ISO 639:c

This is a list of ISO 639-3 language codes starting with C.

Index | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z

Abbreviations are used in the table as follows:

Retired codes are enclosed in (parentheses).

The column Family contains the generic English name of the language's family or macrolanguage.

639-3 639-1 639-2B Scope/Type Family Native eng fra spa zho rus deu
caa I/L čorti'Chortí chortí奇奥蒂语
cab I/L Garifunagarifuna
cac I/L Chuj (San Sebastián Coatán)
cad cadI/L Hasí:nayCaddocaddocaddo卡多语каддоCaddo
cae I/L Lehar
caf I/L ᑕᗸᒡCarrier, Southern
cag I/L Nivaclé
cah I/L Cahuarano cahuarano
caj I/E Chané
cak I/L Cakchiquel, Central cakchiquel central喀克其奎语
cal I/L Caroliniancarolinien 加罗林语каролинскийKarolinisch
cam I/L Cemuhî
can I/L Chambri
cao I/L Chácobo
cap I/L Chipaya
caq I/L Nicobarese, Car
car carI/L Caribcarib(e) 加勒比语кариб
cas I/L Tsimané
cat cacatI/L catalàCatalancatalancatalán加泰隆尼亚语; 加泰罗尼亚语; 加泰隆语; 瓦伦西亚语каталанскийKatalanisch
cav I/L Cavineña
caw I/L Callawalla
cax I/L Chiquitanochiquitanochiquitano
cay I/L Goyogo̱hó:nǫ’Cayugacayugacayuga
caz I/E Canichana
cbb I/L Cabiyarí
cbc I/L Carapana karapaná
cbd I/L Carijona carijona
cbe I/E Chipiajes
cbg I/L Chimila chimila
cbh I/E Cagua
cbi I/L Chachi chachi
cbj I/L Ede Cabe
cbk I/L Chavacano
cbl I/L Chin, Bualkhaw
(cbm) I/L Cakchiquel, Yepocapa Southwestern
cbn I/L Nyahkur
cbo I/L Izora
cbr I/L Cashibo-Cacataibo kashibo-kakataibo
cbs I/L Cashinahua cashinahua
cbt I/L Chayahuita
cbu I/L Candoshi-Shapra
cbv I/L Cacua
cbw I/L Kinabalian
cby I/L Carabayo
cca I/E Cauca
ccc I/L Chamicurochamicura
ccd I/L Cafundo Creole
cce I/L Chopi
ccg I/L Samba Daka
cch I/L Atsam
ccj I/L Kasanga
ccl I/L Cutchi-Swahili
ccm I/L Malaccan Creole Malay
cco I/L Chinantec, Comaltepec
ccp I/L Chakma
(ccq) I/L Chaungtha
ccr I/E Cacaopera cacaopera
(ccx) Northern Zhuang
(ccy) Southern Zhuang
cda I/L Choni
cde I/L Chenchu
cdf I/L Chiru
cdg I/L Chamari
cdh I/L Chambeali
cdi I/L Chodri
cdj I/L Churahi
cdm I/L Chepang
cdn I/L Chaudangsi
cdo I/LChinese閩東語Min Dong Chinese 閩東話 chinesisch (Ming Dong)
cdr I/L Cinda-Regi-Tiyal
cds I/L Chadian Sign Language 乍得手语
cdy I/L Chadong
cdz I/L Koda koda
cea I/E Chehalis, Lower
ceb cebI/L S(in)ugboanonCebuanocebuanocebuano宿务语; 宿雾语себуаноCebuano
ceg I/L Chamacoco
cek I/L Eastern Khumi Chin
cen I/L Cen
ces csczeI/L češtinaCzechtchèquecheco捷克语чешскийTschechisch
cet I/L Centúúm
cfa I/L Dijim-Bwilim
cfd I/L Cara
cfg I/L Como Karim
cfm I/L Falam Chin
cga I/L Changriwa
cgc I/L Kagayanen
cgg I/L Chiga 奇加语
cgk I/L Chocangacakha
cha chchaI/L ChamoruChamorrochamorrochamorro查莫罗语чаморроChamorro
