Human rights in Sri Lanka

Coat of arms of Sri Lanka, showing a lion holding a sword in its right forepaw surrounded by a ring made from blue lotus petals which is placed on top of a grain vase sprouting rice grains to encircle it. A Dharmacakra is on the top while a sun and moon are at the bottom on each side of the vase.
This article is part of a series on the
politics and government of
Sri Lanka

Major human rights groups such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, as well as the United States Department of State[1] and the European Union,[2] have expressed concern about the state of human rights in Sri Lanka. British rule in Ceylon,[3] the government of Sri Lanka and the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) as well as various other paramilitaries and marxist rebels are accused of violating human rights. [4] Although Sri Lanka has not officially practiced the death penalty since 1976,[5] there are well-documented cases of state-sponsored 'disappearances' and murders.[6] .[7]


Sri Lanka was embroiled in a civil war for more than two decades. More than 64,000 people have been killed and more than one million have been displaced since 1983. In July 1983, the most savage anti-minority pogrom in Sri Lanka's history, known as the Black July riots, erupted. Government appointed commission's estimates put the death toll at nearly 1,000.,[8] mostly minority Sri Lankan Tamils.[9] died or 'disappeared'. At least 150,000 Tamils fled the island. Another major event was the repression of a revolution in the South of Sri Lanka by government forces.Up to 60,000 Sinhalese people including many students died as a result of this insurgency led by the factions of the Marxist JVP.

Sri Lankan Civil War


1980s On April 19, 1986, Ramanujam Manikkalingam, an MIT physics graduate, was arrested by government security forces in his native country of Sri Lanka under the provisions of the Prevention of Terrorism Act. Family and friends said that he was arrested while walking home from the local post office and that he was tortured in custody.[10][11][12]

1990s The Eastern province of Sri Lanka was taken over by Sri Lankan Forces after heavy fighting in 1990. Even after government forces moved in early 1990 large number of disappearance and extrajudicial execution were continued. By October 1990, 3,000 people were estimated to have been killed or to have disappeared in Amparai district. Further Many of the disappeared people were believed to have been killed as a result of extrajudicial execution. Likewise in Batticaloa another 1,500 people were reported to have disappeared.[13] The LTTE terrorists continued to kill innocent people in the Eastern Province. They killed Muslims gathered in two mosques, for Friday prayers. Also more than 700 unarmed policemen were murdered, cold blood. A bus full of Buddhist monks were killed at Aranthalawa. However, the true perpetrators of the disappearances are yet to be determined, with the Sri Lankan government and the rebels both accusing each other.


The European Union also condemned Sri Lankan security forces in the year 2000 concerning human rights, after fighting displaced 12,000 civilians.[14]

The US State Department stated that "The civilian authorities generally maintained effective control of the security forces, although some members of the security forces committed serious human right abuses".[15]

During President Mahinda Rajapaksa's reign White vans started to be associated with abductions and disappearances both during and after the war. Most disappearances of various critics, journalist and others who had disputes with members of the Rajapaksa government as well as kidnapping for ransom has been associated with the "White vans" which were believed to be operated by Military personnel.[16]

Sahathevan Nilakshan, also spelt Sahadevan Nilakshan was a minority Sri Lankan Tamil student journalist and the head of the Chaalaram magazine. Sahadevan was shot dead inside his house during nighttime curfew in an area heavily guarded by the Sri Lankan Army.[17] Sahadevan was part of a series of killing of Tamil media workers particularly those seen supporting the Tamil nationalist cause as Chaalaram magazine for which he worked was linked to the Federation of Jaffna District Students was seen supporting Tamil nationalism. It was seen as part of the intimidation of Tamil media.[18][19]


People who were previously in, or who assisted, the Tamil Tigers have alleged that the government has been continuing to torture them after the formal end of hostilities. Human Rights Watch has said that 62 cases of sexual violence have been documented since the end of the civil war, though the government says that there have only been 5. Similarly, the government asserts that these are isolated cases, while those making the allegations believe that this is a part of an organized government campaign. One specific link to a formal government program investigated by the BBC found numerous people who say they were tortured at government rehabilitation camps, run for suspected former rebels. Several of those involved have medical documentation of torture along with documentation of having attended these programmes. Two UN reports have stated that the programme does not met international standards and that there was a possibility of torture occurring. The government claimed to the BBC that they did not agree with the claims, and asserted that those anonymous people making the reports may have been paid by the Tamil Tigers or tortured by the Tigers themselves.[20]

