IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society

IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society
Founded March 26, 1953 (1953-03-26)
Founder Amor. L. Lane, First President
Type Professional association
Focus Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control
Origins The Institute of Radio Engineers
Area served
Method Publications, Conferences, and Industry standards
Key people
Clark T.-C. Nguyen, Current President
Parent organization

IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society (UFFC-S)[1] is one of more than 40 scientific and technical professional societies and councils of the IEEE. (IEEE has more than 400,000 members in more than 160 countries.) The IEEE UFFC-S started as the Professional Group on Ultrasonics Engineering (PGUE) of the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE), Inc. in 1953, and has had its present name since 1986.

Field of Interests: According to the UFFC-S Constitution ( ), the field of interest of the UFFC-S shall include theory, technology, materials, and applications relating to:

The generation, transmission, and detection of ultrasonic waves and related phenomena.

This interest ranges from fundamental studies to the design and/or applications of devices, sensors, systems, and manufacturing technologies within the general scope defined above.[2]

Photos and Videos: An introduction video of the UFFC-S is accessible via YouTube at: . More photos and videos on the UFFC-S activities can be found at: [3][4][5]

Topic Organization: Except “Section 3. UFFC-S Administration”, the topics below are organized according to the 16 UFFC-S Standing Committees as prescribed in the UFFC-S Bylaws ( ).

1. Brief History

1.1. History of UFFC-S[6]

As early as October 1952, at 25 years of age, Amor Lane of the Naval Ordinance Laboratory discussed with leaders of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) within the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) to form the Professional Group on Ultrasonics Engineering (PGUE) that is the start of IEEE UFFC-S. In March 1953 during the IRE convention, PGUE was formed by its first Chairman (now called President), Amor L. Lane, and those interested in ultrasonics. The scope of PGUE was piezoelectric devices, for example, frequency control and other devices, and their applications. In 1963, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) was incorporated under the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law of the state of New York in the United States and was formed by the merger of the IRE (founded 1912) and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE, founded 1884). Since then, the PGUE has become part of the IEEE. In addition, the name of PGUE was changed to Professional Technical Group on Ultrasonics Engineering (PTGUE).

On May 6, 1953, the first Administrative Committee (AdCom) meeting of the newly formed PGUE was held in Washington D.C. The first AdCom felt that it was very important to have a journal where members could publish their papers. The first issue of the Transactions of the Professional Group on Ultrasonics Engineering was published in June, 1954, one year after formation of PGUS. The first Editor-in-Chief of the Transactions was Oskar E. Mattiat of Clevite-Brush Development Co., ably assisted by a Paper Review Board of three from the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Illinois. The review board was led by Dr. William J. Fry, with Frank J. Fry, a brother, and Floyd Dunn, a graduate student under Fry, assisting. The review board ceased in 1962, and Associate Editors were appointed in 1963.

In March, 1958, Dr. John May Jr. of Bell Telephone Laboratories was elected Chairman of the AdCom of PGUE. He realized that there had to be more than just one or two technical sessions at major conferences in order to support and maintain the interest of the membership. On Monday August 17, 1959, the First National Ultrasonics Symposium (with an attendance of 50 and 15 submitted papers), which was the start toward what was to become the annual IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) (with an attendance of 1375 and 1181 submitted abstracts for 2016 IEEE IUS), was held, on the day prior to the IRE Western Electronics Show and Convention (WESCON), with Dr. Vincent Salmon of Stanford Research Institute as its General Chair of this first symposium. On November 28-30, 1962, the second Ultrasonics Symposium was held at the School of Applied Science and Engineering, Columbia University, in New York City. From 1962 on, the Ultrasonics Symposium continued as an annual event.

In 1970, the tutorial and invited papers for the Ultrasonics Symposium were published first time as the 1970 Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings with Lawrence Kessler as the Proceedings Editor. The 1972 Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings with John De Klerk as the Proceedings Editor included contributed papers and was the 2nd Proceedings. Since then, the Proceedings are published annually.

Near the end of 1963, the name of the Society was changed from the Professional Technical Group on Ultrasonics Engineering to the Group on Sonics and Ultrasonics (GSU) with a broadened definition of the scope of interest for the group. The name "Sonics" was incorporated to encompass a wide range of frequencies of elastic wave phenomena from the upper frequency regions perceived by the human ear to those regions which were sometimes designated as supersonic and pretersonic. There would still be the focus on the "Ultrasonic" aspects of sound as applied to measurement, control, processing, and device development. The name "Ultrasonics" assured continued focus on all aspects of ultrasound including phonon technology.

In August, 1966, the GSU roster showed 1181 members of which 974 (82%) were from the United States and 207 (18%) outside the states. For countries outside the U.S., Japan led the way with 65, followed by 36 from Canada, 24 from the United Kingdom, 18 from France, 12 from Italy, and 11 from Sweden. As of July 28, 2017, the membership roster of IEEE UFFC-S shows 2195 members with a distribution of number of members in IEEE Regions 1-7 (USA and Canada) 1118 (51%), Region 8 (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) 588 (27%), Region 9 (Latin America) 29 (1%); and Region 10 (Asia and Pacific) 460 (21%).

In 1966, one of the committees of GSU was the Technical Committee on Transducers and Resonators (TC-TR), in addition to the Committee on Sonics and Ultrasonics. TC-TR had three subcommittees in the areas of: (i) piezoelectric crystals, (ii) piezoelectric ceramics, and (iii) piezomagnetics. By 1971, subcommittees on (iv) delay lines, (v) medical ultrasonics, and (vi) ferroelectric crystals had been added.

The transition to the Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society (UFFC-S) took place under the leadership of Dr. Herman van de Vaart who was the GSU president from 1984-1985. Ferroelectrics had been an integral part of the society since the late 1960’s under the TC-TR. The TC-TR committee had co-sponsored a Symposium on Application of Ferroelectrics held at Catholic University on October of 1968. In 1971, the Subcommittee on Ferroelectrics had become an integral part of the TC-TR and a second Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics was organized and held in June, 1971, in Yorktown Heights, jointly sponsored with IBM and the Army Research office in Durham, NC. With the establishment of the UFFC-S, and the revised Bylaws accepted in October, 1985, a Ferroelectrics Standing Committee was added and the Chair became a voting member of AdCom.

Similarly, a Frequency Control Standing Committee was added and its Chair also became a voting member of AdCom. The Frequency Control part of the UFFC-S brought with it a long history of technical contributions which were highlighted by the annual Frequency Control Symposium (FCS) started in 1947. The first symposium, sponsored by the U. S. Army at Fort Monmouth, NJ, was held in a conference room in the Squier Laboratory. The purpose of the meeting, which was attended by personnel from the three armed services, contractors, and members of a sub-panel on frequency control, was to review progress with the contractors and assist the military in future program planning. During subsequent meetings it was expanded to include others and subsequently moved outside the Ft. Monmouth facility. In 1982, the GSU assumed financial responsibility and technical co-sponsorship with the U. S. Army.

Note: UFFC-S has a History Standing Committee, which is one of the 16 UFFC-S Standing Committees. The Committee has a web page ( ) that contains a wealth of information on the UFFC-S history. A lot of information in this subsection is either copied directly or modified from the article: “From PGUE to G-SU to UFFC-S: 1953-1997, A Historical Perspective” by Dr. Fred Hickernell ( ).

1.2. History of Changes of Names of the UFFC-S

Note: IRE is short for the Institute of Radio Engineers.

1.3. A List of UFFC-S Presidents

1.4. UFFC-S AdCom Rosters

The UFFC-S AdCom rosters since 2004 are accessible at:

1.5. More to Read about the History of IEEE UFFC-S and IEEE

Please visit the following website for more information on (i) UFFC-S history, (ii) History of Ultrasonics, (iii) History of Ferroelectrics, and (iv) History of Frequency Control:

The history of IEEE can be found at the IEEE History Center: . Most of the resources of the IEEE History Center are available at the Engineering and Technology History Wiki:

2. Member Services

Member Services is one of the 16 UFFC-S Standing Committees and are charged with development of UFFC-S membership:

According to UFFC-S Bylaws ( ): "A UFFC-S member is an individual who is an IEEE member or IEEE Society Affiliate and has paid the annual UFFC-S dues prescribed in Section 4 of these Bylaws, or who is a qualifying IEEE Life Member as prescribed in the IEEE Bylaws."

As of July 28, 2017, there are 2195 members in the IEEE UFFC-S as follows (notice that the numbers may be fluctuating during the year):

Regional Distribution (assuming that the total is 100%):

Gender Distribution (assuming that the total is 100%):

Member Grade Distribution (assuming that the total is 100%):

From the statistics above, it is seen that the UFFC-S has a much higher percentage of IEEE Fellows (5.5%) than the IEEE average of about 1.5%. A list of IEEE Fellows of UFFC-S is at: .

To join IEEE UFFC-S, please click the link at:

3. UFFC-S Administration[7]

3.1. Organization Chart of the UFFC-S Administrative Committee (AdCom)

A summary of the organization of the UFFC-S AdCom is given in the figure below. Details of the UFFC-S AdCom operations can be found at

Organization Chart
Figure 1. Organization Chart of IEEE UFFC-S

3.2. UFFC-S AdCom Meetings

One of the important duties of the UFFC-S AdCom is to hold twice-a-year AdCom meetings. Typically, each AdCom meeting is a one full day long, tightly scheduled meeting, and is generally followed by an optional evening social event. During these meetings, both elected and other AdCom members and other AdCom contributors are provided information via reports from chairs of various committees and reports of the operations of the UFFC-S. Questions, discussions, and actions are an integral part of these meetings. The AdCom meetings are, in general, run in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order ( ).

