
Imaginaria is a collection of computer animated short films produced by Miramar Images Inc. The original music was produced by the Austin, Texas, composer Gary Powell, featuring songs by Powell, a longtime producer of family music, and co-writer Chris Martin. Imaginaria was released in 1993, originally on Laserdisc and later on VHS. The films were featured in YTV's Short Circutz.


  1. 00:00 "Imaginaria"
  2. 03:52 "Anything Is Possible"
  3. 08:13 "Locomotion"
  4. 11:22 "The Adventures of André and Wally B."
  5. 12:42 "All Shapes and Sizes"
  6. 15:29 "Rubber Duckies"
  7. 17:19 "Gourmet Records"
  8. 20:11 "Night Magic"
  9. 22:24 "Down the Road"
  10. 24:25 "Lucy & Remo"
  11. 26:34 "Styro the Dog"
  12. 27:24 "More Bells and Whistles"
  13. 29:34 "Going Home"
  14. 31:24 Credits
  15. 37:53 End

Clips shown

0. 'BMG Video ID - Sony Music/Colossal Pictures
0. 'Imagination - Imaginaria'
1. Doggie Intro - Pinnacle Effects
2. Planet Voltar - Angel Studios, San Diego
3. Populous - Rhythm & Hues, Inc.
4. Prime Computer Video - ReZ.n8 Productions
5. The Genie - LINKS Corp. Original Project
6. Power - Robert Abel and Associates
7. Dreams - Robert Abel and Associates
8. The New Explorers - Post Effects, 3D Animation Division, Chicago
9. The Gold Series - Robert Abel and Associates
10. Hyundai - LINKS Corporation
11. Rheem - XAOS, Inc.
12. Monkey Business - The Moving Picture Company (Directed by Peter Truckel)
'Anything is Possible'
1. Stylo - Eurocitel
2. Bleistifte - Spans and Partner
3. Le Pantin - Relief Animation Studios
4. MusiquePlus "Maurice Decolle" - DHD PostImage
5. Hong Kong Telecom "Phone Train" - Menfond Electronic Art & Computer Design Co. Ltd.
6. Sindo Ricoh CM - LINKS Corporation
7. Hanssem - Rhythm & Hues
8. Stylo - Eurocitel
9. Finding Monkey Business - The Moving Picture Company (Directed by Peter Truckel)
10. Yoplait "Spoons" - Digital Pictures
11. Monkey Business - The Moving Picture Company (Directed by Peter Truckel)
1. Locomotion - Pacific Data Images
'The Adventures of André and Wally B.'
1. The Adventures of André and Wally B. - Pixar/Lucasfilm Ltd.
'All Shapes and Sizes'
1. Adam Powers - Information International
2. Cube Quest - Robert Abel and Associates
3. Hidden Agenda - Craig Rosenberg
4. unNatural Phenomena - John Hart
5. Cube Quest - Robert Abel and Associates
6. Inner View - Thinking Machine Corporation
7. CBS 1988-1989 Fall Campaign Promo - Metrolight Studios
8. Cube Quest - Robert Abel and Associates
9. Emerald Shapery Center - Angel Studios
10. Elephant Bubbles - Pacific Data Images
11. Adam Powers - Information International
12. Cube Quest - Robert Abel and Associates
13. Kaleidoscope - Cranston/Csuri Productions
'Rubber Duckies'
14. Digital Duckroom - Softimage, Luca Prasso
'Gourmet Records'
15. Bonehead - Homer and Associates
16. Peppy - LINKS Corporation
17. Fantasy - Digital Productions
18. Wired - Granada Productions
19. Sacree Soiree - GLEM

20. Dancing Robots - Taku Kimura, LINKS Corporation

'Night Magic'
21. Night Cafe - Sharon Calahan

22. Aliens - Spans and Partner 23. Bubba's TV and Radio - DESIGNefx, Wavefront Technologies 24. Night Cafe - Sharon Calahan 'Down the Road'
25. Speeder - Brent Collins, Tom Brown, BUF 26. Paine Webber - Post Perfect for Nancy Davis Productions 27. On the Road - Ryder Truck Rental Inc, ReZ.n8 Productions 28. Roller Coaster Ride at Twilight - Lamb and Company 29. On the Road - Ryder Truck Rental Inc, ReZ.n8 Productions 'Lucy & Remo' - Metrolight Studios for TriStar Television
30. Flying Logos - Homer and Associates 31. Moe's World - Metrolight Studios 'Styro the Dog'
32. Styro 1 & 2 - Tom Sinnott, Joe Doll 'More Bells and Whisles'
33. More Bells and Whistles - Wayne Lytle, Judy Warren, Chris Pelkie, Martin Berggren 'Going Home'
34. Deja Vu - Elyse Vaintrub
35. Carousel - Robert Abel and Associates
36. Prime Computer Video - ReZ.n8 Productions

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