Founded 1994, (Bylaws) 2002 (Registration)
Founder European NGOs
Type Network of European NGOs, grassroot organisations
Focus sustainable energy environmentalism
  • Aarhus,Denmark
Area served
Method newsletter, education, research, lobbying
85 NGOs from 35 European countries
Key people
Ursel Beckmann (president) Gunnar Boye Olesen, Ion Zamfir (coordinators)
Slogan 100 % renewables

INFORSE- Europe is an international, non-profit organisation (NGO) network of European environmental organizations promoting sustainable energy development within Europe; and worldwide in cooperation with other INFORSE regions. INFORSE-Europe consists of 85 NGO members in 35 European countries.


INFORSE-Europe develops scenarios for a transition to a 100% renewable energy supply by 2050, lately by 2030. The scenario model's name is INFORSE Vision 2050.,.[1][2] The models are developed for global, EU-27,[3][4][5] and several European countries together with members like Denmark,[6][7][8] Hungary,[9][10] Bulgaria, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Estland and others. The UK member, Center for Alternative Technology, developed the ZeroCarbonBritain.[11] To reach local or regional 100% renewable energy, energy planning was facilitated by members in three regions of Belarus,[12][13] and in Poland with local public participation. [14] To facilitate networking among NGOs and researchers the Low Carbon Societies Network was established initiated together with Germanwatch, CAN-France, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and CIRED in France.[15]

The network maintains a publicly open online database of NGO's and governmental and research organizations,[16] and organises NGO seminars,[17] events at EU Green Week[18] and '09,[19] EUSEW,[20][21] and at the Conferences of UNFCCC, and at Rio+20 together with other NGOs.

Many of the members are active in education. Therefore, collection of school materials on energy and climate,[22] and of sustainable energy successes,[23] were developed as well as an online course (DIERET),[24] and has cooperation with SPARE, a sustainable energy education project in 16 countries.[25]

INFORSE-Europe is registered in the EU Transparency Register since 2008,[26] and participates in the Coolproducts coalition of European environmental NGOs ( European Environmental Bureau, BEUC, European Environmental Citizens’ Organisation for Standardisation, CAN-Europe, FOE-Europe and others) lobbying for ambitious EU Ecodesign and energy labelling directive regulations.[27] Positions are prepared together with these organisations.,[28] ,[29] ,[30] [31] The network's opinions are also collected on a web-based resources on EU policy,[32]



INFORSE was established by NGOs at the Earth Summit (Global Forum), which was a parallel forum to the UNCED Conference in 1992. INFORSE has consultative status to United Nations' ECOSOC since 1998 and at UNFCCC since 2002. INFORSE-Europe made its Bylaws in 1994.,[39] and became officially registered in Denmark in 2002. A five-member Board and two coordinators are elected at the bi-annual General Assembly since then. The INFORSE-Europe became Campaign Associates to the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign Initiative in 2005. European NGO Energy Policy Seminars are organised since 1992. INFORSE-Europe received the European Solar Prize from EUROSOLAR in 2009 in the category: One world cooperation.[40]


Among the 85 members from 35 European countries[41] there are Danish Organisation for Renewable Energy (OVE), Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy,[42] Samsø Energy Academy in Denmark,[43] Centre for Alternative Technology in the United Kingdom, Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature (FoE) in Norway; GERES, CLER, Helio from France; Polish Ecological Club (PKE-OG) and KISE from Poland; Atgaja, Green Policy Institute in Lithuania; Mother Earth, Brabant Ecologi, APERe, EREF in Belgium; Zelena Akcija (FoE) in Croatia, Za Zemiata For The Earth in Bulgaria; Eco-svest, Proaktiva, Front21/42 in Macedonia; Green Movement (LGM) in Latvia, and ARIN, TERRA, and Prietenii Pamantului (For the Earth) in Romania.


  1. INFORSE Vision 2050 - 100% Renewables
  2. Energy balance model of INFORSE
  3. INFORSE's 100 % Renewable Energy Vision in EU-27
  4. Presentation: A just and democratic transition to renewable energy Transition till 2030-2050 in the EU countries, INFORSE Vision, Presentation of Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE-Europe in Barcelona, 2010
  5. National low carbon scenarios, Collection of ENCI-Low Carb Network
  6. 100 % Renewable Energy by 2030 in Denmark, in Danish,, pdf brochure
  7. INFORSE Scenarios to 100 % Renewable Energy by 2030 in Denmark, VedvarendeEnergi in English
  8. Article: Fast Transition to Renewable Energy with Local Integration of Large-Scale Windpower in Denmark Gunnar Boye Olesen, SustainableEnergy & INFORSE for 13th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems, Berlin, November 12, 2014, pdf file
  9. Vision 2040 in Hungary 2.0 in Hungarian, pdf file
  10. Vision 2040 Hungary Versions 2.0 and 1.0 in English
  11. Vision 2040 United Kingdom
  12. Local energy and climate planning in 3 regions of Belarus
  13. Local energy and climate planning in 3 regions of Belarus, Center for Environmental Solutions in Russian
  14. INFORSE in the JOIN IN Project on ISD's website
  15. Low Carbon Societies Network website
  16. INFORSE's World Contact Database
  17. INFORSE-Europe Seminars
  18. INFORSE at EU Green Week 05
  19. INFORSE at EU Green Week 09
  20. INFORSE at EUSEW Green Week 08
  21. Ecodesign & Energy Labelling: Cornerstones of EU Energy & Climate Policy, Sustainable Energy Week event 2013 on Coolproducts Campaign with EEB, INFORSE-Europe, and others in cooperation with European Commission, DG Energy, Ecodesign Team.
  22. INFORSE's School Resources
  23. INFORSE's European Successes Database.
  24. DIERET Online Education
  25. SPARE school program in 16 countries
  26. EU Transparency Register INFORSE Entry
  27. Coolproducts Coalition
  28. Comments to the EU Ecolabel of Hydraunic Heating Systems (May 2013). Prepared by Blanca Morales and Gunnar Boye Olesen on behalf of EEB and INFORSE.
  29. EU Ecolabel for Imaging Equipment, EEB, INFORSE and BEUC position on criteria proposal to be voted on 20th of June 2013 by Blanca Morales (BEUC) and Gunnar Boye Olesen (INFORSE)
  30. Comments from ECOS, EEB, INFORSE-Europe, WWF European Policy Office and Friends of the Earth Europe on the revision of the EU Energy Labelling layout, June 2009
  31. ECEEE’s web site: Position of ECOS, EEB, Friends of the Earth Europe, WWF EPO, CAN Europe and INFORSE Europe on possible ecodesign requirements for air heating - cooling products and high temperature process chillers
  32. EU Policy Overview
  33. Sustainable Energy News
  34. DIERET Online Education
  35. DIERET Online Education in Russian on
  36. DIERET Online Education in Slovak
  37. NGO Views: Climate Change Policy in New EU Countries, 2010
  38. Sustainable Energy Handbook for NGOs and Local Groups (INFORSE)on Humaninfo and Community Development Library
  39. INFORSE-Europe By Laws updated in 2005
  40. Link to the video presentation on INFORSE made by EUROSOLAR
  41. INFORSE-Europe Membership List
  42. Folkecenter on INFORSE-Europe membership
  43. Samsø Akademy in INFORSE-Europe membership
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