3.3. UFFC-S Committees

3.3.1. Standing Committees

According to the UFFC-S Bylaws ( ): "Standing Committees may be added or deleted by AdCom as the need arises through amendment of the UFFC-S Bylaws. Standing Committee Chairs shall be appointed by the President and ratified by a majority of Elected AdCom Members. While the terms of office shall be one year, consecutive terms of office are not limited by the UFFC-S Bylaws." The 16 UFFC-S Standing Committees are given below (the Chairs of the first 6 Standing Committees below are Voting Members of AdCom):

3.3.2. Ad Hoc Committees

Also from the UFFC-S Bylaws: “Special or Ad Hoc Committees may be created by the President without approval by AdCom as the need arises, as provided for in Section 5.3 of the UFFC-S Constitution. The President shall define the purpose of the Committee and may provide guidance for how long the Committee shall be constituted, the number of members the Committee shall have, how the members are to be selected, and the terms of office of the Chair and the members. All Ad Hoc Committees should disband at the end of the calendar year or the end of the appointing President’s term of office. The Ad Hoc Committee may be reappointed by the President’s successor.”

3.4. UFFC-S Governing and Informational Documents

Some governing and informational documents of UFFC-S can be found from:

4. Ultrasonics

Ultrasonics is one of the 16 UFFC-S Standing Committees. The Committee is responsible for any aspects related to the Ultrasonics technical area, which is one of the three major technical areas of the UFFC-S. Detailed information on Ultrasonics can be found at a UFFC-S webpage at and UFFC-S Bylaws at .

5. Ferroelectrics

Ferroelectrics is one of the 16 UFFC-S Standing Committees. The Committee is responsible for any aspects related to the Ferroelectrics technical area, which is one of the three major technical areas of the UFFC-S. Detailed information on Ferroelectrics can be found at a UFFC-S webpage at and UFFC-S Bylaws at .

6. Frequency Control

Frequency Control is one of the 16 UFFC-S Standing Committees. The Committee is responsible for any aspects related to the Frequency Control technical area, which is one of the three major technical areas of the UFFC-S. Detailed information on Frequency Control can be found at a UFFC-S webpage at and UFFC-S Bylaws at .

7. Finance

Finance is one of the 16 UFFC-S Standing Committees. The finance of UFFC-S is handled by the Finance Committee. The UFFC-S finance is to ensure the financial ability of UFFC-S to serve the professional communities, such as giving over $100,000 per year to support travels of students to attend UFFC-S conferences to help their professional development. The income of UFFC-S is from activities such as publications, conferences, and membership dues.

8. Awards

8.1. Honors and Awards

Awards is one of the 16 UFFC-S Standing Committees. The UFFC-Society has been honored, as its members have received many awards and honors. UFFC-S members have been honored by Presidents, knighted by Royalty, medaled by an Emperor, received international awards, and have been elected to prestigious Academies of Engineering and Science.

8.2. UFFC Society Awards

UFFC-S has four Society-level awards as follows. A list of awardees can be found by following links:

8.3. UFFC Section Awards

UFFC-S also has about a dozen of awards administered by the three Technical Standing Committees (Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control) to honor contributors in their respective technical areas:

9. Fellows

Fellows is one of the 16 UFFC-S Standing Committees. UFFC-S has about 5.5% of IEEE Fellows in its membership as of July 28, 2017. This is much higher than the average of about 1.5% in the entire IEEE.

10. Chapters

Chapters is a new addition and is one of the 16 UFFC-S Standing Committees. UFFC-S is encouraging the development of new IEEE UFFC-S Chapters and Student Branch Chapters around the world. Also, UFFC-S is working with the Chapters to ensure that they remain active after creation. The duties and responsibilities of the Committee is prescribed in the UFFC-S Bylaws:

11. Women-in-Engineering

Women-in-Engineering is a new addition and is one of the 16 UFFC-S Standing Committees. UFFC-S has about 8% of female members as of July 28, 2017. UFFC-S organizes activities in all three annual conferences. Details of the activities can be found at the UFFC-S website:

12. Education

Education is a new addition and is one of the 16 UFFC-S Standing Committees. The education activities can be found at the UFFC-S website:

The learning resources of the three technical areas of UFFC-S can be found at:

13. Nominations

Nominations is one of the 16 UFFC-S Standing Committees. The Committee nominates outstanding members of UFFC-S for Elected AdCom election by UFFC-S members. The Committee also nominates candidates of the President-Elect of UFFC-S. See UFFC-S Bylaws for more details:

14. Standards

Standards is one of the 16 UFFC-S Standing Committees. Activities of the Committee can be found at:

15. Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning is one of the 16 UFFC-S Standing Committees. It develops a long-range planning of the UFFC-S and make recommendations for UFFC-S AdCom actions as prescribed in the UFFC-S Bylaws:

16. Publications

Publications is one of the 16 UFFC-S Standing Committees. UFFC-S maintains a website and publishes a Newsletter, AdCom minutes, an archival journal named “IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control” (TUFFC), and conference proceedings for each of the three annual symposia sponsored or co-sponsored by the Society. Additional documents (e.g., full-text books and reports) that are of interest to the UFFC-S membership have also been made available on its website. Access to most of these publications requires the UFFC-S membership. Access to the TUFFC and symposia proceedings is now provided through IEEE Xplore ( ). The home page of IEEE TUFFC is at:

16.1. UFFC-S Website

UFFC-S hosts a website that contains a wealth of information that covers almost all aspects of the UFFC-S such as history, governance, symposia, publications, awards, and more. The UFFC-S Web site is accessible at:

16.2. Newsletter

The first UFFC-S newsletter was published in 1953. Starting 2015, newsletters are published as news columns on the UFFC-S website:

16.3. IEEE TUFFC[8]

16.3.1. Brief History of TUFFC

The IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control (TUFFC) is a prestige peer-reviewed archival journal of the UFFC Society. It was founded in June 1954 with the name of “Transactions of IRE”, where IRE was short for the Institute of Radio Engineers. In May 1955, the name was changed to “IRE Transactions on Ultrasonics Engineering”; in 1963, it adopted the name “IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Engineering”, and in 1964, the name became “IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics”. Beginning 1986, the name “IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control” has been used until present (2017).

During its journey for more than 60 years, TUFFC has served its research communities by publishing archival papers and other manuscripts and has evolved to become one of the leading journals in our disciplines. Several Editors-in-Chief have served for the TUFFC so far. Today, TUFFC has grown from a journal that published 35 pages in 1954 to one that publishes more than 3000 pages. It has expanded from a journal that published semiannually (1954-1965), quarterly (1966-1974), bi-monthly (1975-2001), to one that publishes monthly (2002-2017).

More details and the operations of IEEE TUFFC can be found in an article at IEEE Xplore accessible from:

16.3.2. Editors-in-Chief of TUFFC in Chronological Sequence

(1) Oskar E. Mattiat (June 1954 – May 1971) 
    Clevite-Brush Development Co. 
    Cleveland, Ohio, USA 
(2) Stephen Wanuga (July 1971 - September 1985) 
    General Electric Co. 
    Syracuse, New York, USA 
(3) William D. O’Brien, Jr., Ph.D. (November 1985 – December 2001) 
    University of Illinois 
    Urbana, Illinois, USA 
(4) Jian-yu Lu, Ph.D. (January 2002 – December 2007) (A Report) 
    The University of Toledo 
    Toledo, Ohio, USA 
(5) Marjorie Passini Yuhas, Ph.D.  (January 2008 – January 2013) 
    Industrial Measurement Systems Inc. 
    Aurora, Illinois, USA 
(6) Steven Freear, Ph.D. (February 2013 –) 
    University of Leeds 
    Leeds, United Kingdom 

16.3.3. Evolution of the Journal Name, Publisher, and Publication Frequency of TUFFC

(1) Journal Title: Transactions of IRE (June 1954 – November 1954) 
    Publisher: Published by the Institute of Radio Engineers, Inc., 
      for the Professional Group on Ultrasonics Engineering 
    Publication Frequency: Semi-Annually 
(2) Journal Title: IRE Transactions on Ultrasonics Engineering (May 1955 - December 1962) 
    Publisher: Published by the Institute of Radio Engineers, Inc., 
      for the Professional Group on Ultrasonics Engineering 
    Publication Frequency: Semi-Annually 
(3) Journal Title: IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Engineering (July 1963 – December 1963) 
    Publisher: Published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 
      for the Professional Technical Group on Ultrasonics Engineering 
    Publication Frequency: Semi-Annually 
(4) Journal Title: IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics (July 1964 – November 1985) 
    Publisher: Published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 
      for the Sonics and Ultrasonics Group 
    Publisher: Published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 
      (starting July 1966) 
    Publication Frequency: Quarterly (1966-1974) 
    Publication Frequency: Bi-Monthly (1975-1985) 
(5) Journal Title: IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 
      (January 1986 – Present) 
    Publisher: Published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 
    Publication Frequency: Bi-Monthly (1985-2001) 
    Publication Frequency: Monthly (January 2002 – 2017) 

16.3.4. Impact Factor and Ranking

In 2017, IEEE TUFFC has an impact factor of 2.743. As a comparison, the impact factor of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology is 2.494, and the impact factor of Ultrasonics is 2.327.

Impact factors of some earlier years (1997-2006) are given in the table below as a reference:

Impact Factors
Figure 2. Impact Factors of IEEE TUFFC from 1997-2006

17. Symposia[9][10]

Symposia is one of the 16 UFFC-S Standing Committees. The UFFC-S sponsors three annual technical conferences in its three technical areas:

17.1. A Brief Introduction to IEEE IUS

The IEEE IUS started from the 1959 National Ultrasonics Symposium that was a one-day conference at the Stanford University, Stanford, California, U.S.A. on August 17, 1959. The conference had about 50 attendees and there were 15 papers presented. The General Chair was Vincent Salmon and the registration fee was $3. The second Ultrasonics Symposium, named “1962 Ultrasonics Symposium” was held on November 28-30, 1962, at Horace Mann Auditorium, School of Applied Science and Engineering, Columbia University, New York City, New York, U.S.A, sponsored by the Professional Group on Ultrasonics Engineering (PGUE), Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE). The General Chair was J. E. May, Jr. and the conference registration fee was also $3. No conference proceedings were produced except a conference program book that contains both the program and abstracts. Since then, the conference is run once a year.

