List of Marvel Comics characters: I


Icarus (Joshua "Jay" Guthrie) is a mutant superhero. He was a member of the student body at the Xavier Institute and a member of the New Mutants training squad. Jay was the son of Thomas and Lucinda Guthrie. Thomas dies early in Jay's life due to black lung, developed from working in local Kentucky coal mines. Jay's older siblings Sam (Cannonball) and Paige (Husk) are mutants as well, and both have been members of the X-Men. When he himself developed mutant powers, he hid them from his family. However, when performing in his band, playing guitar, he exposed his wings to the crowd as a 'stage gimmick'. Believed to be descended from the ancient race of Cheyarafim mutants. Icarus possesses red-colored, feathered angel-like wings which allow flight and produce extensive regenerative enzymes allowing him to recover from normally fatal injuries. However, this healing factor comes from his wings; when his wings were removed, he lost this ability. His voice is capable of producing sonic frequency beyond the range of human capability as well as creating multiple sounds or voices at once.




Idunn is an Asgardian. The character, based on the Iðunn of Norse myth, was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, and first appeared in Journey into Mystery #114 (March 1965). Within the context of the stories, Idunn is the Asgardian goddess of immortality. She appears as a supporting character of Thor.


The Iguana is a supervillain, an enemy of Spider-Man. The character, created by Bill Mantlo and Jim Mooney, and appeared in Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man #32-34 (July–September 1979). Within the context of the stories, an accident occurs while Dr. Curt Connors experiments on an ordinary iguana, endowing the iguana with part of Connors' lifeforce and memories, as well as the personality and powers of Connors' alter-ego, the Lizard. The Iguana becomes a human-sized semi-humanoid reptile with superhuman strength, hypnotic powers, and the ability to mentally control other reptiles.[1] The Iguana encounters and battles Spider-Man, and is turned back into a normal iguana.[2]

Iguana somehow resurfaces years later. In the reptile house of the Central Park Zoo, Spider-Man is battling Iguana and various crocodiles. Iguana tries to hypnotize Spider-Man but his special lenses don't allow it. He then tackles Spider-Man out of the reptile house and Peter gets a call from his Aunt May. May tells Peter she hasn't seen him in days and asks him if he and Anna Maria Marconi are coming to dinner, making him realize she still thinks they are dating. Peter then gets a call from Anna much to Iguana's annoyance. Despite the call, Spider-Man manages to defeat Iguana and web him up.[3]

Iguana in other media



Ikonn is a mystical entity. Created by Roger Stern and Gene Colan, the character first appeared in Doctor Strange vol. 2, #47 (June 1981). He also appeared in issue #49 (October 1981). He was later involved in the storyline of the Octessence. Within the context of the stories, Ikonn is an entity who can be invoked by sorcerers such as Doctor Strange. Ikonn is a master of illusions.


Ikthalon is a fictional character appearing in the Marvel Universe, possibly based loosely on the Lovecraftian entity Ithaqua. Ikthalon first appeared in Marvel Spotlight #14 (March 1974), and was created by Steve Gerber and Jim Mooney. The character subsequently appears in Doctor Strange #33 (February 1979), and Marvel Fanfare #6 (January 1983). Ikthalon is a demon who has clashed with Daimon Hellstrom.


Illusion (Ilya Zarkov) is a superhero. Created by Steve Englehart and Richard Howell, the character first appeared in The Vision and the Scarlet Witch #4 (January 1986). Within the context of the stories, Ilya Zarkov and his wife Glynis Zarkov perform at the Magic Mansion in New York City. Unlike the other magicians, Ilya and Glynis have actual magical powers, and make it seem like their performances are simple tricks because of the fear civilians had for anyone with super-natural powers.

Ilya has the ability to control the molecules of any object he touches, and remains in control of it for 60 seconds after he touches it. His powers are such that he was able to restore a book to its original condition after it was burned and its ashes scattered throughout a town.

Ilya and Glynis eventually moved to the quiet town of Leonia, New Jersey, where the Avengers Vision and Scarlet Witch also came to live.



