine Art, Atlanta, GA 2009 Sleepers on the way - Goethe-Institut Tansania, Dar es Salaam Intruders - Goethe-Institut Nairobi, Nairobi In the Eye of the Beholder - Darb 1718 Contemporary Art and Culture Center, Cairo IngridMwangiRobertHutter: Masked - Emerson Gallery at Hamilton College, Clinton, NY 2008 IngridMwangiRobertHutter - Along the Horizon - Galleria Il Trifoglio Nero, Genoa 2007 GOTH - Reality of the Departed World - Yokohama Museum of Art, Nishi-ku, Yokohama MASK - James Cohan Gallery - New York, New York City, NY IngridMwangiRobertHutter: Select Videos, 2006-2007 - BRIC Rotunda Gallery, New York City, NY 2006 Man of War - Video, Installation, Fotografie - Kunstverein Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt 2002 Ingrid Mwangi - Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken, Saarbrücken

Group shows

2014 12th Festival of Contemporary Art - Relations (s) - Art Stays, Ptuj Deltabeben Regionale - Kunstverein Ludwigshafen, Ludwigshafen Total Art: Contemporary Video - National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, DC Giving contours to shadow - NBK - Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin Earth Matters: Land as Material and Metaphor in the Arts of Africa - Fowler Museum at UCLA,Los Angeles, CA The Divine Comedy. Heaven, Purgatory and Hell Revisited by Contemporary African Artists -Museum für Moderne Kunst (MMK), Frankfurt/Main

2013 Glyphs: Acts Of Inscription - Pitzer Art Galleries, Claremont, CA Circles / Kreise - Kunstverein Bamberg, Bamberg Visionen - Atmosphären der Veränderung - MARTa Herford, Herford Earth Matters: Land as Material and Metaphor in the Arts of Africa - National Museum of African Art - Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC

2012 re.act.feminism #2 - A Performing Archive - Fundación Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona Virtual Borders - Traveling lightly - Station II Video Installation - Saarländische Galerie - Europäisches Kunstforum e.V., Berlin re.act.feminism #2 - A Performing Archive - Museet for Samtidskunst / Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde Transit_Salvador - MAM - Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia, Salvador

2011 Werke aus der Sammlung MARTa - Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Monschau, Monschau En Toute Innocence : SubtilitÉs Du Corps - Galerie Imane Farès, Paris Fluxus - African Contemporary Art - Ex Chiesa Dei Santi Carlo E Agata, Reggio Emilia Possible Cities: Africa In Photography and Video - Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery (CFG) - Haverford College, Haverford, PA

2010 A Collective Diary. An African Contemporary Journey - Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art,Herzliya

2009 GAGARIN The Artists in their Own Words - SMAK Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Ghent ArtScoutOne - ArtScoutOne, Mannheim truestories.truesuccess - Freies Museum Berlin, Berlin HELLWACH GEGENWÄRTIG - MARTa Herford, Herford Rebelle - Kunst & Feminisme 1969 - 2009 - Museum voor Moderne Kunst Arnhem - MMKA,Arnhem The Ornamental Body - Witte Zaal, Ghent All that is solid melts into air - MuHKA Museum voor Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen, Antwerp

2008 11th International Cairo Biennale - International Cairo Biennale, Giza Videozone 4 - Videozone - International Video-Art Biennial, Tel Aviv Lionsart 2008 - Mannheimer Kunstverein, Mannheim El juego africano de lo contemporaneo - MACUF Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Union Fenosa, A Coruña Cross-Currents in Recent Video Installation: Water as Metaphor for Identity - Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, FL Old News 4 - Midway Contemporary Art, Minneapolis, MN

2007 FACADES - Krannert Art Museum, Champaign, IL Global Feminism - Davis Museum at Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA Biennale internationale d’art contemporain de Melle 2007 - Biennale internationale d’art contemporain de Melle, Melle Africa Remix - Contemporary art of a continent - Johannesburg Art Gallery (JAG), Johannesburg 52nd International Art Exhibition Venice Biennale / Biennale di Venezia - La Biennale di Venezia,Venice TRANS CAPE - contemporary African art on the move - Trans Cape Africa, Cape Town Global Feminisms - Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York City, NY my vision / Ideen für eine Welt von morgen - Zephyr - Raum für Fotografie, Mannheim