Abuses by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam have repeatedly been accused of attacks on civilians during their separatist guerrilla campaign. The US State Department reported several human rights abuses in 2005, but it specifically states that there were no confirmed reports of politically motivated killings by the government. The report states that, "they [LTTE] continued to control large sections of the north and east and engaged in politically motivated killings, disappearances, torture, arbitrary arrest and detention, denial of fair public trial, arbitrary interference with privacy, denial of freedom of speech, press, of assembly and association, and the recruitment of child soldiers". The report further accused the LTTE of extrajudicial killings in the North and East.[21]

The LTTE committed massacres in the Northern and Eastern provinces of Sri Lanka. The number of civilians massacred in a single incident were as high as 144 (Anuradhapura massacre) in 1985. Some of the major attacks resulting in civilian deaths include the Kebithigollewa massacre, the Gonagala massacre (54 dead), the Dehiwala train bombing (56 dead),[22] the Palliyagodella massacre (109 dead) and the bombing of Sri Lanka's Central Bank (102 dead). Further a Claymore antipersonnel mine attack by the LTTE on June 15, 2006 on a bus carrying 140 civilians killed 68 people including 15 children, and injured 60 others.[23]

Tamil Tigers were also credited by FBI for the invention of suicide bra and suicide belt.[24] Most of the targets of suicide attacks were made on civilians rather than the government forces.

Abuses by other groups

The TamilEela Makkal Viduthalai Pulikal (TMVP), an armed organization led by Colonel Karuna, was accused by many human rights and non-governmental organizations of recruiting children, torture, assassinations and engaging in extortion in its war against the LTTE.[25][26][27] The TMVP was also involved in kidnappings for ransom of wealthy, predominantly Tamil, businessmen to raise money in Colombo and other towns. Some businessmen were killed because their family could not pay the ransom.[28][29][30][31]


The legacy of alleged human rights abuses continued to affect Sri Lanka after the end of the war. For example, the biennial Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting was held in Sri Lanka in 2013. The prime ministers of India, Canada, and Mauritius refused to attend due to concerns about Sri Lanka's human rights record, including "ongoing allegations of abuse of opposition politicians and journalists".[32]


After president Mahinda Rajapaksa was ousted from power investigations into the disappearances were launched by the new government which revealed a secret unit within the Sri Lankan Navy that was responsible for several disappearances.In March 2015, three navy personnel and a former police officer were arrested in relation to the killing of parliamentarian Nadarajah Raviraj in 2006 and in August 2015, police also announced that they had arrested several military personnel in relation to the disappearance of journalist and cartoonist Prageeth Eknaligoda.[33][34]

On 2015 October 11, Former Eastern Province Chief Minister Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan alias Pillayan of the former paramilitary group TMVP was arrested by the Criminal Investigation Department in connection with the killing of former TNA parliamentarian Joseph Pararajasingham who was shot dead on December 25, 2005 in Batticaloa.[35] He was allowed to be detained till 4 November for further questioning[36]

Post war Ethnic clashes

The 2014 anti-Muslim riots in Sri Lanka were religious and ethnic riots in June 2014 in south-western Sri Lanka. Muslims and their property were attacked by Sinhalese Buddhists in the towns of Aluthgama, Beruwala and Dharga Town in Kalutara District. At least four people were killed and 80 injured.[37] Hundreds were made homeless following attacks on homes, shops, factories, mosques and a nursery.[38] 10,000 people (8,000 Muslims and 2,000 Sinhalese) were displaced by the riots.[39] The riots followed rallies by Bodu Bala Sena (BBS), a hard line Buddhist group.[40] The BBS was widely blamed for inciting the riots but it has denied responsibility.[41][42][43] The mainstream media in Sri Lanka censored news about the riots following orders from the Sri Lankan government.[44]

Moderate Buddhist monk Watareka Vijitha, who had been critical of the BBS, was abducted and assaulted in the Bandaragama area on 19 June 2014.[45][46] Vijitha had been forcibly circumcised.[47][48]

Schools in the riot affected re-opened on 23 June 2014.[49][50] Sporadic attacks against Muslim targets continued in the days after the riots.[51]