More details on the history and how to organize an IEEE IUS conference can be found at: . A sample Calendar of Events of IEEE UFFC-S Symposia can be viewed at: . Also, a fillable IEEE UFFC-S Conference Data Collection Form (may be filled only after downloading to a computer) may be used by future conference organizers: .

17.1.1. History of Changes of Conference Names

The conference names have been changed over the years as follows:

17.1.2. History of Changes of Names of Conference Proceedings

The names of the conference proceedings have also been changed. Please notice that the 2008 IEEE IUS has changed the name of the proceedings again by adding “International” after “IEEE”. The change was in response to a previously approved UFFC-S AdCom motion and to reflect the changed name of our conferences since 1994 (see the name changes of the conferences above).

17.1.3. History of Conference Sponsoring Societies

Over the years, the name of the sponsoring society of the IEEE IUS is also changed:

17.1.4. Trend of IEEE IUS[11]

The following charts show the trends of IEEE IUS (they can also be accessed via the link: or ):

The number of attendees since 1959 is shown in the following chart (whenever possible, guest registrants, exhibitors, and staff are included in addition to technical program attendees). The IEEE Regions are of the following meanings: (i) Regions 1-7: USA and Canada; (ii) Region 8: Europe, Middle East, and Africa; (iii) Region 9: Latin America; (iv) Region 10: Asia and Pacific. Since some of the entries may not have a country associated with them, they are placed in “No Country” category. Please notice that the 2004 and 2013 IEEE IUS are joint conferences (2004 IEEE International Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Joint 50th Anniversary Conference, and 2013 IEEE UFFC-S Joint Conference - A Joint meeting of IUS, ISAF, IFCS, EFTF, and PFM) and thus the data for these years may be atypical.

Figure 3. Number of attendees of IEEE IUS

The five technical groups of IEEE IUS in the charts below are defined as follows (there may be fewer groups in early years):

The number of abstracts submitted since 1959 is shown in the following chart (“0” values mean that data are not available at the moment for those years, and if the entire bar is black, the data are not separated into groups) (from 2008 to 2017 IEEE IUS, the number of papers submitted are only those submitted “Successfully” in the Mira system of Mira Digital Publishing, Saint Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.):

Figure 4. Abstracts submitted of IEEE IUS

The number of abstracts submitted by each Group using a line plot is give below:

Submissions Line
Figure 5. Abstracts submitted of IEEE IUS - line plot

The number of abstracts accepted since 1959 is shown in the following chart (in some years, data from each Group are not available and thus only a total number of accepted abstracts are displayed with a solid black bar):

Figure 6. Abstracts accepted of IEEE IUS

The following figure shows the abstract rejection rate of each of the 5 Groups (it is noticed that the rejection rate is more uniform over all groups in 2017) (“0” values could mean data were not available for those years):

Rejection Rate
Figure 7. Abstract rejection rate of IEEE IUS

The number of abstracts accepted and rejected since 1959 is shown in the following chart (“0” black bar length means that the rejection data are not available at the moment for those years) (some of the data were obtained by counting the number of abstracts in the Program Books or Abstract Books, and thus may contain duplications of Student Competition papers that appear in both oral and poster sessions):

Figure 8. Abstracts accepted and rejected of IEEE IUS

The following chart shows the number of papers published in the proceedings (“0” values mean that no proceedings were published in those years) (data were obtained from the published proceedings):

Figure 9. Proceedings papers published of IEEE IUS

The ratio between the number of proceedings papers published and the number of accepted abstracts is given below:

Paper Rate
Figure 10. Paper submission rate of IEEE IUS

The trend of conference registration fees since 1959 is shown in the chart below (“0” values mean that data are not available at the moment for those years). It is plotted according to 8 registration categories, Advance Members (M, Adv), On-site Members (M, Onsite), Advance Non-members (NM, Adv), On-site Non-members (NM, Onsite), and 4 Students categories (most of data were obtained from the Program Books available):

Registration Fees
Figure 11. Conference registration fees of IEEE IUS

17.1.5. Statistics and Operations of 2008 IEEE IUS[12]

As an example of IEEE IUS, detailed statistics with PIE charts and organization of the 2008 IEEE IUS are available on the conference website:, specifically, at: and , respectively.

17.1.6. A List of IEEE IUS

The following is a list of the IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposia (IUS) since 1959 with relevant information:

Abbreviations used below:

(57) Conference Name: 2017 IEEE IUS 
    General Chair(s): Keith Wear; TPC Chair(s): Georg Schmitz  
    Venue: Omni Shoreham Hotel; Location: Washington, DC., USA; Dates: September 5-9, 2017
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: 2017 IEEE IUSP 
    Web: (use) 
(56) Conference Name: 2016 IEEE IUS 
    General Chair(s): Ayache Bouakaz; TPC Chair(s): Ton van der Steen 
    Venue: Convention Center Vinci; Location: Tours, France; Dates: September, 18-21, 2016 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: 2016 IEEE IUSP 
    Web: (use) 
(55) Conference Name: 2015 IEEE IUS 
    General Chair(s): Pai-Chi Li; TPC Chair(s): Stanislav Emelianov 
    Venue: Taipei International Convention Center (TICC); 
    Location: Taipei, Taiwan; Dates: October 21-24, 2015 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: 2015 IEEE IUSP 
    Web: (use) 
    Web: (use) 
(54) Conference Name: 2014 IEEE IUS 
    General Chair(s): Jafar Saniie; TPC Chair(s): Jan D'hooge  
    Venue: Hilton Hotel Chicago; 
    Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA; Dates: September 3-6, 2014 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: 2014 IEEE IUSP 
    Web: (use) 
(53) Conference Name: 2013 IEEE IUS - 2013 IEEE UFFC-S Joint Conference 
      (A Joint meeting of IUS, ISAF, IFCS, EFTF, and PFM) 
    General Chair(s): Ahmad Safari; 
    TPC Chair(s): Stanislav Emelianov, Susan Trolier McKinstry, 
      Dragan Damjanovic, Andrei Kholkin, Warren Walls, and Gaetano Mileti  
    Venue: Prague Conference Center; 
    Location: Prague, Czech Republic; Dates: July 21-25, 2013 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; 
    Proceedings: 2013 IEEE IUSP; Proc. of 2013 IEEE ISAF; Proc. of 2013 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (use) 
    Web: (use) 
(52) Conference Name: 2012 IEEE IUS 
    General Chair(s): Manfred Weihnacht; TPC Chair(s): Mauricio Pereira da Cunha 
    Venue: Maritim Hotel & International Congress Center Dresden; 
    Location: Dresden, Germany; Dates: 2012 IEEE IUS 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: 2012 IEEE IUSP 
    Web: (use) 
(51) Conference Name: 2011 IEEE IUS 
    General Chair(s): Clemens Ruppel and Ken-Ya Hashimoto; TPC Chair(s): Yook-Kong Yong  
    Venue: Caribe Royale All-Suite Hotel & Convention Center ; 
    Location: Orlando, Florida, USA ; Dates: October 18-21, 2011 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: 2011 IEEE IUSP 
    Web: (use) 
    Web: (use) 
(50) Conference Name: 2010 IEEE IUS 
    General Chair(s): Bob Potter; TPC Chair(s): Peter Smith  
    Venue: Town & Country Inn & Convention Center; 
    Location: San Diego, California, USA; Dates: October 11-14, 2010 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: 2010 IEEE IUSP 
    Web: (use) 
(49) Conference Name: 2009 IEEE IUS 
    General Chair(s): Massimo Pappalardo; TPC Chair(s): Donald Yuhas 
    Venue: The Ergife Hotel; Location: Rome, Italy; Dates: September 19-23, 2009 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: 2009 IEEE IUSP 
    Web: (use) 
(48) Conference Name: 2008 IEEE IUS 
    General Chair(s): Jian-yu Lu, Ph.D.; E-mail: 
    TPC Chair(s): Keith Wear 
    Venue: Beijing International Convention Center (BICC); 
    Location: Beijing, China; Dates: November 2-5, 2008 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: 2008 IEEE IUSP 
    Web: (use) 
    Web: (use) 
    2008 IEEE IUS Organization Report: 
    Historical and Statistics Charts Since 1959: 
    405 Conference Photos and 14 Videos: 
(47) Conference Name: 2007 IEEE IUS 
    General Chair(s): John A. Kosinski; TPC Chair(s): Mauricio Pereira da Cunha 
    Venue: Hilton New York; 
    Location: New York City, New York, USA; Dates: October 28-31, 2007 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: 2007 IEEE USP 
    Web: (use) 
    Web: (use) 
(46) Conference Name: 2006 IEEE IUS 
    General Chair(s): F. Stuart Foster; TPC Chair(s): Geoff Lockwood 
    Venue: The Westin Bayshore Resort & Marina; 
    Location: Vancouver, Canada; Dates: October 3-6, 2006 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; 
    Proceedings: 2006 IEEE USP 
    Web: (use) 
    Web: (use) 
(45) Conference Name: 2005 IEEE IUS 
    General Chair(s): Ton van der Steen; TPC Chair(s): John A. Hossack 
    Venue: De Doelen; Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands; Dates: September 18-21, 2005 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: 2005 IEEE USP 
    Web: (use) 
(44) Conference Name: 2004 IEEE IUS – 2004 IEEE International Ultrasonics, 
      Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Joint 50th Anniversary Conference 
    General Chair(s): R. Michael Garvey; 
    TPC Chair(s): Ton van der Steen, Steve Pilgrim, Walter Schulze, and Chris Ekstrom 
    Venue: Palais des Congrès; Location: Montréal, Canada; Dates: August 23-27, 2004 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; 
    Proceedings: 2004 IEEE USP; Proc. of 2004 IEEE ISAF; Proc. of 2004 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (use) 
    Web: (use) 
(43) Conference Name: 2003 IEEE IUS 
    General Chair(s): James F. Greenleaf and William D. O’Brien Jr.; 
    TPC Chair(s): Helen F. Routh 
    Venue: Hilton Hawaiian Village; 
    Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA; Dates: October 5-8, 2003 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: 2003 IEEE USP 
    Web: (use) 
(42) Conference Name: 2002 IEEE IUS (In cooperation with the Association for Electrical, 
      Electronic & Information Technologies (VDE), Germany) 
    General Chair(s): Clemens Ruppel and Bernhard Tittmann; 
    TPC Chair(s): Reinhard Lerch and Robert Weigel 
    Venue: Forum Hotel; Location: Munich, Germany; Dates: October 8-11, 2002 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: 2002 IEEE USP 
    Web: (use) 
(41) Conference Name: 2001 IEEE IUS - A Joint Conference with World Congress on 
      Ultrasonics (WCU) (Attendance was Affected by September 11, 2011 Terrorist Attack) 
    General Chair(s): Mack A. Breazeale and William D. O’Brien, Jr.; 
    WCU Chair: Lawrence A. Crum; 
    TPC Chair(s): Jian-yu Lu 
    Venue: Omni Hotel, CNN Center; 
    Location: Atlanta, Georgia, USA; Dates: October 7-10, 2001 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: 2001 IEEE USP 
    Web: (use) 
    Web: (use) 
(40) Conference Name: 2000 IEEE IUS 
    General Chair(s): Rodolfo Almar; TPC Chair(s): Peter Wright 
    Venue: Caribe Hilton; Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA; Dates: October 22-25, 2000 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: 2000 IEEE USP 
    Web: (use) 
(39) Conference Name: 1999 IEEE IUS 
    General Chair(s): Butrus T. (Pierre) Khuri-Yakub; TPC Chair(s): Eric S. Furgason 
    Venue: Caesars Tahoe; Location: Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA; Dates: October 17-20, 1999 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: 1999 IEEE USP 
    Web: (use) 
(38) Conference Name: 1998 IEEE IUS 
    General Chair(s): Noriyoshi Chubachi and Bernhard R. Tittmann; 
    TPC Chair(s): Kazuhiko Yamanouchi and James F. Greenleaf 
    Venue: Hotel Metropolitan Sendai; 
    Location: Sendai, Miyagi, Japan; Dates: October 5-8, 1998 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: 1998 IEEE USP 
    Web: (Lost) 
    Web: (Lost) 
(37) Conference Name: 1997 IEEE IUS 
    General Chair(s): Stuart Foster; TPC Chair(s): Katherine Farrara 
    Venue: Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre; 
    Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada, USA; Dates: October 5-8, 1997 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: 1997 IEEE USP 
    Web: (Lost) 
(36) Conference Name: 1996 IEEE IUS 
    General Chair(s): Jeff Schoenwald; TPC Chair(s): Butrus T. (Pierre) Khuri-Yakub 
    Venue: Hyatt Regency Hotel; Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA; Dates: November 3-6, 1996 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: 1996 IEEE USP 
    Web: (use) 
    Web: (use) 
(35) Conference Name: 1995 IEEE IUS 
    General Chair(s): Gerald V. Blessing; TPC Chair(s): George A. Alers 
    Venue: Westin Hotel; Location: Seattle, Washington, USA; Dates: November 7-1, 1995
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: 1995 IEEE USP 
(34) Conference Name: 1994 IEEE IUS 
    General Chair(s): Gerard Quentin and Herman van de Vaart; 
    TPC Chair(s): Bernhard R. Tittmann 
    Venue: Hotel Martinez; Location: Cannes, France; Dates: November 1-4, 1994 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: 1994 IEEE USP 
(33) Conference Name: 1993 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): Harry L. Salvo, Jr. ; TPC Chair(s): Susan C. Schneider 
    Venue: Hyatt Regency Baltimore; 
    Location: Baltimore, Maryland, USA; Dates: October 31 - November 3, 1993 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: IEEE 1993 USP 
(32) Conference Name: 1992 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): Fred S. Hickernell; TPC Chair(s): Gary K. Montress 
    Venue: Holiday Inn Broadway; 
    Location: Tucson, Arizona, USA; Dates: October 20 - 23, 1992
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: IEEE 1992 USP 
(31) Conference Name: 1991 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): Donald C. Malocha; TPC Chair(s): Gary K. Montress 
    Venue: Hilton Hotel, Walt Disney World Village; 
    Location: Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA; Dates: December 8 - 11, 1991 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: IEEE 1991 USP 
(30) Conference Name: 1990 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): Moises Levy and Nobuo Mikoshiba; TPC Chair(s): Harry L. Salvo, Jr. 
    Venue: Sheraton Waikiki Hotel; 
    Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA; Dates: December 4-7, 1990 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: IEEE 1990 USP 
(29) Conference Name: 1989 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): Herman van de Vaart; TPC Chair(s): Gary K. Montress 
    Venue: Le Grand Hotel; Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Dates: October 3-6, 1989 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: IEEE 1989 USP 
(28) Conference Name: 1988 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): W. D. O’Brien, Jr.; TPC Chair(s): Jan Brown 
    Venue: McCormick Center Hotel; 
    Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA; Dates: October 2-5, 1988 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: IEEE 1988 USP 
(27) Conference Name: 1987 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): J. S. Heyman; TPC Chair(s): Jan Brown 
    Venue: Sheraton Denver Tech Center; 
    Location: Denver, Colorado, USA; Dates: October 14-1 6, 1987 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: IEEE 1987 USP 
(26) Conference Name: 1986 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): R. A. Moore; TPC Chair(s): James G. Miller 
    Venue: Colonial Williamsburg Conference Center; 
    Location: Williamsburg, Virginia, USA; Dates: November 17-1 9, 1986 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: IEEE 1986 USP 
(25) Conference Name: 1985 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): W. R. Shreve; TPC Chair(s): J. D. Larson 
    Venue: Cathedral Hill Hotel; 
    Location: Van Ness at Geary, San Francisco, California, USA; Dates: October 16-18, 1985 
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: IEEE 1985 USP 
(24) Conference Name: 1984 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): L. T. Claiborne; TPC Chair(s): W. J. Tanski 
    Venue: Dallas Hilton Hotel; Location: Dallas, Texas, USA; Dates: November 14-16, 1984 
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: IEEE 1984 USP 
(23) Conference Name: 1983 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): Moises Levy; TPC Chair(s): Reynold S. Kagiwada 
    Venue: Atlanta Marriott Hotel; 
    Location: Atlanta, Georgia, USA; Dates: October 31, November 1, 2, 1983 
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: 1983 USP 
(22) Conference Name: 1982 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): B. R. McAvoy; TPC Chair(s): R. S. Wagers 
    Venue: Town and Country Hotel; 
    Location: San Diego, California, USA; Dates: October 27-29, 1982 
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: 1982 USP 
(21) Conference Name: 1981 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): W. D. O’Brien, Jr. and L. W. Kessler; TPC Chair(s): B. R. McAvoy 
    Venue: McCormick Inn; Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA; Dates: October 14-16, 1981
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: 1981 USP 
(20) Conference Name: 1980 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): R. C. Williamson; TPC Chair(s): Herman van de Vaart 
    Venue: Boston Park Plaza Hotel; 
    Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA; Dates: November 5-7, 1980 
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: 1980 USP 
(19) Conference Name: 1979 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): Richard Stern; TPC Chair(s): George A. Alers 
    Venue: Monteleone Hotel; 
    Location: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA; Dates: September 26-28, 1979 
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: 1979 USP 
(18) Conference Name: 1978 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): Frederick S. Welsh; TPC Chair(s): Thomas M. Reeder 
    Venue: The Cherry Hill Hyatt House; 
    Location: Cherry Hill, New Jersey, USA; Dates: September 25-27, 1978 
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: 1978 USP 
(17) Conference Name: 1977 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): F. S. Hickernell and I. Kaufman; TPC Chair(s): T. W. Bristol 
    Venue: The Towne House; Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA; Dates: October 26-28, 1977 
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: 1977 USP 
(16) Conference Name: 1976 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): Lawrence R. Whicker; TPC Chair(s): Paul H. Carr 
    Venue: Annapolis Hilton Inn; 
    Location: Annapolis, Maryland, USA; Dates: September 29-October 1, 1976
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: 1976 USP 
(15) Conference Name: 1975 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): R. Stern; TPC Chair(s): G. A. Alers 
    Venue: Los Angeles Hilton; 
    Location: Los Angeles, California, USA; Dates: September 22-24, 1975 
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: 1975 USP 
(14) Conference Name: 1974 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): M. Levy; TPC Chair(s): L. W. Kessler 
    Venue: Pfister Hotel; Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA; Dates: November 11-14, 1974 
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: 1974 USP 
(13) Conference Name: 1973 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): J. R. Neighbours; TPC Chair(s): J. De Klerk 
    Venue: Naval Postgraduate School; 
    Location: Monterey, California, USA; Dates: November 5-7, 1973 
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: 1973 USP 
(12) Conference Name: 1972 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): M. G. Holland; TPC Chair(s): L. T. Claiborne 
    Venue: Statler Hilton Hotel; 
    Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA; Dates: October 4-7, 1972 
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: 1972 USP 
(11) Conference Name: 1971 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): John, E. May, Jr.; TPC Chair(s): H. Matthews 
    Venue: Carillon Hotel; Location: Miami Beach, Florida, USA; Dates: December 6-8, 1971 
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: None 
(10) Conference Name: 1970 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): A. J. Bahr; TPC Chair(s): W. J . Spencer 
    Venue: Jack Tar Hotel; 
    Location: San Francisco, California, USA; Dates: October 21-23, 1970 
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: 1970 USP (11 papers, invited only) 
(9) Conference Name: 1969 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): D. I. Bolef; TPC Chair(s): C. K. Jane 
    Venue: Chase Park Plaza Hotel; 
    Location: St. Louis, Missouri, USA; Dates: September 24-26, 1969 
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: None 
(8) Conference Name: 1968 IEEE US 
    General Chair(s): F. M. Smits; TPC Chair(s): R. W. Damon 
    Venue: Statler Hilton Hotel; 
    Location: New York City, New York, USA; Dates: September 25-27, 1968 
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: None 
(7) Conference Name: 1967 IEEE SSU 
    General Chair(s): Robert W. Moss; TPC Chair(s): B. A. Auld 
    Venue: Bayshore Inn; Location: Vancouver, Canada; Dates: October 4-6, 1967 
    Sponsor: IEEE SUG; Proceedings: None 
(6) Conference Name: 1966 US 
    General Chair(s): Hans Jaffe; TPC Chair(s): Norman S. Shiren 
    Venue: Statler Hilton Hotel; Location: Cleveland, Ohio, USA; Dates: October 12-14, 1966 
    Sponsor: IEEE SUG; Proceedings: None 
(5) Conference Name: 1965 US 
    General Chair(s): David L. Arenberg; TPC Chair(s): John H. Rowen 
    Venue: Sheraton-Boston Hotel; 
    Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA; Dates: December 1-4, 1965 
    Sponsor: IEEE SUG; Proceedings: None 
(4) Conference Name: 1964 SSU 
    General Chair(s): Robert I. Rod; TPC Chair(s): Allen H. Meitzler 
    Venue: Miramar Hotel; 
    Location: Santo Monica, California, USA; Dates: October 14-16, 1964 
    Sponsor: IEEE SUG; Proceedings: None 
(3) Conference Name: 1963 US 
    General Chair(s): Allen H. Meitzler; TPC Chair(s): Thrygve R. Meeker 
    Venue: Marriott Motor Hotel; 
    Location: Twin Bridges, Washington, D.C., USA; Dates: December 4-6, 1963
    Sponsor: IEEE PTGUE; Proceedings: None 
(2) Conference Name: 1962 US (This is the first annual conference) 
    General Chair(s): J. E. May, Jr.; TPC Chair(s): R. N. Thurston 
    Venue: Horace Mann Auditorium, School of Applied Science and Engineering, 
      Columbia University; 
    Location: New York City, New York, USA; Dates: November 28-30, 1962 
    Sponsor: IRE PGUE; Proceedings: None 
(1) Conference Name: 1959 NUS (A one-day conference) 
    General Chair(s): Vincent Salmon; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: Stanford University; Location: Stanford, California, USA; Dates: August 17, 1959 
    Sponsor: IRE PGUE; Proceedings: None 

