Time in Indonesia

Time in Indonesia:
  UTC+07:00 - Indonesia Western Time
  UTC+08:00 - Indonesia Central Time
  UTC+09:00 - Indonesia Eastern Time
Neighboring countries:
  UTC+07:00 - Thailand
  UTC+08:00 - Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore
  UTC+09:00 - East Timor
  UTC+09:30 - Central Australia
  UTC+10:00 - Papua New Guinea

The Indonesian archipelago geographically stretches across four time zones from UTC+6 in Aceh to UTC+9 in Western Papua. However, The Indonesian government only recognizes three time zones in its territory:

The boundary between the western and central time zones established is a line running north between Java and Bali through the center of Kalimantan. The border between central and eastern time zones runs north from the eastern tip of Timor to the eastern tip of Sulawesi.

Daylight saving time is not currently observed in almost all of Indonesia due to its tropical location, resulting in those areas using their respective time zone all year long. The only unofficial exception of this is Muara Teweh and Maurainu, which unofficially uses Western Indonesian Daylight Time.

Current usage

In Indonesia, the keeping of standard time is divided into three time zones:

Indonesia Western Standard Time

Indonesia Western Standard Time (IWST) (WIB, Indonesian: Waktu Indonesia Barat) (UTC+07:00) is observed in:

IANA time zone database identifiers are "Asia/Jakarta" and "Asia/Pontianak"

Indonesia Central Standard Time

Indonesia Central Standard Time (ICST) (WITA, Indonesian: Waktu Indonesia Tengah) (UTC+08:00) is observed in:

IANA time zone database identifier is "Asia/Makassar"

Indonesia Eastern Standard Time

Indonesia Eastern Standard Time (IEST) (WIT, Indonesian: Waktu Indonesia Timur) (UTC+09:00) is observed in:

IANA time zone database identifier is "Asia/Jayapura"

It observed since January 1, 1988 (based Keputusan Presiden No. 41 tahun 1987).[1] Before it, Western and Central Kalimantan used ICST, and Bali used IWST from January 1, 1964 (based Keputusan Presiden No. 243 tahun 1963)[2]

Historical usage

During the colonial era until early independence,[3] the time in Indonesia (Dutch East Indies) was regulated as follows:

Standarization Time Zone Indonesia 1932

Daylight saving time was observed in Jakarta [5] from May 1, 1948 to May 1, 1950. It's UTC offset during daylight saving time is UTC+08:00.

It observed from November 1, 1932 to March 22, 1942, and from September 23, 1945 to December 31, 1963, except West Irian, ever observed it until 1944 and Jakarta, ever observed it all, except from May 1, 1948 to May 1, 1950.

From March 23, 1942 to September 22, 1945, All region in Indonesia, except West Irian used Japan Standard Time (JST) (UTC+09:00) for the sake of the effectiveness of military operations Japan in Indonesia[5]

Single time zone proposal

Date Event
2012-03-12 Coordinating Minister for the Economy Hatta Rajasa is reported to have said: “According to research, with a single time zone the country could cut costs by trillions of rupiah,” [6]
2012-05-26 The Jakarta Post reported on 26 May 2012 that a single time zone using UTC+08:00 may start on Oct 28, 2012.[7]
2012-07-30 Reported on 30 July 2012 as still on the agenda[8]
2012-08-31 Jakarta Globe reported on 31 August 2012 that a single time zone is now put on hold.[9] The Indonesian Economic Development Committee (KP3EI) cited that they will need at least 3 months to communicate and plan for the change. Hence this could happen in 2013.
2013-01-30 A deputy minister said the idea has been abandoned after missed two target dates: 17 August (Independence day) and 28 October 2012 (Youth Pledge day) [10]
2013-02-09 Then the minister said that it's not abandoned, only without any definite date [11]

IANA time zone database

The IANA time zone database contains four zones for Indonesia in the file zone.tab.

See also


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