2006 crossing the screen - NRW-Forum Kultur und Wirtschaft, Düsseldorf Africa Remix - Moderna Museet, Stockholm After Cage Artists Interventions - Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, Aachen A Fiction of Authenticity - Contemporary Africa Abroad - Blaffer Art Museum - at the University of Houston, Houston, TX SD Observatorio - IVAM - Institut Valencià d'Art Modern, Valencia Africa Remix - Contemporary Art of a Continent - Mori Art Museum, Tokyo Sweet Taboos: A Mini Tirana Biennale in New York - Apexart, New York City, NY Secret Agenda - Videopool Körperein/satz - Hedah, Maastricht 7ème Biennale de l´Art Africain contemporain - Dak'Art Biennale de l’art africain contemporain,Dakar Cross-Currents in Recent Video Installation - Water as Metaphor for Identity - Tufts University Art Gallery, Medford, MA

2005 Me, Myself and I: Artist Self-Portraits from the Heather and Tony Podesta Collection - Curator's Office, Washington, DC Yokohama 2005 - International Triennale of Contemporary Art - Yokohama Triennale, Yokohama 3rd Tirana Biennial 2005 - Tirana Biennial, Tirana IBCA Biennale 2005 - IBCA - International Biennale of Contemporary Art, Prague African Remix - l'art contemporain d'un continent - Centre Pompidou - Musée National d´Art Moderne, Paris (my private) Heroes - MARTa Herford, Herford heal the world - The Third Line - Dubai, Dubai Sharjah International Art Biennial 7 - Sharjah Biennial, Sharjah Africa Remix – Contemporary Art of a Continent - Hayward Gallery, London Locus Lopem - Kunsthalle Lophem, Loppem-Zedelgem

2004 Femina - Galerie Les filles du calvaire - Bruxelles, Brussels 15 Jahre Galerie Peter Herrmann - Galerie Peter Herrmann, Berlin A Fiction of Authenticity - The Miller Gallery at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg, PA Afrika Remix - Zeitgenössische Kunst eines Kontinents - Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf We Are The World - CAM - Chelsea Art Museum, New York City, NY African Women Artists in Germany - living in Germany 4 women - Galerie Peter Herrmann,Berlin Veni Vidi Video II - The Studio Museum in Harlem, New York City, NY John Coplans, Craigie Horsfield, Ingrid Mwangi - Galerie Anne de Villepoix, Paris Bamako \'03. Fotografía africana contemporánea - CCCB - Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, Barcelona

2003 5th African Photography Encounters in Bamako - Sacred and profane rites - Rencontres de Bamako - Biennale Africaine de la photographie, Bamako A Fiction of Authenticity - Contemporary Africa Abroad - Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis,Saint Louis, MO Next Flag 1 - Ingrid Mwangi & Godfried Donkor - Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain, Luxembourg Inside Outliners - Kunsthalle Lophem, Loppem-Zedelgem

2002 Goddess - Galerie Lelong - New York, New York City, NY

2001 1st Tirana Biennale 2001 - Tirana Biennial, Tirana Changing the Point of View - African Video Art - ifa-Galerie Berlin, Berlin

2000 Changing the Point of View - African Video Art - ifa-Galerie Stuttgart, Stuttgart Grosse Kunstausstellung München - Große Kunstausstellung im Haus der Kunst München e.V., Munich Letzte Nacht, erste Nacht - Galerie der Künstler, Munich

1999 Junge Rheinland-Pfälzer Künstlerinnen und Künstler Emy-Roeder-Preis - Kunstverein Ludwigshafen, Ludwigshafen


  1. ""Chameleon," Ingrid Mwangi Robert Hutter". Spelman College Museum of Fine Art. October 2013.
  2. "Ingrid Mwangi with Robert Hutter". Australian Centre for the Moving Image. Retrieved 30 July 2014.
  3. Kampen, Natalie Boymel (2008). The Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History. Oxford [England]: Oxford University Press. p. 149. ISBN 978-0-19-514890-9.
  4. Gustafson, J. Rachel (July 8, 2014). "Artist Spotlight: The Collaboration of Ingrid Mwangi and Robert Hutter". The National Museum of Women in the Arts.
  5. "Artist Talk: Mwangi Hutter". National Museum of Women in the Arts. Retrieved 30 July 2014.
  6. Glinkowska, Aneta (29 January 2008). "Creating a Myth: Conversation with IngridMwangiRobertHutter". Tokyo Art Beat.
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