17.2. A Brief Introduction to IEEE ISAF

The Ferroelectrics Standing Committee of the IEEE UFFC Society is responsible for the organization of the annual International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF). More details and some history of ISAF can be found at: . The following charts on IEEE ISAF are work in progress and will be updated as more data are available.

17.2.1. Trend of IEEE ISAF

The number of attendees of IEEE ISAF since 1968 is shown in the following chart (since 2004 and 2013 are joint conferences of IEEE IUS, IEEE ISAF, and IEEE IFCS, the attendance of these conferences is large and atypical, please see the attendance chart of IEEE IUS in Figure 3 above for those years for details, where the vertical scale of the figure is 2.5 times larger):

Figure 12. Number of attendees of IEEE ISAF

The five technical groups of IEEE ISAF in the charts below are defined as follows (there may be fewer groups in early years):

The number of abstracts submitted since 1968 is shown in the following chart:

Figure 13. Abstracts submitted of IEEE ISAF

The number of abstracts submitted by each Group using a line plot is give below:

Submissions Line
Figure 14. Abstracts submitted of IEEE ISAF - line plot

The number of abstracts accepted since 1968 is shown in the following chart:

Figure 15. Abstracts accepted of IEEE ISAF

The following figure shows the abstract rejection rate of each of the 5 Groups (“0” values could mean data were not available for those years):

Rejection Rate
Figure 16. Abstract rejection rate of IEEE ISAF

The number of abstracts accepted and rejected since 1968 is shown in the following chart:

Figure 17. Abstracts accepted and rejected of IEEE ISAF

The following chart shows the number of papers published in the proceedings:

Figure 18. Proceedings papers published of IEEE ISAF

The ratio between the number of proceedings papers published and the number of accepted abstracts is given below:

Paper Rate
Figure 19. Paper submission rate of IEEE ISAF

The trend of conference registration fees since 1968 is shown in the chart below:

Registration Fees
Figure 20. Conference registration fees of IEEE ISAF

17.2.2. A List of IEEE ISAF

The following is a list of the IEEE International Symposia on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF) since 1968 with relevant information:

Abbreviations used below:

