Human trafficking in Georgia (U.S. state)

Human trafficking in Georgia is the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of reproductive slavery, commercial sexual exploitation, and forced labor as it occurs in the US state of Georgia, and it is widely recognized as a modern-day form of slavery. It includes “the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power, or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs.”[1]


Slave trading in Atlanta

Human trafficking in the form of slavery is known to have been practiced by the original or earliest-known inhabitants of the future colony and state of Georgia, for centuries prior to European colonization. During the colonial era, the practice of Indian slavery in Georgia soon became surpassed by industrial-scale plantation slavery. While slavery technically became illegal in Georgia after the ratification of the 13th Amendment, slavery continued to thrive legally under the peonage system and aggressive penal labor.[2]


Georgia law OCGA 16-5-46 prohibits the trafficking of persons for labor or sexual servitude with a more severe penalty for trafficking minors.[3]

On April 2, 2015 a new law passed called the SB8 and SR7. Under this law convicted traffickers will register as sex offenders and pay into a state fund called New Safe Harbor to help victims of sex trafficking with physical, mental health, education, job training and legal help.[4]

HB 200 law went into effect on July 1, 2011. The law is harsher when it involves minors and can be up to a twenty-year prison sentence and a $100,000 fine. Another major step is that the age of consent, which is sixteen, or lack of knowledge of the victim’s age is no longer a valid defense.[5]


Atlanta is now a major transportation hub when it comes to trafficking young girls from Mexico and is one of the fourteen U.S. cities with the highest levels of sex trafficking of children.[6]

In the year of 2007 the sex trade generated $290 million in Atlanta.[3]

Craigslist is a major medium for the advertisement for sex and the site is known to get three times as many hits as other sites.[7]

“The same ready access to commercial air and ground routes that draws businesses and travelers to Atlanta also entices criminals engaged in human trafficking.” There are numerous events and conventions in Atlanta that bring many people to the city which also exemplifies the issue.[6]


Out Of Darkness is an organization that is against sex trafficking which is located in Atlanta Georgia; Out of Darkness falls under the section 501(c) (3). Their “mission is to reach, rescue and restore all victims of commercial sexual exploitation, that the glory of God may be known.”[8]

BeLoved Atlanta is an organization that focuses on the “community of women who have survived trafficking, prostitution and addiction”. BeLoved Atlanta will provide a residential home to adult women who were personally affected by sexual exploitation, they are able to provide their services to residents for up to two years.[9]

End It “is a coalition of leading organization in the world to fight for freedom”. Their mission is to shine a light on all forms of slavery. End it “Partners are doing the work, on the ground, every day, to bring AWARENESS, PREVENTION, RESCUE, and RESTORATION.”[10]

Not For Sale is about protecting individuals from modern day slavery and human trafficking. Not For Sale started in Berkeley California, and is now located in 15 other states. They provide safety, job-training, and life skills, along with many other outlets.[11]

Real Cases of Trafficking


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