
International Telegram or iTelegram provides telegram, mailgram and telex service. In the United States, iTelegram still operates the telex service which, until 2006, was marketed under the Western Union brand.[1][2]

As of September 2012, the company maintains telegram operator services in 23 countries.[3]


  1. Tynan, Dan. "Ten technologies that should be extinct (but aren't)". MSNBC Tech and Gadgets.
  2. Staff, WSJ (July 15, 2013). "Hunted Lovers Mourn End of the Telegraph". International Telegram (iTelegram,) a Canada-based company, delivers international telegrams using telex lines leased from Western Union, which closed its service in 2006 to focus on its more lucrative money wire service.
  3. "International Telegram – How to contact a telegram operator". Retrieved September 16, 2012.
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