Ibn Fuladh

Ibn Fuladh, also known as Ibn Puladh, was a Daylamite military officer who is known for revolting against his Buyid overlords. He was the son of Fuladh ibn Manadhar, a prominent Buyid officer who was son of Manadhar, an Justanid king.

Ibn Fuladh, in order to gain Qazvin as his fief, revolted against the Buyid ruler Majd al-Dawla in 1016. Majd al-Dawla, however, refused to make him governor of Qazvin, which made Ibn Fuladh threaten him around the countryside of his capital in Ray.[1] Majd al-Dawla then requested the aid of his vassal, the Bavandid ruler Abu Ja'far Muhammad, who managed to defeat Ibn Fuladh and repel him from Ray.[1] Ibn Fuladh then requested aid from the Ziyarid ruler Manuchihr, who was a rival of the Buyids. Ibn Fuladh agreed to become Manuchihr's vassal in return for his aid. The following year, a combined army of Ibn Fuladh and Manuchihr besieged Ray, which forced Majd al-Dawla to make Fuladh the governor of Isfahan.[1] However, the Kakuyid ruler Muhammad ibn Rustam Dushmanziyar, who was the original ruler of Isfahan, defeated Ibn Fuladh, and possibly killing him during the battle.[1]


  1. 1 2 3 4 Bosworth (1997), pp. 26-27


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