Impala is a mercenary and professional criminal. Created by Mark Gruenwald and Rik Levins, the character first appeared in Captain America #388 (July 1991). Within the context of the stories, Impala is an athletic woman, and a very skilled javelin thrower. Impala is invited aboard Superia's cruise ship as part of her Femizons. There, she befriends fellow female supervillains Asp and Black Mamba. Impala helps Black Mamba battle Captain America and Paladin when they invade the ship.[4] With Black Mamba, Impala learns that fellow Femizon Snapdragon was responsible for the attempted murder of Diamondback. Impala helps Asp and Black Mamba battle Battleaxe, Steel Wind, and Golddigger at one of the "Bar With No Name" locations. Impala and her friends broke into a former Serpent Society headquarters, battled Sersi, and took an abandoned Serpent Saucer.[5]

Imperial Hydra

Imperial Hydra (Arnold Brown) appeared in Strange Tales #135 (August 1965), and was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. When his wife died in poverty, Arnold vowed that he would give his daughter everything that his wife had lacked. Brown joined both the powerful corporation Imperial Industries International, and the criminal organization Hydra. He worked his way up in both organizations to become both the executive secretary to a member of the corporation's board of directors, as well as the Imperial Hydra, and used his corporate position to divert money and resources secretly to Hydra. Hydra's true leader Baron Strucker used the man as a figurehead to distract attention away from himself. He also inducted his daughter Laura Brown as special Hydra Agent H, thinking that giving her such power would make up for his wife's misery in poverty. Brown is ultimately killed by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents lead by Nick Fury and Laura.

Elements of this character are amalgamated into Alexander Pierce's in the 2014 film Captain America: The Winter Soldier.[6]

Impossible Man

Impulse II

Impulse (Dwight Hubbard) was created by Fabian Nicieza and Mark Bagley. Impulse first appeared as a member of Psionex in New Warriors vol.1 #4. Dwight Hubbard was a violent gang member who was granted enhanced reflexes and speed by the Genetech corporation.[7] He wielded poisoned barbs on his gauntlets. After battling the New Warriors he assisted the Warriors against Terrax, but injuries sustained during the battle forced him into a hospital and a wheelchair[8] though he later recovered and rejoined Psionex.[9] Impulse has enhanced strength, agility, endurance and super human speed. His costume is outfitted with blades on his wrists, which are usually coated with a powerful knock-out drug.


Incandescent Man

Incandescent Man was a product of an experiment by Project: PEGASUS that will draw electrical energy into one's body. At first, the man was fine until the electricity going through his body was driving him mad. He escaped by shutting down the power to Project PEGASUS. The man disappeared into one of the upstate rivers which shorted him out. Its blackened body was discovered and fished out by a ferry crewman and started to generate electrical energy which killed the crewman. It then rose up and drained the energy out of the dock. A man who witnessed this dubbed him the Incandescent Man and it made its way to Chelsea in lower Manhattan where it drained all of its electrical energy and proceeded toward town square. The Incandescent Man can drain electrical energy from any electrical source and fire them as electrical bolts from its body. The more electricity Incandescent Man drained, the bigger it grew in size and the more electricity it radiates.




Infant Terrible

Infant Terrible first appeared in Fantastic Four #24 (March, 1964), and was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. He is an infant from a race of extraterrestrial beings known as the Elan, who have almost-omnipotent powers. He eventually got lost and wandered on Earth, in New York City. Just wanting some fun, he accomplished deeds such as creating a giant milk bottle, summoning giant toy soldiers, ice cream, berries and soda pop. The Fantastic Four investigated this and found out he had the mind of a child, and nicknamed him "Infant Terrible", based on the French expression enfant terrible. Infant Terrible is quasi-omnipotent and can transform anything into anything he wants, which depends only of his mood.




Inferno is a demon and enemy of Johnny Blaze, the original Ghost Rider. He is a subordinate of the demon known as Mephisto. The character first appears as Slifer in Ghost Rider Vol. II #4 (April, 1974), by Gary Friedrich and Jim Mooney. Inferno uses his powers to send the people of San Francisco after Ghost Rider, who manages to fight them off without hurting them. Ghost Rider uses a flare to blind Inferno. He is soon subdued. Inferno is superstrong and resistant to harm. He can send crowds in a mass frenzy and direct them towards a specific goal. He can take human form at will, though it is not clear if this is simply illusion. He can literally move between Hell and Earth at will. He can fly and also has the knowledge to operate a helicopter. He has the ability to project energy rings.

