Ofo language

Native to United States
Region Mississippi
Extinct early 20th century
Language codes
ISO 639-3 ofo
Glottolog ofoo1242[1]

The Ofo language was a language spoken by the Mosopelea tribe until c. 1673 in what is now Ohio, along the Ohio River. The tribe moved down the Mississippi River to Mississippi, near the Natchez people, and then to Louisiana, settling near the Tunica.

In the 18th century, the Mosopelea were known under the names Oufé and Offogoula. On the basis of the presence of the phoneme /f/ in these names, it was once suspected that Ofo was a Muskogean language. However, anthropologist John R. Swanton discovered an aged female speaker of Ofo, Rosa Pierette in 1808 while he was conducting fieldwork among the Tunica, he was then able to confirm that the language was Siouan and was similar to Biloxi. Pierette had spoken Ofo as a child but told Swanton that the rest of her tribe killed destroyed itself off when she was 17.[2]


Ofo follows a process similar to Grassmann's Law, with /h/ counting as an aspirated consonant: /oskʰa/ 'crane' + /afʰã/ 'white' > /oskəfʰa/ 'white egret' and /apʰeti/ 'fire' + either /təsʰihi/ 'to burn' or /təsʰihi/ 'to breathe' > /apesʰihi/ 'smoke'.[3]

The inventory is as follows:[4]

Labial Dental Palatal Velar Glottal
Plosive tenuis p t t͡ʃ k
aspirated t͡ʃʰ
Fricative tenuis f s ʃ x h
Sonorant w l j
b d
Nasal m n


Front Central Back
High i, iː
ĩ, ĩː
u, uː
ũ, ũː
Mid e, eː ə o, oː
Low a, aː
ã, ãː

All vowels, including /ə/, may bear stress.


Ofo is considered to be a mildly-polysynthetic language.[4]


Ofo distinguishes between alienable and inalienable possession by the use of a prefix for first-, second-, and third-person singular as well as first-person dual. That can be abbreviated to 1sg, 2sg, 3sg, and 1du, respectively. The alienable possessions include the following: 1sg {ba-, aba-}, 2sg {č-, ača-}, 3sg {}, 1du {ã-}. The inalienable possessions include the following: 1sg {mi-}, 2sg {čĩ-}, 3sg {ĩ-}, 1du {ã-}.


Ofo uses the enclitic suffix, -ni, to demonstrate negation. That enclitic is usually after the predicate.


Ofo uses the enclitic suffix -tu to pluralize the subject, the object, or both.

Instrumental prefixes

Instrumental prefixes describe the manner in which an action is carried out. Some instrumental prefixes are below:


Ofo pronouns
"mí̃ti, mí̃*te" 'I, me' "čí̃*ti" 'you'
"í̃*ti" 'he' "á̃ti, á̃*ti" 'we'


Ofo appears have no grammatical gender.

Space, time, and modality

Irrealis mood consists of the suffix -abe. It is the equivalent to the future in English:

Continuative aspect is formed using the word nóñki.

Iterative aspect is created by reduplication:


The documentation of Ofo has not provided enough information to develop a complete syntax of the language. However, structures also found in related languages have been found.[4]

Ofo appears to have a head-dependent ordering in sentences, which gives it an object-verb word order. The order of verbs may be described as being clause-final. Many cases appear to support that. An example can be seen below:

b-aphú̂ska a-tci-tp-ábe

my-fist I-you-hit-IRREALIS

'I will hit you with my fist'


Only some forms are known because if a lack of documentation.

Dative case appears in Ofo and can be interpreted as resembling an accusative pronoun in English.

tcilétci ó̃tcĭku

your.tongue me.you.give

'hold your tongue!'

athé ãtcókpe

dress me.you.put on

'you help me dress'

Complements and causatives

The data for Ofo does not yield data in support of explicit complement clauses. However, it is apparent that embedded clauses precede the main clause.

détõ-ni á-kiu-bĕ

(he),go.COND I-come-IRREALIS

'if he goes, I will come'

The causative is marked by the enclitic -we.



'to teach'


A Dictionary of the Biloxi and Ofo Languages

Ethnology Bulletin 47. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office.

Anthropological Archives, 2455-OFO, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.

Prederic Ward Putnam in Honor of His Seventieth Birthday", pp. 477–86. New York: G. E. Stechert.


  1. Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin; Bank, Sebastian, eds. (2016). "Ofo". Glottolog 2.7. Jena: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History.
  2. Swanton, John R. A New Siouan Dialect. 1909.
  3. De Reuse (1981) " Grassmann's Law in Ofo", IJAL 47: 243
  4. 1 2 3 Rankin, Robert. "The Ofo Language of Louisiana: Philological Recovery of Grammar and Typology". LAVIS III: Language Variety in the South: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. University of Alabama, 2004. PDF file.
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