Child Marriage

In Sri Lanka the legal marriage age is 18. However the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act (MMDA) allows underage muslims older than 12 to be married and does not require the bride's consent. The age can be reduced even further if a quazi allows it. The penal code also exempts Muslims from prosecution for statutory rape if the victim is married to the perpetrator and is 12 or older. Child marriage rates in Sri Lanka are at 2% by 15 and 12% by 18, lower than other South Asian nations however some marriages are unregistered and may be higher. Many muslim girls have attempted suicide to avoid being forcefully married off and girls that oppose marriages are beaten by their families. Husbands can also get quick divorces without having to offer any explanation while the wife has to endure a long process that requires her to produce witnesses and attend hearings. The laws are administered through special sharia courts administered by quazis. Women are not allowed to be quazis and quazis routinely order women to keep quiet during proceedings, representation through lawyers are also not allowed.[52][53][54]

Many incidents of domestic abuse, rape and murder of teenages have been reported due to the MMDA. In one instance a girl was sent to her uncle's house by parents due to falling in love with a boy while having education and a visitor to the house asked the family to marry her. The girl refused and was beaten up by the family, and in desperation she cut her arms and took several pills in a failed suicide attempt. After she hospitalized her family bribed the doctors and took her to a private hospital and later married her off. Her husband regularly abused her and was paranoid of her having an affair with her former love interest. When she revealed her pregnancy he threw her to the floor taunting that he only needed her for one night. As a result she suffered a miscarriage and the police didn't believe her story and the mosque reunited her with the husband despite her objections. Then her husband put her phone number on social media which resulted in various strangers asking her to have sex for money. As a result her education was sabotaged and was unable to even travel outside. In 2017 another 4 months pregnant 18 year old died after her husband she married when she was 16, tied her to a chair, poured oil and set on fire. Her husband threatened that he would hurt her other infant if she reported the abuse to the police.[54][53] There have been instances of children as young as 12 being dragged from playgrounds, given wedding clothes and being forcibly married off while crying in the middle of the wedding ceremony and being forced into sex even before puberty.[55]

Supporters of the MMDA such as the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama,  a union of male Islamic scholars claim that child marriages are rare. However 22% of marriages registered in 2015 in Kattankudy, a Muslim town in Sri Lanka, the woman was 17 or younger up from 14% in 2014.[52]

Many Muslim organizations such as the Women's Action Network (WAN) and Muslim Women’s Research and Action Forum have been attempting to reform or abolish the MMDA and give equal rights to women and ban child marriage. However members of the organizations face harassement and threats from extremist Muslim organizations. Activists have expressed fears to even engage in daily tasks such as traveling and sending children to school due to regular threats.[54]