Joseph Conroy

Inferno first appeared in Avengers #192-193 (February–March 1980), and was created by David Michelinie and Sal Buscema. Joseph Conroy was a steel worker who worked at a steel mill visited by Thor. Thor's magical uru hammer had been damaged following a battle with the Destroyer, so he stopped in to use the Paretta Steel Mill's machinery to repair it. Conroy found a flake of the hammer and used it as a good luck chain.

Samantha McGee

Dante Pertuz




Shola Inkosi



The Interloper is a member of the race known as the Eternals. Created by Peter B. Gillis and Don Perlin, the character first appeared in Defenders #147 (September 1985). Within the context of the stories, the Interloper helps the Defenders battle Moondragon.[10] Due to the intervention of the Vishanti, Interloper's life-force has been merged with the body of Will Fanshawe, a Welsh truck driver; they share possession of this body, which can now transform into an exact duplicate of Interloper's old body, including all of his Eternal powers.[11] No more than 2 years later, he defeats Moondragron by using his new schema to his advantage.

Invisible Woman


Inza is a Peruvian mutant. The character, created by David Tischman and Igor Kordey, first appeared in Cable #97 (November 2001). Within the context of the stories, Inza is a member of the guerrilla army known as the Shining Path with the ability to teleport.


Jason Ionello

Jason Ionello is a fictional character in Marvel Comics. The character, created by Kurt Busiek and Pat Olliffe, first appeared in Untold Tales of Spider-Man #1 (September 1995).

Jason Ionello was one of the popular students at Midtown High School. He would often pick on Peter Parker along with Flash Thompson, Liz Allan, Sally Avril and Tiny McKeever. Ironically, they all idolized Spider-Man and did not realize that he and Peter were one and the same. His pranks went too far when he stole Peter's clothes during gym, causing Flash and the gang to scold him. He then became determined to learn Spider-Man's identity so that he could earn the $1000 reward.[12]

He was particularly close to Sally and asked her to aid him in trying to snap pictures of the wall-crawler. At one point Sally managed to flirt with the hero which caused Jason to become slightly jealous. He began calling him a menace and became even more determined to catch him, but after saving him from Electro he gave up this pursuit.[13] While on their way to catch Spider-Man in his next epic fight, Jason tried to speed through a red light and collided with another vehicle. Sally was killed, but Jason only suffered mild head trauma.[14] Jason was left feeling bitter and soon turned on Flash and his friends.[15]

Jason and Tiny are given a welcome back party by Peter, but despite this he still refuses to accept Peter as a friend.[16] He later saves Liz during a fight between Spider-Man and the Headsman.[17] Jason once again becomes depressed and tries to commit suicide, but is stopped by the Vulture who convinces him to blame someone else for his problems. That someone else being Spider-Man.[18] He dons a Spider-Man guise and starts vandalizing homes and buildings and brandishing a gun. Eventually Liz and Flash discover his exploits and talk him out of it.[19]

He was last seen attending a party for Flash Thompson when Flash was depressed over losing his legs.[20]

In other media


Iridia is a ficitonal inhuman in Marvel Comics. The character, created by Doug Moench and George Pérez, first appeared in Inhumans #1 (October 1975).

Iridia came from Attilan, the Inhuman city. She looked old, ugly and covered in boils and would be teased by her classmates because of this. When she reached the age for Terragenesis, she asked Black Bolt directly if she could go through it as she wanted to be pretty. Black Bolt allowed it and she went through the mists emerging as a large brown lump. The Inhuman Royal Family thought they had killed her, but fortunately this turned out to be a cocoon. She eventually emerged as a young, beautiful blonde with large butterfly wings.[21]

Iron Avengers

The Iron Avengers are syntheizoid duplicates of the Avengers. The group was first seen in Earth X' #1 (April 1999).