chb chbI/E Chibchachibchachibcha奇布查语чибча
chc I/E IyeyeCatawbacatawba
chd I/L Chontal, Highland Oaxaca 高地琼塔尔语
che cecheI/L нохчийнChechentchétchènechecheno车臣语чеченскийTschetschenisch
chf I/L Chontal, Tabasco chontal de Tabasco
chg chgI/E جغتایChagataidjaghataï 查加台语; 查加泰语; 察合台语чагатайскийTschagataisch
chh I/L Chinook chinook Chinook Wawa
chj I/L Chinantec, Ojitlán
chk chkI/L Chuukesechuuk 丘克语чукотскийChuukesisch
chl I/L Cahuilla cahuilla
chm chmM/L марийMari (Russia)marimari马里语марийскийMari
chn chnI/L chinuk wawaChinook jargonjargon chinookjerga chinook奇努克混合语чинук жаргон
cho choI/L ChahtaChoctawchoctawchoctaw乔克托语чоктав
chp chpI/L ᑌᓀᓲᒢᕄᓀ
(Dëne Sųłiné)
Chipewyanchipewyan 奇佩维安语чипевьянChipewyan
chq I/L Chinantec, Quiotepec
chr chrI/L ᏣᎳᎩCherokeecherokeecheroqui切罗基语черокиCherokee
(chs) I/E Chumash
cht I/E Cholón
chu cuchuI/A ѩзыкъ словѣньскъOld Church Slavonicslavon d'église vieuxeslavo eclesial古教会斯拉夫语церковнославянскийAltkirchenslawisch
chv cvchvI/L ЧӑвашChuvashtchouvachechuvasio楚瓦什语чувашскийTschuwaschisch
chw I/L Chuwabu
chx I/L Chantyal
chy chyI/L TsêhéstCheyennecheyennecheyén夏延语чейенн
chz I/L Chinantec, Ozumacín
cia I/L Cia-Cia
cib I/L Gbe, Ci
cic I/L ChikashaChickasaw chickasaw奇卡索语
cid I/E Chimariko chimariko
cie I/L Cineni
cih I/L Chinali
cik I/L Kinnauri, Chitkuli
cim I/L ZimbrischCimbriancimbrien 辛布里语 Zimbern
cin I/L Cinta Larga cinta larga
cip I/L Chiapanec chiapaneco
cir I/L Tiri
(cit) Chittagonian
ciw I/L ᐊᓂᐦᔑᓈᐯᒧᐧᐃᓐ / ᐅᒋᐧᐯᒧᐧᐃᓐ
(Anishinaabemowin / Ojibwemowin)
Chippewachippewa 奇帕瓦语оджибве
ciy I/L Chaima chaima
cja I/L Cham, Western 西占语
cje I/L CHARu
cjh I/E Chehalis, Upper
cji I/L Chamalaltchamalalchamalal查马拉尔语
cjk I/L Chokwe 乔克维语чокве
cjm I/L Cham, Eastern 东占语
cjn I/L Chenapian
cjo I/L Ashéninka Pajonal
cjp I/L Cabécar cabécar
(cjr) I/E Chorotega
cjs I/L ШорShor shor绍尔语шорский
cjv I/L Chuave
cjy I/LChinese晋语Jinyu Chinese 晉語 chinesisch (Jinyu)
(cka) I/L Chin, Khumi Awa
ckb I/L Kurdish, Central 中库尔德语 kurdisch
(ckc) I/LCakchiquel Cakchiquel, Northern
(ckd) I/LCakchiquel Cakchiquel, South Central
(cke) I/LCakchiquel Cakchiquel, Eastern
(ckf) I/LCakchiquel Cakchiquel, Southern
ckh I/L Chak
(cki) I/LCakchiquel Cakchiquel, Santa María De Jesús
(ckj) I/LCakchiquel Cakchiquel, Santo Domingo Xenacoj
(ckk) I/LCakchiquel Cakchiquel, Acatenango Southwestern
ckl I/L Cibak
ckn I/L Kaang Chin
cko I/L Anufo
ckq I/L Kajakse
ckr I/L Kairak
cks I/L Tayo
ckt I/L чаучуChukot 楚科奇语 Tschuktschisch
cku I/L Koasati koasati
ckv I/L Kavalankavalan 噶玛兰语 Kavalanisch
(ckw) I/L Cakchiquel, Western
ckx I/L Caka
cky I/L Cakfem-Mushere
ckz I/L Cakchiquel-Quiché Mixed Language