(26) Conference Name: 2017 IEEE ISAF (A Joint meeting of ISAF, IWATMD, and PFM) 
    General Chair(s): Nazanin Bassiri-Gharb; 
    TPC Chair(s): Brahim Dkhil, Barbara Malic, 
      Susan Trolier-McKinstry, Nina Balke, and Patrycja Paruch 
    Venue: Georgia Institute of Technology; 
    Location: Atlanta, Georgia, USA; Dates: May 7-11, 2017
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the 2017 IEEE ISAF  
    Web: (may need to update after May 11, 2017) (use) 
(25) Conference Name: 2016 IEEE ISAF (A Joint meeting of ISAF, ECAPD, and PFM) 
    General Chair(s): Jurgen Rodel and Kyle G. Webbe; 
    TPC Chair(s): Dragan Damjanovic, Jun Chen, Marin Alexe, Marty Gregg, 
      Nina Balke, and Nagendra Valanoor 
    Venue: Technische University Darmstadt; 
    Location: Darmstadt, Germany; Dates: August 21-25, 2016 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the 2016 IEEE ISAF  
    Web: (may need to update after August 25, 2016) (use) 
(24) Conference Name: 2015 IEEE ISAF (A Joint meeting of ISAF, ISIF, and PFM) 
    General Chair(s): Kui Yao; General Co-Chair(s): Weiguang Zhu 
    TPC Chair(s): Ahmad Safari, Orlando Auciello, and Andrei Kholkin; 
    TPC Co-Chair(s): Co-Chairs: Jacob L. Jones, Jolanta Celinska, and Kaiyang Zeng 
    Venue: Matrix at Biopolis; Location: Biopolis, Singapore; Dates: May 24-27, 2015
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the 2015 IEEE ISAF  
    Web: (use) 
(23) Conference Name: 2014 IEEE ISAF (A Joint meeting of ISAF, IWATMD, and PFM) 
    General Chair(s): Susan Trolier-McKinstry; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: The Penn Stater Conference Center; 
    Location: University Park, Pennsylvania, USA; Dates: May 12-16, 2014
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the 2014 IEEE ISAF  
    Web: (lost - only first page kept) 
    Web: (lost) 
(22) Conference Name: 2013 IEEE ISAF - 2013 IEEE UFFC-S Joint Conference 
      (A Joint meeting of IUS, ISAF, IFCS, EFTF, and PFM) 
    General Chair(s): Ahmad Safari; TPC Chair(s): Stanislav Emelianov, 
      Susan Trolier McKinstry, Dragan Damjanovic, Andrei Kholkin, Warren Walls, 
      and Gaetano Mileti  
    Venue: Prague Conference Center; 
    Location: Prague, Czech Republic; Dates: July 21-25, 2013 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; 
    Proceedings: 2013 IEEE IUSP; Proc. of 2013 IEEE ISAF; Proc. of 2013 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (use) 
    Web: (use) 
(21) Conference Name: 2012 IEEE ISAF (A Joint Meeting of ISAF, ECAPD, and PFM) 
    General Chair(s): Andrei Kholkin; TPC Chair(s): None 
    Venue: Pedagogical Complex, University of Aveiro; 
    Location: Aveiro, Portugal; Dates: July 16-20, 2012
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proceedings of ISAF-ECAPD-PFM 2012 
    Web: (use) 
(20) Conference Name: 2011 IEEE ISAF (A Joint Meeting of ISAF and PFM) 
    General Chair(s): Zuo-Guang Ye and Andrei Kholkin; 
    TPC Chair(s): Thomas Shrout and Sergei Kalinin 
    Venue: The Westin Bayshore Hotel; Location: Vancouver, Canada; Dates: July 24-27, 2011 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the 2011 IEEE ISAF  
    Web: (use) 
(19) Conference Name: 2010 IEEE ISAF (A Joint Meeting of ISAF, ECAPD, and PFM) 
    General Chair(s): Andrew Bell; TPC Chair(s): Ian Reaney 
    Venue: Edinburgh Conference Centre; 
    Location: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK; Dates: August 9-12, 2010 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the 2010 IEEE ISAF  
    Web: (use) 
(18) Conference Name: 2009 IEEE ISAF (Eighteenth IEEE IEEE ISAF) 
      (A Joint Meeting of ISAF and IMF) 
    General Chair(s): Ren Wei; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: Unknown; Location: Xian, China; Dates: August 23-27, 2009
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the Eighteenth IEEE ISAF  
(17) Conference Name: 2008 IEEE ISAF (Seventeenth IEEE ISAF) 
      (A Joint Meeting of ISAF and ACERS Electronics Division) 
    General Chair(s): Paul Clem; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: Unknown; Location: Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA; Dates: February 24-27, 2008
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the Seventeenth IEEE ISAF  
(16) Conference Name: 2007 IEEE ISAF (Sixteenth IEEE ISAF) 
    General Chair(s): Takaaki Tsurumi; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: Unknown; Location: Nara-City, Japan; Dates: May 27-30, 2007
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the Sixteenth IEEE ISAF  
(15) Conference Name: 2006 IEEE ISAF (15th IEEE ISAF) 
    General Chair(s): John Paul Maria; TPC Chair(s): David P. Cann 
    Venue: North Carolina State University; 
    Location: Sunset Beach, NC, USA; Dates: July 30 - August 2, 2006 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the 15th IEEE ISAF  
(14) Conference Name: 2004 IEEE ISAF – 2004 IEEE International 
      Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Joint 50th Anniversary Conference 
    General Chair(s): R. Michael Garvey; 
    TPC Chair(s): Ton van der Steen, Steve Pilgrim, Walter Schulze, and Chris Ekstrom 
    Venue: Palais des Congrès; Location: Montréal, Canada; Dates: August 23-27, 2004 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; 
    Proceedings: 2004 IEEE USP; Proc. of 2004 IEEE ISAF; Proc. of 2004 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (use) 
    Web: (use) 
(13) Conference Name: 2002 IEEE ISAF (13th IEEE ISAF) 
      (A Joint Meeting of ISAF, ISIF, and FMA) 
    General Chair(s): David A. Payne and Tadashi Takenaka; 
    TPC Chair(s): Amar Bhalla and Tadashi Takenaka 
    Venue: Nara-ken New Public Hall; Location: Nara, Japan; Dates: May 28 - June 1, 2002 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the 13th IEEE ISAF  
    Web: (use) 
    Web: (use) 
(12) Conference Name: 2000 IEEE ISAF (12th IEEE ISAF) 
    General Chair(s): Angus I. Kingon and Dwight Viehland; 
    TPC Chair(s): Susan Trolier-McKinstry, Steve Pilgrim, and Noboru Ichinose 
    Venue: The Hilton Hawaiian Village; 
    Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA; Dates: July 21 - August 2, 2000 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the 12th IEEE ISAF  
(11) Conference Name: 1998 IEEE ISAF (Eleventh IEEE ISAF) 
      (A Joint Meeting of ISAF, ECAPD, and Electroceramics) 
    General Chair(s): Nava Setter; TPC Chair(s): Dragan Damjanovic and Nava Setter 
    Venue: Unknown; Location: Montreux, Switzerland; Dates: August 24 - 27, 1998 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the Eleventh IEEE ISAF  
(10) Conference Name: 1996 IEEE ISAF (Tenth IEEE ISAF) 
    General Chair(s): Ahmad Safari; TPC Chair(s): T. R. Gururaja and T. R. Shrout 
    Venue: Brunswick Hilton & Towers; 
    Location: East Brunswick, New Jersey, USA; Dates: August 18 - 21, 1996 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the Tenth IEEE ISAF  
(9) Conference Name: 1994 IEEE ISAF (Ninth IEEE ISAF) 
    General Chair(s): Amar S. Bhalla; TPC Chair(s): Amar S. Bhalla and Ruyan Guo 
    Venue: Penn State Scanticon Conference Center, The Pennsylvania State University; 
    Location: University Park, Pennsylvania, USA; Dates: August 7 - August 10, 1994
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the Ninth IEEE ISAF  
(8) Conference Name: 1992 IEEE ISAF (Eighth IEEE ISAF) 
    General Chair(s): Gene Haertlin; TPC Chair(s): Angus I. Kingon 
    Venue: Unknown; 
    Location: Greenville, South Carolina, USA; Dates: August 31 - September 2, 1992 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the Eighth IEEE ISAF  
(7) Conference Name: 1990 IEEE ISAF (IEEE 7th ISAF) 
    General Chair(s): David Payne; TPC Chair(s): S.B. Krupanidhi and Stewart K. Kurtz 
    Venue: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; 
    Location: Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA; Dates: June 6-8, 1990 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the 7th IEEE ISAF  
(6) Conference Name: 1986 IEEE ISAF (Sixth IEEE ISAF) 
    General Chair(s): Wallace A. Smith; TPC Chair(s): Robert E. Newnham 
    Venue: Lehigh University; Location: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA; Dates: June 8-11, 1986 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the Sixth IEEE ISAF  
(5) Conference Name: 1983 IEEE ISAF (Fifth IEEE ISAF) 
    General Chair(s): Robert Pohanka and Bill Lawless; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: Unknown; Location: Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA; Dates: June 1-?, 1983 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Ferroelectrics 
(4) Conference Name: 1979 IEEE ISAF (Fourth IEEE ISAF) 
    General Chair(s): S. T. Liu; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: Unknown; Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA; Dates: June 13-??, 1979 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Ferroelectrics 
(3) Conference Name: 1975 IEEE ISAF (3rd IEEE ISAF) 
    General Chair(s): Cecil Land and A. M. Glass; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: Unknown; Location: Albuquerque, NM, USA; Dates: Unknown
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: None  
(2) Conference Name: 1971 SAF (2nd IEEE ISAF) 
    General Chair(s): L. E. Cross and S. K. Kurtz; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: Unknown; Location: Yorktown Heights, NY, USA; Dates: June ??-??, 1971 
    Sponsor: IEEE Committee on Ferroelectrics and IBM and the Army Research office; 
    Proceedings: None 
(1) Conference Name: 1968 SAF (1st IEEE ISAF) 
    General Chair(s): Unknown; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: Catholic University of America; 
    Location: Washington D.C., USA; Dates: October ??-??, 1968 
    Sponsor: IEEE Committee on Ferroelectrics; Proceedings: None  

17.3. A Brief Introduction to IEEE IFCS

The Frequency Control Standing Committee of the IEEE UFFC Society is responsible for organization of the annual International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS). More details and some history of IFCS can be found at: . The following charts on IEEE IFCS are work in progress and will be updated as more data are available

17.3.1. Trend of IEEE IFCS

The number of attendees of IEEE IFCS since 1947 is shown in the following chart (since 2004 and 2013 are joint conferences of IEEE IUS, IEEE ISAF, and IEEE IFCS, the attendance of these conferences is large and atypical, please see the attendance chart of IEEE IUS in Figure 3 above for those years for details, where the vertical scale of the figure is 2.5 times larger):

Figure 21. Number of attendees of IEEE IFCS

The six technical groups of IEEE IFCS in the charts below are defined as follows (there may be fewer groups in early years):

The number of abstracts submitted since 1947 is shown in the following chart:

Figure 22. Abstracts submitted of IEEE IFCS

The number of abstracts submitted by each Group using a line plot is give below:

Submissions Line
Figure 23. Abstracts submitted of IEEE IFCS - line plot

The number of abstracts accepted since 1947 is shown in the following chart:

Figure 24. Abstracts accepted of IEEE IFCS

The following figure shows the abstract rejection rate of each of the 6 Groups (“0” values could mean data were not available for those years):

Acceptance Rate
Figure 25. Abstract rejection rate of IEEE IFCS

The number of abstracts accepted and rejected since 1947 is shown in the following chart:

Figure 26. Abstracts accepted and rejected of IEEE IFCS

The following chart shows the number of papers published in the proceedings:

Figure 27. Proceedings papers published of IEEE IFCS

The ratio between the number of proceedings papers published and the number of accepted abstracts is given below:

Paper Rate
Figure 28. Paper submission rate of IEEE IFCS

The trend of conference registration fees since 1947 is shown in the chart below:

Registration Fees
Figure 29. Conference registration fees of IEEE IFCS

17.3.2. A List of IEEE IFCS

The following is a list of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposia (IFCS) since 1947 with relevant information:

Abbreviations used below:

(71) Conference Name: 2017 IEEE IFCS (A joint meeting with EFTF) 
    General Chair(s): Lute Maleki; TPC Chair(s): Elizabeth Donley 
    Venue: Micropolis Convention Center; Location: Besancon, France; Dates: July 9-13, 2017 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 2017 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (use) 
(70) Conference Name: 2016 IEEE IFCS 
    General Chair(s): Lute Maleki; TPC Chair(s): Elizabeth Donley 
    Venue: The Roosevelt New Orleans; 
    Location: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA; Dates: May 9-12, 2016 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 2016 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (needs to be updated May 13, 2016 or later) (use) 
(69) Conference Name: 2015 IEEE IFCS (A joint meeting with EFTF) 
    General Chair(s): Greg Weaver and Ekkehard Peik; 
    TPC Chair(s): Yoonkee Kim and Gaetano Mileti 
    Venue: Colorado Convention Center; 
    Location: Denver, Colorado, USA; Dates: April 13-15, 2015 with tutorials on April 12
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 2015 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (use) 
(68) Conference Name: 2014 IEEE IFCS 
    General Chair(s): Wan-Thai Hsu; TPC Chair(s): Gregory Weaver 
    Venue: Taipei International Convention Center (TICC); 
    Location: Taipei, Taiwan; Dates: May 19-22, 2014
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 2014 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (have a copy in .php format) (use) 
    Web: (archived by Conference Catalysts) 
(67) Conference Name: 2013 IEEE IFCS - 2013 IEEE UFFC-S Joint Conference 
      (A Joint meeting of IUS, ISAF, IFCS, EFTF, and PFM) 
    General Chair(s): Ahmad Safari; 
    TPC Chair(s): Stanislav Emelianov, Susan Trolier McKinstry, 
      Dragan Damjanovic, Andrei Kholkin, Warren Walls, and Gaetano Mileti  
    Venue: Prague Conference Center; 
    Location: Prague, Czech Republic; Dates: July 21-25, 2013 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; 
    Proceedings: 2013 IEEE IUSP; Proc. of 2013 IEEE ISAF; Proc. of 2013 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (use) 
    Web: (use) 
(66) Conference Name: 2012 IEEE IFCS 
    General Chair(s): Michael Driscoll; TPC Chair(s): Wan-Thai Hsu 
    Venue: Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel; 
    Location: Baltimore, Maryland, USA; Dates: May 21-24, 2012 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 2012 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (some pages are missing) (use) 
    Web: (have a copy in .php format) 
(65) Conference Name: 2011 IEEE IFCS (A joint meeting with EFTF) 
    General Chair(s): Clark Nguyen and Giorgio Santarelli; 
    TPC Chair(s): Eric A. Burt and Patrick Gill 
    Venue: Hyatt Regency San Francisco (Embarcadero); 
    Location: San Francisco, California, USA; Dates: May 1-5, 2011 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 2011 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (use) 
    Web: (have a copy in .php format) 
(64) Conference Name: 2010 IEEE IFCS 
    General Chair(s): Robert Tjoelker; TPC Chair(s): Clark Nguyen 
    Venue: Newport Beach Marriott Hotel; 
    Location: Newport Beach, California, USA; Dates: June 1-4, 2010 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 2010 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (use) 
      (The website is no longer available, however, the Proceedings includes some historical information such as the names of the chairs, committee members, and award winners.) 
(63) Conference Name: 2009 IEEE IFCS (A joint meeting with EFTF) 
    General Chair(s): Bernard Dulmet and Michael Garvey; 
    TPC Chair(s): Kurt Gibble and Ekkehard Peik 
    Venue: Micropolis Conference Center; 
    Location: Besanson, France; Dates: April 20-24, 2009 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 2009 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (use) 
      (The website is no longer available, however, the Proceedings includes some historical information such as the names of the chairs, committee members, and award winners.) 
(62) Conference Name: 2008 IEEE IFCS 
    General Chair(s): Bernardo Jaduszliwer; TPC Chair(s): Kurt Gibble 
    Venue: Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel; 
    Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA; Dates: May 18-21, 2008 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 2008 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (use) 
(61) Conference Name: 2007 IEEE IFCS (A joint meeting with EFTF) 
    General Chair(s): Marcel Ecabert; General Co-Chair(s): Bernardo Jaduszliwer; 
    TPC Chair(s): Donald C. Malocha; TPC Vice Chair(s): Giorgio Santarelli 
    Venue: Geneva International Conference Center; 
    Location: Geneva, Switzerland; Dates: May 29 - June 1, 2007 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 2007 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (use) 
    Web: (have a copy) 
(60) Conference Name: 2006 IEEE IFCS 
    General Chair(s): Michael Driscoll; TPC Chair(s): Don Malocha 
    Venue: Hyatt Regency Hotel; 
    Location: Miami, Florida, USA; Dates: June 5-7, 2006, Tutorials on June 4, 2006 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 2006 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (use) 
(59) Conference Name: 2005 IEEE IFCS (A joint meeting with PTTI) 
    General Chair(s): Mike Driscoll and Joe White; 
    TPC Chair(s): Chris Ekstrom and Bob Tjoelker 
    Venue: Hyatt Regency Hotel; 
    Location: Vancouver, Canada; Dates: August 29-31, 2005. Tutorials on August 28, 2005 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 2005 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (use) 
(58) Conference Name: 2004 IEEE IFCS – 2004 IEEE International Ultrasonics, 
      Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Joint 50th Anniversary Conference 
    General Chair(s): R. Michael Garvey; 
    TPC Chair(s): Ton van der Steen, Steve Pilgrim, Walter Schulze, and Chris Ekstrom 
    Venue: Palais des Congrès; Location: Montréal, Canada; Dates: August 23-27, 2004 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; 
    Proceedings: 2004 IEEE USP; Proc. of 2004 IEEE ISAF; Proc. of 2004 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (use) 
    Web: (use) 
(57) Conference Name: 2003 IEEE IFCS (A joint meeting with EFTF with PDA Exhibition) 
    General Chair(s): R. Michael Garvey and Raymond Besson; TPC Chair(s): Pierre Thomann 
    Venue: The Tampa Marriott Waterside; Location: Tampa, Florida, USA; Dates: May 4-8, 2003 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 2003 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (use) 
(56) Conference Name: 2002 IEEE IFCS (With PDA Exhibition) 
    General Chair(s): Errol P. EerNisse; TPC Chair(s): John R. Vig 
    Venue: The Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel; 
    Location: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA; Dates: May 29-31, 2002, with Tutorials on 1 June 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 2002 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (use) 
(55) Conference Name: 2001 IEEE IFCS (With PDA Exhibition) 
    General Chair(s): Errol EerNisse; TPC Chair(s): John Prestage 
    Venue: Sheraton Seattle Hotel and Towers; 
    Location: Seattle, Washington (state), USA; Dates: June 5-8, 2001 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 2001 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (use) 
(54) Conference Name: 2000 IEEE IFCS (With Exhibition) 
    General Chair(s): Donald B. Sullivan and Jack Kay; TPC Chair(s): John Prestage 
    Venue: Westin Crown Center; 
    Location: Kansas City, Missouri, USA; Dates: June 7-9, 2000, Tutorials on 6 June 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 2000 IEEE/EIA IFCS 
    Web: (use) 
(53) Conference Name: 1999 IEEE IFCS (A joint meeting with EFTF) 
    General Chair(s): R.J. Besson and D.B. Sullivan; TPC Chair(s): F. L. Walls 
    Venue: Micropolis Conference Center; 
    Location: Besancon, France; Dates: April 12-16, 1999 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 1999 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (use) 
(52) Conference Name: 1998 IEEE IFCS 
    General Chair(s): Thomas E. Parker; TPC Chair(s): Gary R. Johnson 
    Venue: Ritz-Carlton Hotel; Location: Pasadena, California, USA; Dates: May 27-29, 1998 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 1998 IEEE IFCS  
    Web: (use) 
(51) Conference Name: 1997 IEEE IFCS 
    General Chair(s): Thomas E. Parker; TPC Chair(s): Gary R. Johnson 
    Venue: Hilton Hotel, Disney World Village; 
    Location: Orlando, Florida, USA; Dates: May 28-30, 1997 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 1997 IEEE IFCS  
(50) Conference Name: 1996 IEEE IFCS 
    General Chair(s): Kazuhiko Yamanouchi and John Vig ; TPC Chair(s): Fred Walls 
    Venue: Hilton Hawaiian Village; Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA; Dates: June 5-7, 1996 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 1996 IEEE IFCS  
(49) Conference Name: 1995 IEEE IFCS 
    General Chair(s): John Vig; TPC Chair(s): Lute Maleki 
    Venue: The Fairmont Hotel; 
    Location: San Francisco, California, USA; Dates: May 31 - June 2, 1995 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 1995 IEEE IFCS  
(48) Conference Name: 1994 IEEE IFCS 
    General Chair(s): Gary R. Johnson; TPC Chair(s): Lute Maleki 
    Venue: Westin Hotel - Copley Place; 
    Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA; Dates: June 1-3, 1994 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 1994 IEEE IFCS  
(47) Conference Name: 1993 IEEE IFCS 
    General Chair(s): Gary R. Johnson; TPC Chair(s): Jack Kusters 
    Venue: Salt Lake City Marriott Hotel; 
    Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA; Dates: June 2-4, 1993 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 1993 IEEE IFCS  
(46) Conference Name: 1992 IEEE FCS 
    General Chair(s): Raymond L. Filler; TPC Chair(s): Jack Kusters 
    Venue: The Hershey Lodge and Convention Center; 
    Location: Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA; Dates: May 27-29, 1992 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of 1992 IEEE FCS  
(45) Conference Name: 1991 - The 45th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): Raymond L. Filler; TPC Chair(s): Thomas E. Parker 
    Venue: Los Angeles Airport Marriott Hotel; 
    Location: Los Angeles, California, USA; Dates: May 29-31, 1991 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the 45th ASFC 
(44) Conference Name: 1990 - The 44th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): David W. Allan; TPC Chair(s): Thomas E. Parker 
    Venue: Stouffer Harborplace Hotel; 
    Location: Baltimore, Maryland, USA; Dates: May 23-25, 1990 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the 44th ASFC 
(43) Conference Name: 1989 - The 43rd ASFC 
    General Chair(s): David W. Allan; TPC Chair(s): Thrygve R. Meeker 
    Venue: Denver Marriott Hotel City Center; 
    Location: Denver, Colorado, USA; Dates: May 31 - June 2, 1989 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the 43rd ASFC 
(42) Conference Name: 1988 - The 42nd ASFC 
    General Chair(s): John Vig; TPC Chair(s): Thrygve R. Meeker 
    Venue: Stouffer Harborplace Hotel; 
    Location: Baltimore, Maryland, USA; Dates: June 1-3, 1988 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the 42nd ASFC 
(41) Conference Name: 1987 - The 41st ASFC 
    General Chair(s): John Vig; TPC Chair(s): Leonard S. Cutler 
    Venue: Dunfey City Line Hotel; 
    Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; Dates: May 27-29, 1987 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the 41st ASFC 
(40) Conference Name: 1986 - The 40th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): John Vig; TPC Chair(s): Leonard S. Cutler 
    Venue: Dunfey City Line Hotel; 
    Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; Dates: May 28-30, 1986 
    Sponsor: IEEE UFFC-S; Proceedings: Proc. of the 40th ASFC 
(39) Conference Name: 1985 - The 39th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): John Vig; TPC Chair(s): Samuel R. Stein 
    Venue: Marriott Hotel; Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; Dates: May 29-31, 1985 
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: Proc. of the 39th ASFC 
(38) Conference Name: 1984 - The 38th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): John Vig; TPC Chair(s): Samuel R. Stein 
    Venue: Marriott Hotel; 
    Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; Dates: May 29 - June 1, 1984 
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: Proc. of the 38th ASFC 
(37) Conference Name: 1983 - The 37th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): John Vig; TPC Chair(s): Samuel R. Stein 
    Venue: Marriott Hotel; Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; Dates: June 1-3, 1983 