Alternate versions

The "Original Sin" storyline features the group as Ultron's personal police force over the surviving human population.[22]

The Ultimate Marvel iteration are android replicas of the Ultimates led by Ultron.[23]

In other media

The Iron Avengers (identified as Ultimates) appear in Avengers: Ultron Revolution (voiced by Jim Meskimen) as Adaptoid-esque duplicates.[24]

Iron Cross

Iron Fist

Iron-Hand Hauptmann

Iron Lad

Iron Legion

The Iron Legion is a group involving Iron Man's armor. Iron Legion first appeared in Iron Man vol. 1 #300. Lead by Iron Man (Tony Stark) and War Machine, the group consists of several individuals in Iron Man armors (Eddie March, Bethany Cabe, Mike O'Brien and Carl Walker) with Abe Zimmer as technical assistance.[25]

In other media

The Iron Legion appear in Marvel Cinematic Universe as A.I. drones of Iron Man armors controlled by J.A.R.V.I.S. (Paul Bettany) in the 2013 film Iron Man 3 and by Ultron (James Spader) in the 2015 film Avengers: Age of Ultron.

The Iron Legion drones appears in the Avengers Assemble animated series, voiced by David Kaye.[26]

An Iron Legion drone appears as a playable character in Lego Marvel's Avengers, voiced by Parry Shen.

Iron Maiden

Melina Von Vostokoff

The Iron Maiden (Melinna Von Vostokoff) is a Russian supervillainess, most notably an enemy of the Black Widow. Hired as an assassin for the Russian government, Iron Maiden fought Black Widow until S.H.I.E.L.D. agents arrived and put an end to the battle. She then joined the Femizons and became one of Superia's lieutenants. Iron Maiden is a master assassin, horticulturalist and spy. She wears a lightweight but strong metal suit that protects her from impacts, bullets and energy weapons. It appears to function as a form of exoskeleton, enhancing her strength to an unknown degree.

Gene Nation

Iron Man

Tony Stark

Arno Stark

Iron Monger

Iron Patriot



Irving is a mutant, a member of the Morlocks. The character, created by Paul Jenkins and Ramon Bachs, first appeared in Generation M #4 (April 2006). Within the context of the stories, Irving is a diminutive child who loses his mutant powers on M-Day but retains his deformed appearance. Irving clings to his leader Marrow while the Morlocks struggle to survive in the tunnels.



Isabelle, is a fictional character in Marvel Comics. The character, created by Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Deodato Jr., made her sole appearance in Dark Avengers #11 (January 2010).

Isabelle only made a single appearance, but has an impact on Victoria Hand's future. When Victoria, an accountant, decided to send a letter to Nick Fury regarding how he is leading S.H.I.E.L.D.; Isabelle, a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in her own right, warned her not to. Afterwards, Victoria was sent to Portland, Oregon with Isabelle breaking up with her claiming that their life together was over.

In other media

A similar character, named Isabelle "Izzy" Hartley, made a recurring appearance on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. played by Lucy Lawless. Isabelle has a younger sister named Jane whom she was close with. Both were long time friends of Lance Hunter and Bobbi Morse. Isabelle's mother died from breast cancer, which Jane later contracted, since then Isabelle keeps her mother's necklace with a picture of Jane. Isabelle went on to join S.H.I.E.L.D. as a mercenary alongside Hunter and another agent named Idaho.

In "One Door Closes" Isabelle, along with Bobbi and Alphonso "Mack" MacKenzie, were on a ship called the Iliad rescuing S.H.I.E.L.D. agents from Hydra defectors. Together they rescued Robert Gonzales while Victoria Hand informed Isabelle over the phone that the Hub was secure, echoing their relationship in the comics. Gonzales informs Isabelle, Bobbi and Mack that they were forming their own faction of S.H.I.E.L.D. and that Phil Coulson was forming his own. Gonzales then sent them to infiltrate Coulson's faction with Bobbi asking Isabelle to take Hunter along, despite him being unaware of their motives.

Isabelle makes her first actual appearance in "Shadows" as one the newest members of Coulson's team, along with Idaho and Hunter. Their mission was to retrieve the Obelisk, a mysterious item, from a rogue agent. They come into contact with Carl Creel who kills the rogue agent and forces the team into hiding. When they do locate the Obelisk, Isabelle touches it, despite Coulson warning her not to, and her arm begins to solidify in stone causing her pain. Hunter prepares to cut off Isabelle's arm only for Creel to return and flip the car they were escaping in. Isabelle and Idaho are killed, while Hunter survives and swears revenge on Isabelle's death.