See also

References and further reading

  1. Sri Lanka
  2. The EU's relations with Sri Lanka - Overview Archived September 10, 2007, at the Wayback Machine.
  3. Keerthisinghe, Lakshman I. (2013). "The British duplicity in protecting human rights in Sri Lanka". Daily Mirror. Retrieved 2013-10-21.
  4. 2006 Annual Report for Sri Lanka, Amnesty International USA, retrieved 2009-02-12
  5. Ste's Site - Death penalty in Sri Lanka Archived February 22, 2006, at the Wayback Machine.
  6. Recurring Nightmare: State Responsibility for "Disappearances" and Abductions in Sri Lanka
  7. "Sri Lanka - Out of the Silence". Retrieved 6 March 2015.
  8. "President Kumaratunga's speech on the 21st Anniversary of 'Black July'". Retrieved 6 March 2015.
  9. Amnesty International Canada || News Release Archived 2007-09-11 at the Wayback Machine.
  10. Fish, Andrew L. (12 August 1986). "Sri Lanka continues to hold IT student" (PDF). The Tech. Retrieved 22 December 2015.
  11. Hamilton, David P. (29 April 1986). "Students, faculty marshal support for prisoner" (PDF). The Tech. p. 3. Retrieved 22 December 2015.
  12. Schlacter, Barry (28 July 1986). "Prime Minister's Talk Moved Off Campus After Protest". Associated Press News Archive. Associated Press. Retrieved 9 February 2016.
  13. "Human Rights Reports - Amnesty International USA". Retrieved 6 March 2015.
  14. "Sri Lanka rapped over human rights". BBC News. April 3, 2000. Retrieved May 4, 2010.
  15. Line 5
  16. "Demands for inquiry into Sri Lanka 'white van' abductions". Retrieved 2015-09-30.
  17. "Sahadevan Nilakshan". Retrieved 6 March 2015.
  18. "Intimidation of Tamil media". Retrieved 6 March 2015.
  19. IFJ calls for end to brutal targeting of Lankan media Archived September 30, 2007, at the Wayback Machine.
  20. Harrison, Francis (9 November 2013). "'Tamils still being raped and tortured' in Sri Lanka". BBC. Retrieved 9 November 2013.
  21. "Sri Lanka". U.S. Department of State. Retrieved 6 March 2015.
  22. Timeline of the Tamil conflict, BBC News, September 4, 2000
  23. United States Condemns Terrorist Attack on Sri Lankan Bus, US State Department, archived from the original on February 2, 2009
  24. "FBI — Taming the Tamil Tigers". FBI. Archived from the original on 13 February 2008. Retrieved 6 March 2015.
  25. "Sri Lanka", Human Rights Watch, August 9, 2007, archived from the original on 2007-09-29
  26. "Complicit in Crime: State Collusion in Abductions and Child Recruitment by the Karuna Group", Human Rights Watch, 19, January 2007
  27. "Sri Lanka: Armed groups infiltrating refugee camps", Amnesty International, August 9, 2007, archived from the original on September 11, 2007
  28. "Impunity reigns", Human Rights Watch (1(C)), August 9, 2007
  29. "Sri Lanka: Karuna Group Abducts Children for Combat - Human Rights Watch". Retrieved 6 March 2015.
  30. "Sri Lanka: Letter to Pope Benedict XVI on the Situation In Sri Lanka - Human Rights Watch". Retrieved 6 March 2015.
  31. Thomson Reuters Foundation. "Thomson Reuters Foundation". Retrieved 6 March 2015.
  32. Paramaguru, Kharunya (15 November 2013). "Controversy Over Sri Lanka’s Human Rights Record Overshadows Commonwealth Summit Read more: Sri Lanka Human Rights Questioned at Commonwealth Meeting". Time. Retrieved 15 November 2013.
  33. "Video: Secret Navy unit probed". Retrieved 2015-09-30.
  34. "SL judicial system isn’t equipped to probe war crimes: Zeid". Retrieved 2015-09-30.
  35. "Pillayan arrested over Pararajasingham killing".
  36. "Pillayan to be detained till November 4 | Daily News Online : Sri Lanka's National News". Retrieved 2015-10-14.
  37. Colombage, Dinouk (17 June 2014). "n Pictures: Sri Lanka hit by religious riots". Al Jazeera.
  38. "Sri Lankan riots spark international concern". Gulf Times. Agence France-Presse. 16 June 2014.
  39. Karunarathne, Waruni (22 June 2014). "The Human Tragedy Of Aluthgama". The Sunday Leader.
  40. "Religious Riots Kill 3 Muslims in Sri Lanka". Voice of America. 16 June 2014.
  41. Athas, Iqbal; Hume, Tim (20 June 2014). "Fear, shock among Sri Lankan Muslims in aftermath of Buddhist mob violence". CNN.
  42. "Sri Lanka police hit back after media flak over deadly riots". The Times of India. Agence France-Presse. 22 June 2014.
  43. "Muslim businesses stay shut in Colombo after ethnic riots". Oman Tribune. Agence France-Presse. 19 June 2014.
  44. "Sectarian violence in south declared off-limits for media". Reporters Without Borders. 17 June 2014.
  45. "Sri Lanka moderate monk critical of anti-Muslim violence beaten". BBC News. 19 June 2014.
  46. "Ven. Watareka Vijitha thera assaulted". The Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka). 19 June 2014.
  47. Indrakumar, Menaka (22 June 2014). "Abductors forcibly circumcise Vijitha Thera". Ceylon Today. Archived from the original on 14 January 2016.
  48. "Abductors attempt to circumcise the Sri Lankan Buddhist monk who tried to build inter faith harmony". Colombo Page. 19 June 2014.
  49. "Aluthgama, Beruwala area schools to reopen on Monday". The Sunday Times (Sri Lanka). 21 June 2014. Archived from the original on 25 June 2014.
  50. "Schools in Aluthgama and Beruwala re-opens on Monday". Ceylon Today. 21 June 2014. Archived from the original on 14 January 2016.
  51. "Sri Lanka charges moderate monk critical of anti-Muslim violence". BBC News. 25 June 2014.
  52. 1 2 "Sri Lanka debates its antiquated Muslim family laws". The Economist. Retrieved 2017-06-23.
  53. 1 2 "Tortured Sri Lankan Muslim Child Marriage Victim Dies, Police Soft-Pedals Capture Of Murderous Husband – Colombo Telegraph". Retrieved 2017-06-23.
  54. 1 2 3 "The wounded victims of Sri Lanka's child marriage law". BBC News. 2017-06-20. Retrieved 2017-06-23.
  55. Daniel, Smriti. "In Sri Lanka, Muslim women are fighting back against unfair marriage laws". Retrieved 2017-06-25.
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