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: Proc. of the 37th ASFC 
(36) Conference Name: 1982 - The 36th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): V. G. Gelnovatch; TPC Chair(s): Arthur Ballato 
    Venue: Marriott Hotel; Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; Dates: June 2-4, 1982 
    Sponsor: IEEE GSU; Proceedings: Proc. of the 36th ASFC 
(35) Conference Name: 1981 - The 35th AFCS 
    General Chair(s): Erich Hafner; 
    TPC Chair(s): Erich Hafner; TPC Co-Chair(s): Arthur Ballato 
    Venue: Marriott Hotel; Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; Dates: May 27-29, 1981 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 35th AFCS 
(34) Conference Name: 1980 - The 34th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): Erich Hafner; TPC Chair(s): Erich Hafner 
    Venue: Marriott Hotel; Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; Dates: May 28-30, 1980 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 34th ASFC 
(33) Conference Name: 1979 - The 33rd ASFC 
    General Chair(s): Erich Hafner; TPC Chair(s): Erich Hafner 
    Venue: Boardwalk Regency Hotel; 
    Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA; Dates: May 30 - June 1, 1979 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 33rd ASFC 
(32) Conference Name: 1978 - The 32nd ASFC 
    General Chair(s): Erich Hafner; TPC Chair(s): Erich Hafner 
    Venue: Howard Johnson's Regency Hotel; 
    Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA; Dates: May 31 - June 2, 1978 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 32nd ASFC 
(31) Conference Name: 1977 - The 31st ASFC 
    General Chair(s): Erich Hafner; TPC Chair(s): Erich Hafner 
    Venue: Howard Johnson's Regency Hotel; 
    Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA; Dates: June 1-3, 1977 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 31st ASFC 
(30) Conference Name: 1976 - The 30th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): Milton Tenzer and Erich Hafner; TPC Chair(s): Erich Hafner 
    Venue: Howard Johnson’s Motor Lodge; 
    Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA; Dates: June 2-4, 1976 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 30th ASFC 
(29) Conference Name: 1975 - The 29th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): Milton Tenzer and Erich Hafner; TPC Chair(s): Erich Hafner 
    Venue: Howard Johnson’s Motor Lodge; 
    Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA; Dates: May 28-30, 1975 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 29th ASFC 
(28) Conference Name: 1974 - The 28th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): Milton Tenzer and Erich Hafner; TPC Chair(s): Erich Hafner 
    Venue: Howard Johnson’s Motor Lodge; 
    Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA; Dates: May 29-31, 1974 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 28th ASFC 
(27) Conference Name: 1973 - The 27th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): Unknown; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: Cherry Hill Inn; Location: Cherry Hill, New Jersey, USA; Dates: June 12-14, 1973 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 27th ASFC 
(26) Conference Name: 1972 - The 26th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): V. J. Kublin; TPC Chair(s): Erich Hafner 
    Venue: Howard Johnson’s Motor Lodge; 
    Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA; Dates: June 6-8, 1972 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 26th ASFC 
(25) Conference Name: 1971 - The 25th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): V. J. Kublin; TPC Chair(s): G. K. Guttwein 
    Venue: The Shelburne Hotel; 
    Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA; Dates: April 26-28, 1971 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 25th ASFC 
(24) Conference Name: 1970 - The 24th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): V. J. Kublin; TPC Chair(s): G. K. Guttwein 
    Venue: The Shelburne Hotel; 
    Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA; Dates: April 27-29, 1970 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 24th ASFC 
(23) Conference Name: 1969 - The 23rd ASFC 
    General Chair(s): V. J. Kublin; TPC Chair(s): G. K. Guttwein 
    Venue: The Shelburne Hotel; 
    Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA; Dates: May 6-8, 1969 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 23rd ASFC 
(22) Conference Name: 1968 - The 22nd ASFC 
    General Chair(s): V. J. Kublin; TPC Chair(s): G. K. Guttwein 
    Venue: The Shelburne Hotel; 
    Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA; Dates: April 22-24, 1968 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 22nd ASFC 
(21) Conference Name: 1967 - The 21st ASFC 
    General Chair(s): V. J. Kublin; TPC Chair(s): G. K. Guttwein 
    Venue: The Shelburne Hotel; 
    Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA; Dates: April 24-26, 1967 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 21st ASFC 
(20) Conference Name: 1966 - The 20th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): V. J. Kublin; TPC Chair(s): G. K. Guttwein 
    Venue: The Shelburne Hotel; 
    Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA; Dates: April 19-21, 1966 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 20th ASFC 
(19) Conference Name: 1965 - The 19th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): E. A. Gerber; General Vice Chair(s): V. J. Kublin; 
    TPC Chair(s): G. K. Guttwein 
    Venue: The Shelburne Hotel; 
    Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA; Dates: April 20-22, 1965 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 19th ASFC 
(18) Conference Name: 1964 - The 18th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): E. A. Gerber; TPC Chair(s): G. K. Guttwein 
    Venue: The Shelburne Hotel; 
    Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA; Dates: May 4-6, 1964 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 18th ASFC 
(17) Conference Name: 1963 - The 17th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): E. A. Gerber; TPC Chair(s): G. K. Guttwein 
    Venue: The Shelburne Hotel; 
    Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA; Dates: May 27-29, 1963 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 17th ASFC 
(16) Conference Name: 1962 - The 16th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): Unknown; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: The Shelburne Hotel; 
    Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA; Dates: April 25-27, 1962 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 16th ASFC 
(15) Conference Name: 1961 - The 15th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): Unknown; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: The Shelburne Hotel; 
    Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA; Dates: May 31 - June 2, 1961 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 15th ASFC 
(14) Conference Name: 1960 - The 14th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): E. A. Gerber ; TPC Chair(s): J. M. Havel 
    Venue: The Shelburne Hotel; 
    Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA; Dates: May 31 - June 2, 1960 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 14th ASFC 
(13) Conference Name: 1959 - The 13th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): Unknown; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: Berkeley-Carteret Hotel; 
    Location: Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA; Dates: May 12-14, 1959 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 13th ASFC 
(12) Conference Name: 1958 - The 12th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): E. A. Gerber; TPC Chair(s): J. M. Havel 
    Venue: Berkeley-Carteret Hotel; 
    Location: Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA; Dates: May 6-8, 1958 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 12th ASFC 
(11) Conference Name: 1957 - The 11th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): E. A. Gerber; TPC Chair(s): J. M. Havel 
    Venue: Berkeley-Carteret Hotel; 
    Location: Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA; Dates: May 7-9, 1957 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 11th ASFC 
(10) Conference Name: 1956 - The 10th ASFC 
    General Chair(s): Unknown; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: Berkeley-Carteret Hotel; 
    Location: Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA; Dates: May 15-17, 1956 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: Proc. of the 10th ASFC 
(9) Conference Name: 1955 - The 9th ASFC (9th Annual Review of Technical Progress) 
    General Chair(s): Unknown; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: Berkeley-Carteret Hotel; 
    Location: Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA; Dates: May 26-27, 1955 
    Sponsor: Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories, 
      Frequency Control Branch, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey; Proceedings: None 
(8) Conference Name: 1954 - The 8th ASFC (8th Annual Review of Technical Progress) 
    General Chair(s): Unknown; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: Berkeley-Carteret Hotel; 
    Location: Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA; Dates: April 12-14, 1954 
    Sponsor: Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories, 
      Frequency Control Branch, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey; Proceedings: None 
(7) Conference Name: 1953 - The 7th ASFC (7th Annual Review of Technical Progress) 
    General Chair(s): Unknown; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: Berkeley-Carteret Hotel; 
    Location: Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA; Dates: May 18-20, 1953 
    Sponsor: Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories, 
      Frequency Control Branch/Chemical Physics Branch, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey; 
    Proceedings: None 
(6) Conference Name: 1952 - Unknown 
    General Chair(s): Unknown; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: Berkeley-Carteret Hotel; Location: Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA; Dates: Unknown 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: None 
(5) Conference Name: 1951 - The 5th ASFC (5th Annual Review of Technical Progress) 
    General Chair(s): Unknown; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: Berkeley-Carteret Hotel; 
    Location: Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA; Dates: May 1-3, 1951 
    Sponsor: Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories, Frequency Control Branch, 
       Fort Monmouth, New Jersey; Proceedings: None 
(4) Conference Name: 1950 - The 4th ASFC (4th Annual Review of Technical Progress) 
    General Chair(s): Unknown; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: Gibbs Hall, Fort Monmouth Officers’ Club; 
    Location: Fort Monmouth, NJ, USA; Dates: April 26-17, 1950 
    Sponsor: Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories, 
      Frequency Control Branch, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey; Proceedings: None 
(3) Conference Name: 1949 - Unknown 
    General Chair(s): Unknown; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: Gibbs Hall, Fort Monmouth Officers’ Club; 
    Location: Fort Monmouth, NJ, USA; Dates: Unknown 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: None 
(2) Conference Name: 1948 - Unknown 
    General Chair(s): Unknown; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: Gibbs Hall, Fort Monmouth Officers’ Club; 
    Location: Fort Monmouth, NJ, USA; Dates: Unknown 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: None 
(1) Conference Name: 1947 - Unknown 
    General Chair(s): Unknown; TPC Chair(s): Unknown 
    Venue: Gibbs Hall, Fort Monmouth Officers’ Club; 
    Location: Fort Monmouth, NJ, USA; Dates: Unknown 
    Sponsor: Unknown; Proceedings: None 

Note: If you need assistance in modifying this Wikipedia page, please contact Dr. Jian-yu Lu at:


  1. Home Page of IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control
  2. IEEE UFFC Society Constitution
  3. Videos of IEEE UFFC-S Activities at YouTube
  4. Videos of Some Early IEEE IUS at YouTube
  5. Videos of IEEE UFFC-S Scholar Activities at YouTube
  6. IEEE Global History Network (2011). "IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society History". IEEE History Center. Retrieved 7 July 2011.
  7. Information on Operations of IEEE UFFC-S AdCom
  8. History and Operations of IEEE TUFFC
  9. Fillable IEEE UFFC-S Conference Data Collection Form (works only after downloading to a computer)
  10. A Sample Calendar of Events of IEEE UFFC-S Symposia
  11. Historical Charts of IEEE IUS since 1959
  12. Organization of 2008 IEEE IUS
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