Isabelle has a fixation with knives and prefers to use them over guns, despite having one. She claims that she only uses her bullets on "the real fight" whenever anyone asked her.


Shirow Ishihara

Shirow Ishihara is a mutant. Created by Fabian Nicieza and Steve Skroce, the character first appeared in Gambit vol. 3, #4 (May 1999). Within the context of the stories, when young Shirow Ishihara's mutant ability to secrete a will-sapping gas through pustules on his body first emerges, the Tokyo Thieves Guild, of which he and his elder sister Zoe are members, places Shirow in the care of a cadre of scientists. These scientists plan to use the young mutant like a cow, milking the gas to sell on the black market. Shirow is rescued by Zoe but both are excommunicated from the Guild. The siblings turn to the New Orleans Thieves Guild for help, for the international slave trader known as the Pig sought to capture Shirow and use the gas he secreted to take over the world. Taken in by the New Orleans Guild, Zoe and Shirow, along with Gambit, are captured by the Pig's agents and taken to his fortress on the Balearic island of Mallorca. Gambit and Zoe escape and rescue Shirow, and the Pig dies.

Zoe Ishihara

Zoe Ishihara is a supporting character of Gambit in the Marvel Universe. The character, created by Fabian Nicieza and Steve Skroce, first appeared in Gambit vol. 3, #4 (May 1999). Within the context of the stories, Zoe is excommunicated from the Tokyo Thieves Guild after she saves her mutant brother Shirow from being exploited by them. She joins the New Orleans Thieves Guild. When the Thieves Guild is merged with the Assassins Guild, Zoe becomes a member of the new Unified Guilds of New Orleans.


Isis is a member of the Heliopolitans. The character, based on the Isis of Egyptian mythology, was created by Bill Mantlo, Roy Thomas, and Sal Buscema, and first appeared in Thor #240 (October 1975). Within the context of the stories, Isis is a member of the Heliopolitan race of gods, and resides in Celestial Heliopolis. She is the wife of Osiris, sister of Seth, and mother of Horus. Her parents are Geb and Nut. Isis is the Egyptian goddess of fertility and domestication.


It! The Living Colossus


Itsu is a supporting character in the Marvel Universe. The character, created by Daniel Way and Javier Saltares, first appeared in Wolverine vol. 3 #40 (May 2006). Within the context of the stories, Itsu is a Japanese villager from a town near Jasmine Falls who meets Logan when he is sent there to train by Ogun. She and Logan fall in love, wed, and conceive a child who will later be known as Daken. Returning home after a failed ceremony for their child's impending birth, Logan finds her dead from gunshots to the head and stomach. It is later revealed that her death was at the hands of the Winter Soldier on the orders of Romulus.[27][28]


  1. Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man #33
  2. Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man #34
  3. The Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 #16
  4. Captain America #388-391
  5. Captain America #395-397
  7. New Warriors #4
  8. New Warriors #15-17
  9. New Warriors Annual #4
  10. Defenders #152
  11. Doctor Strange Vol. 3 #3-4
  12. Untold Tales of Spider-Man #5
  13. Untold Tales of Spider-Man #6-7
  14. Untold Tales of Spider-Man #13
  15. Untold Tales of Spider-Man #15
  16. Untold Tales of Spider-Man #16
  17. Untold Tales of Spider-Man #17
  18. Untold Tales of Spider-Man #19-20
  19. Untold Tales of Spider-Man #23-24
  20. Amazing Spider-Man #622
  21. Inhumans #2
  22. Avengers vol 5 #31. Marvel Comics.
  23. Ultimates 3 #1-4 (February–May 2008); Ultimates 3 #5 (November 2008).
  24. "The Ultimates". Avengers: Ultron Revolution. Season 3. Episode 2. March 20, 2016. Disney XD.
  25. Iron Man vol. 1 #300
  26. "Avengers Disassembled". Avengers Assemble. Season 2. Episode 15. April 19, 2015. Disney XD.
  27. Daniel Way (w), Javier Saltares (p), Mark Texeira (i). "Origins and Endings Part V" Wolverine v3, 40 (May 2006), Marvel Comics
  28. Daniel Way (w), Mike Deodato (a). "Original Sin Conclusion" Wolverine: Origins 30 (January 2009), Marvel Comics
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