cla I/L Ron
clc I/L Tšinlhqot⤙in, Tsilhqot’inChilcotinchilcotin 奇尔科廷语
cld I/L ܟܠܕܝܐChaldean Neo-Aramaic
cle I/L Chinantec, Lealao
clh I/L Chilisso
cli I/L Chakali
clj I/L Laitu Chin
clk I/L Idu-Mishmi 义都语; 义都-珞巴语
cll I/L Chala
clm I/LSalishannəxʷsƛʼayʼəmʼúcənClallam, Klallam 克拉兰语
clo I/L Chontal, Lowland Oaxaca 低地琼塔尔语
clt I/L Lautu Chin
clu I/L Caluyanun
clw I/L Chulym 楚利姆语
cly I/L Chatino, Eastern Highland chatino de la zona alta oriental
cma I/L Maa
cme I/L Cerma
cmg I/H Mongolian, Classical 古典蒙古语 mongolisch (klassisch)
cmi I/L Emberá-Chamí
(cmk) I/E Chimakum
cml I/L Campalagian
cmm I/E Michigamea
cmn I/LChinese官話; 北方話Mandarin Chinese chino mandarín官話
cmo I/L Mnong, Central 中孟语
cmr I/L Chin, Mro
cms I/A Messapic
cmt I/L Camtho
cna I/L Changthang
cnb I/L Chin, Chinbon
cnc I/L Côông
cng I/L Qiang, Northern 北羌语
cnh I/L Chin, Lai
cni I/L Asháninka
cnk I/L Chin, Khumi
cnl I/L Chinantec, Lalana
(cnm) I/L Chuj, Ixtatán
cno I/L Con
cns I/L Asmat, Central
cnt I/L Chinantec, Tepetotutla
cnu I/L Chenoua
cnw I/L Chin, Ngawn
cnx I/H Cornish, Middle 中古康沃尔语
coa I/L Malay, Cocos Islands
cob I/E Chicomuceltec
coc I/L KwikapaCocopa
cod I/L Cocama-Cocamilla cocama-cocamilla
coe I/L Koreguaje
cof I/L Colorado colorado
cog I/L Chong
coh I/L Chonyi
coj I/E TipaiCochimi cochimí
cok I/L Cora, Santa Teresa
col I/L Columbia-Wenatchi
com I/L nʉmʉ tekwapʉ̱Comanchecomanche 科曼切语
con I/L Cofán cofán
coo I/L SaɬuɬtxʷComox 科莫克斯语
cop copI/E ⲙⲉⲧⲛ̀ⲣⲉⲙⲛ̀ⲭⲏⲙⲓCopticcoptecopto科普特语коптскийKoptisch
coq I/E Coquillecoquille
cor kwcorI/L KernewekCornishcorniquecórnico康沃尔语; 康瓦尔语корнскийKornisch
cos cocosI/L corsuCorsicancorsecorso科西嘉语корсиканскийKorsisch
cot I/L Caquinte
cou I/L Wamey
cov I/L Cao Miaocao miao 草苗语
cow I/E Cowlitz 考利茨语
cox I/L Nanti
coy I/E Coyaima
coz I/L Chochotec chocho
cpa I/L Chinantec, Palantla
cpb I/L Ashéninka, Ucayali-Yurúa
cpc I/L Ajyíninka Apurucayali
cpg I/E Greek (Cappadocian) 卡帕多细亚希腊语 Griechisch (?)
cpi I/L Chinese Pidgin English
cpn I/L Cherepon
cpo I/L Kpeego
cpp M/L Portuguese-based creole languages
cps I/L Capiznon
cpu I/L Ashéninka, Pichis
cpx I/LChinese Pu-Xian Chinese 莆仙話
cpy I/L Ashéninka, South Ucayali
cqd I/L Chuanqiandian Cluster Miao 川黔滇苗话
cqu I/L Quechua, Chilean
cra I/L Chara
crb I/E Carib, Island
crc I/L Lonwolwol
crd I/L Coeur d'Alene
cre crcreM/LCreeᓀᐦᐃᔭᐤ
crf I/E Caramanta
crg I/L Michif
crh crhI/L Къырым ТатарCrimean Tatartatar de Crimétártaro de Crimea克里米亚鞑靼语крымскотатарскийKrimtatarisch
cri I/L Sãotomense
crj I/LCree East Cree (Southern)
crk I/LCree Cree (Plains)
crl I/LCree East Cree (Northern)
crm I/LCree Cree (Moose)
crn I/L Cora, El Nayar
