Imma Monsó
Imma Monsó (born in 1959 in Lleida, Catalonia) is a Spanish fiction writer.
Monsó is known mainly for her humorous and poignant novels and for blending an absurdist wit with a profound tenderness for her very singular characters. Monso is graduated from University of Barcelona, Spain and Caen University in France. She is a high-school teacher and writes for the main Spanish and Catalan newspapers like El País and La Vanguardia. All her literary works has been translated into Spanish, and most of them to several languages. She has received numerous awards for her literary works.
Published works
- No se sap mai (One never knows) (1996)
- Com unes vacances (Like a holiday) (1998)
- Tot un caràcter (A total character) (2000)
- Un home de paraula (A man with a word) (2006)
Short Story and Essay Collections
- Marxem, papà, aquí no ens hi volen. (Go on, daddy, we’re not welcome here)(2004),
- Millor que no m’ho expliquis (Better if you don’t tell me) (2003)
- Hi són, però els veus (They are here, but you can’t see them)(2003)
- I Was Walking, Barcelona Metropolis, 2010.
Children fiction
- L'escola Estrambota (The Strambot School) (2005)
Honours and awards
- 1996 "Premi Ribera d'Ebre" al libro de relatos Si és no és
- 1997 "Premio Tigre Juan", de la Fundación Alarcos Llorach, a la novela Nunca se sabe
- 1998 "Premi Prudenci Bertrana" a la novela Com unes vacances
- 1999 "Premi Cavall verd, de l'Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana" a Com unes vacances
- 2003: "Premio Com Radio" al libro de relatos Millor que no m’ho expliquis
- 2004: "Premio Ciutat de Barcelona" al libro de relatos Millor que no m’ho expliquis
- 2007: "Premi Maria Àngels Anglada" a la novela Un home de paraula
- 2007: "Premio Salambó" a la novela Un home de paraula
- 2007: "Premio Internacional Terenci Moix" a la novela Un home de paraula
Imma Monsó:La narrativa de la ironia i diferència. Vic (Barcelona): Eumo & Universitat de Vic, ‘Capsa de Pandora’ Feminist Studies Series. ISBN 978-84-9766-239-0. Author: M. Lunati, Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies, Cardiff University, GB:
External links
- Official site
- Webpage devoted to Imma Monsó (lletrA (UOC), Catalan Literature Online) (in English)
- Catalan writers