ISO 639:e

This is a list of ISO 639-3 language codes starting with E.

Index | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z

Abbreviations are used in the table as follows:

Retired codes are enclosed in (parentheses).

The column Family contains the generic English name of the language's family or macrolanguage.

639-3 639-1 639-2B Scope/Type Family Native eng fra spa zho rus deu
eaa I/E Karenggapa
ebg I/L Ebughu
ebk I/L Eastern Bontok
ebo I/L Teke-Ebo
ebr I/L Ebrié
ebu I/L Embu
ecr I/A Eteocretan Eteokretisch
ecs I/L Ecuadorian Sign Language 厄瓜多尔手语 ecuadorianische Zeichensprache
ecy I/A Eteocypriot
eee I/L EE 五色话
efa I/L Efai
efe I/L Efe
efi efiI/L Efikefik 埃菲克语эфик
ega I/L Ega
egl I/L emigliàṅEmilian
ego I/L Eggon
egy egyI/A Egyptian(ancien) égyptienegipcio埃及语древнеегипетскийÄgyptisch
ehu I/L Ehueun
eip I/L Eipomek
eit I/L Eitiep
eiv I/L Askopan
eja I/L Ejamat
eka ekaI/L Ekajukekajuk 埃克丘克语экаджук
ekc I/E Eastern Karnic
eke I/L Ekit
ekg I/L Ekari
eki I/L Eki
ekk I/L Standard Estonian
ekl I/L Kol
ekm I/L Elip
eko I/L Koti
ekp I/L Ekpeye
ekr I/L Yace
eky I/L Kayah, Eastern
ele I/L Elepi
elh I/L El Hugeirat
eli I/E Nding
elk I/L Elkei
ell elgreI/L ΕλληνικάGreekgrec (moderne)griego (moderno)现代希腊语(ново)греческийGriechisch
elm I/L Eleme
elo I/L El Molo
(elp) I/L Elpaputih
elu I/L Elu
elx elxI/A Elamiteélamiteelamita埃兰语эламскийElamisch
ema I/L Emai-Iuleha-Ora
emb I/L Embaloh эмбалоEmbaloh
eme I/L Emerillon emerillon
emg I/L Meohang, Eastern
emi I/L Mussau-Emira муссау-эмираMussau-Emira
emk I/L Maninkakan, Eastern
(eml) I/L emigliàn e rumagnòl Emiliano-Romagnoloémilienemiliano-romañolo эмилиано-романьолоEmilia-Romagnolo
emm I/E Mamulique
emn I/L Eman
emo I/E Emok
emp I/L Emberá, Northern
ems I/L Yupik, Pacific Gulf 太平洋湾尤皮克语
emu I/L Muria, Eastern
emw I/L Emplawas
emx I/L Erromintxela
emy I/E Mayan, Epigraphic
ena I/L Apali
enb I/L Endo
enc I/L En 侬环语
end I/L Ende
enf I/L Enets, Forest 森林埃内茨语
eng enengI/L EnglishEnglishanglaisinglés英语английскийEnglisch
enh I/L Enets, Tundra 冻土埃内茨语
(eni) Enim
enm enmI/H EnglishEnglish, Middle (1100-1500)anglais moyeninglés medio中古英语среднеанглийскийMittelenglisch
enn I/L Engenni
eno I/L Enggano
enq I/L Enga 恩加语
enr I/L Emumu
enu I/L Enu
env I/L Enwan (Edu State)
enw I/L Enwan (Akwa Ibom State)
eot I/L Beti (Côte d'Ivoire)
epi I/L Epie
epo eoepoI/C EsperantoEsperantoespérantoesperanto世界语эсперантоEsperanto
era I/L Eravallan
erg I/L Sie
erh I/L Eruwa
eri I/L Ogea
erk I/L Efate, South Süd-Efate
ero I/L Horpa 尔龚语
err I/E Erre
ers I/L Ersu 尔苏语
ert I/L Eritai
erw I/L Erokwanas
ese I/L Ese Ejja
esh I/L Eshtehardi
esi I/L Inupiatun, North Alaskan
esk I/L Inupiatun, Northwest Alaska
esl I/L Egypt Sign Language 埃及手语 ägyptische Zeichensprache
esm I/E Esuma
esn I/L Salvadoran Sign Language 萨尔瓦多手语 salvadorianische Zeichensprache
eso I/L Estonian Sign Language 爱沙尼亚手语 estonische Zeichensprache
esq I/E Esselen esselen
ess I/L Yupik, Central Siberian 中西伯利亚尤皮克语
est etestM/L eestiEstonianestonienestonio爱沙尼亚语эстонскийEstnisch
esu I/L Yupik, Central 中尤皮克语
etb I/L Etebi
etc I/E Etcheminetchemin
eth I/L Ethiopian Sign Language 埃塞俄比亚手语 äthiopische Zeichensprache
etn I/L Eton (Vanuatu)
eto I/L Eton (Cameroon)
etr I/L Edolo
ets I/L Yekhee
ett I/A Etruscanétrusque Etruskisch
etu I/L Ejagham
etx I/L Eten
etz I/L Semimi
(eur) I/C EuropantoEuropanto
eus eubaqI/L euskaraBasquebasqueeuskera; vasco巴斯克语баскскийBaskisch
eve I/L эвэдыEven 埃文语эвенскийEwenisch
evh I/L Uvbie
evn I/L орочонEvenki 鄂温克语эвенкийскийEwenkisch
ewe eeeweI/L EʋegbeEweéwéefé埃维语; 幽语эвеEwe
ewo ewoI/L Ewondoéwondoyaundé埃翁多语эвондо
ext I/L Extremaduranestrémègneextremeño埃斯特雷马杜拉语
eya I/E Eyakeyak Eyak
eyo I/L Keiyo
eza I/L Ezaa
eze I/L Uzekwe


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