cro I/L Crowcrowcrow克劳语
crq I/L Chorote, Iyo'wujwa
crr I/E Carolina Algonquian
crs I/L Seselwa Creole French
crt I/L Chorote, Iyojwa'ja
(cru) Carútana
crv I/L Chaura
crw I/L Chrau
crx I/L ᑕᗸᒡCarriercarrier
cry I/L Cori
crz I/E Cruzeño
csa I/L Chinantec, Chiltepec
csb csbI/L kaszëbscziKashubiancachoubecasubio卡舒比语кашубскийKaschubisch
csc I/L Catalan Sign Language 加泰罗尼亚手语 Katalonische Zeichensprache
csd I/L Chiangmai Sign Language 清迈手语
cse I/L Czech Sign Language 捷克手语 Tscechische Zeichensprache
csf I/L Cuba Sign Language 古巴手语
csg I/L Chilean Sign Language 智利手语 Chilenische Zeichensprache
csh I/L Chin, Asho
csi I/E Miwok, Coast miwok costanoano
csj I/L Songlai Chin
csk I/L Jola-Kasa
csl I/L Chinese Sign Language 中国手语 Chinesische Zeichensprache
csm I/L Miwok, Central Sierra
csn I/L Colombian Sign Language 哥伦比亚手语 Kolumbische Zeichensprache
cso I/L Chinantec, Sochiapan
csq I/L Croatia Sign Language 克罗地亚手语 Kroatische Zeichensprache
csr I/L Costa Rican Sign Language 哥斯达黎加手语 Costa Ricanische Zeichensprache
css I/E Ohlone (Southern)
cst I/L Ohlone (Northern)
csv I/L Sumtu Chin
csw I/LCree Cree (Swampy)
csy I/L Chin, Siyin
csz I/L Coos coos
cta I/L Chatino, Tataltepec chatino de Tataltepec
ctc I/L Chetco
ctd I/L Chin, Tedim
cte I/L Chinantec, Tepinapa
ctg I/L Chittagonian 吉大港语
cth I/L Thaiphum Chin
(cti) I/L Chol, Tila
ctl I/L Chinantec, Tlacoatzintepec
ctm I/E Chitimachachitimacha
ctn I/L Chhintange
cto I/L Emberá-Catío
ctp I/L Chatino, Western Highland chatino de la zona alta occidental
cts I/L Bicolano, Northern Catanduanes
ctt I/L Wayanad Chetti
ctu I/L Chol, Tumbalá
ctz I/L Chatino, Zacatepec chatino de Zacatepec
cua I/L Cua
cub I/L Cubeo cubeo
cuc I/L Chinantec, Usila
cug I/L Cung
cuh I/L Chuka
cui I/L Cuiba cuiba
cuj I/L Mashco Piro
cuk I/L Kuna, San Blas
cul I/L Culina
cum I/E Cumeral
(cun) I/L Quiché, Cunén
cuo I/E Cumanagoto cumanagoto
cup I/E KuupangaxwichemCupeñocupenocupeño
cuq I/L Cun 村语
cur I/L Chhulung
cut I/L Cuicatec, Teutila
cuu I/L Tai Ya 傣雅语
cuv I/L Cuvok
cuw I/L Chukwa
cux I/L Cuicatec, Tepeuxila
cvg I/L Chug
cvn I/L Chinantec, Valle Nacional
cwa I/L Kabwa
cwb I/L Maindo
cwd I/LCree Cree (Woods)
cwe I/L Kwere
cwg I/L Chewong
cwt I/L Kuwaataay
cya I/L Chatino, Nopala chatino de Nopala
cyb I/E Cayubaba
cym cywelI/L CymraegWelshgalloisgalés威尔士语; 威尔斯语валлийскийWalisisch
cyo I/L Cuyonon
czh I/LChinese徽州话Huizhou Chinese 徽語 chinesisch (Huizhou)
czk I/E Knaanic 迦南语; 犹太-斯拉夫语
czn I/L Chatino, Zenzontepec chatino de Zenzontepec
czo I/LChinese Min Zhong Chinese 閩中話 chinesisch (Min Zhong)
czt I/L Chin, Zotung


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