Ursel family

House of Ursel
noble family

Holy Roman Empire

Spanish Netherlands
Austrian Netherlands

United Kingdom of the Netherlands

Kingdom of Belgium
Founded 15th century
Founder Gaspar Schetz
Current head Stéphane, 10th Duke of Ursel
Ethnicity Germany

d' Ursel is the name of an important old Belgian noble family. The chief of the House is styled the Duke of Ursel, others are Count d'Ursel.


Coat of arms of the House of Ursel, containing 3 red Merlettes
Ambrosius Tucher and Mary of Ursel, Buried in St-James of Antwerp
Louis d'Ursel: King of Arms of Flanders
Schetz and Ursel in: Quartiers généalogiques des familles nobles des Pays-Bas.
d'Ursel Castle, Hingene redesigned by the italian architect Giovanni Niccolò Servandoni
The castle of Durbuy is a private residence of the Count d´Ursel, since the 18th Century.
Philip Albert d'Ursel, (1668–1746)
Eleonore von Lobcowitz, Duchesse d'Ursel
Wolfgang, the 3rd Duke d'Ursel, Prince of Arche and Charleville, Count of Grobbendonk
Charles, the 6th Duke of Ursel was president of the Belgian Senate

The Ursel family roots are in Schmalkalden, Germany, and it originally had the name Schetzenbergh. In the late 15th century, some members moved to Hasselt and Antwerp. Amongst the family members we find Gaspard II Schetz, the Lord of Grobbendonck, who married Catherine van Ursel, daughter of Lancelot II of Ursel. The three daughters of Lancelot II died without heirs, and by request of Barbe of Ursel, Conrad III Schetz was adopted by her. His descendants carrying the name 'van Ursel'.The ancestors of Lancelot II came from Antwerpen, and held important offices. Conrad Albert, Baron of Wesemael and Lord of Highene was created First Duke of Ursel by imperial decree of Charles VI in 19 aug, 1716 and later he was created First Duke of Hoboken on 24 april 1717.

During the centuries the family had the privilege of beeing the hereditary grand veneur and Haut Forestier of Flanders (Forestarius), a ceremonial function at court of the Count of Flanders.[1]


Today the Ursel family still holds residence in a few important old castles like Hex Castle, property of count Ghislian d'Ursel[2] and the large Castle of the Counts d´Ursel in Durbuy, descendants of Antony Schets, Count of Durbuy.[3] Moulbaix Castle was recently sold, after the last Countess d´Ursel passed away.[4] Beerlegem Castle is the private residence of Count Hubert d'Ursel de Bousies, by marriage a descendant of Lopez-Maria Rodriguez d'Evora y Vega, 1st Marquess of Rode, the original Marquess of Rode.[5][6] Another residence Smissenbroek Castle is the property of Count Augustin d'Ursel de Bousies, this castle comes from the same heritage of Rodriguez d'Evora y Vega and is family property since 1808.[7][8]

The main summer residence of the family was d'Ursel Castle in Hingene, since the 18th century private property. Even today the main graveyard of the Dukes of Ursel is next to the church of Hingene. The successful restoration of the castle received the Flemish Heritage award.[9]


Members of the House of Ursel are allied to many old and important noble houses of Belgium. Even today these unions give them a large network in society. They are allied and married to the house of von Lobkowicz, Zu salm, Thurn und Taxis, von Arenberg , de Clermont-Tonnerre , de La Trémoille, Cornet d'Elzius , De Croy, de Merode, de la Rochefoucauld, de Riquet, Prince de Caraman-Chimay, de Lannoy, d'Oultremont, von Schönburg-Glauchau, de Brouchoven de Bergeÿck, de Spoelberch, de Broqueville, Visart de Bocarmé, de Hemricourt de Grunne, von Hohenlohe, de Villenfagne de Vogelsanck, de Bèthune-Hesdigneul.[10]

Royal ancestry

Grace to the wedding of the First Duke and Princess Eleonore Christine Elisabeth zu Salm, she was a great-granddaughter of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia and Frederick V of the Palatinate. Other royal ancesters are James I of England, James V of Scotland and king Christian III of Denmark, Albert IV, Duke of Bavaria, Mary, Queen of Scots, William the Silent, Ferdinand I of Aragon, Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor, Eleanor of Portugal, Holy Roman Empress. Thus all members of the familie are bloodrelated to the major Royal families of Europe.

Grace to the wedding of Charles, 2nd Duke d'Ursel with a daughter of Georg Christian, Fürst von Lobkowitz, we can find royal ancestry of Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor and Ferdinand the Catholic of Spain.

Current Duke

Today the family is still known in Belgium, and form an important part of local society. Public appearances of the family are often reported in the local papers.[11] The Current duke still keeps a high ceremonial rank in Belgium, he is a member of the noble Families du Salon Bleu,[12] and was adressed as Monseigneur.[13]

The current 10th Duke of Ursel is Stéphane, grandson of Henri, he has left Belgium and lives with his family in Central America. Therefor the Comital branch of the family is the only branch residing in Belgium. His mother the dowager Duchess resides in Belgium, with her youngest son Didrik, Count d´Ursel in 2009.[14]


The head of the family still holds old recognised titles, given from father to son for generations.


Descendants Renout, Mayors of Antwerpen

Reinout van Ursel/Ursene[17] is considered the first Knight of Ursel, he was married to Sapientia Vele Roggemans.

    • Lancelot of Ursel, Lord of Asscherayen (Asschereyen/As-Schreyhane), m. Joanne, lady of Corswarem.
    • John of Ursel, Schepene of Antwerpen, m. Beatrix d'Alleyns.
      • John II of Ursel, Lord Mayor of Antwerpen, m. Isabelle de Colesoyne
        • Lancelot I of Ursel, Schepene of Antwerpen, m. Cecilia, Lady of Diest
          • John III of Ursel, Schepene of Antwerpen, m. 1st Maria vander Voort, 2nd Mary Pots

Barons of Hoboken

Conrad III Schetz, (1553–1632), 1st Baron of Hoboken was the son of Gaspard II and Catharina van Ursel. He named himself Conrad d'Ursel after 1617.

    • Conrad, 1st Count of Ursel, 2nd Baron of Hoboken, Vicomte of Vives-St-Eloy (1592-1659) : became a Count of the Holy Roman Empire by Imperial Decree of Ferdinand III in 1638. Married to Anne Maria de Robles, former Noble Canonesse of Nivelles.[18]
      • François, 2nd Count of Ursel, 3rd Baron of Hoboken (1626 - 1696): Grand Forrestier of Flanders, in service of Charles II of Spain, married to Honorine , Lady of Hornes-Bassignies.
        • Anne-Hyacinthe d'Ursel: married to François-Sigmund, son of Lamoral II Claudius Franz, Count of Thurn and Taxis
        • Marie-Françoise d'Ursel †1720: married to Guillaume Henri de Mélun, Marquess of Richebourg.
        • Angélique-Florence d'Ursel: married the Marquess de Bournonville.
        • Conrad-Albert, 1st Duke d'Ursel (1665–1738)

Duke of Hoboken (Imperial Decree of 1717)

Simplified genealogy of the generations and direct line of Dukes of Ursel upon today.[19]

Austrian an Holland period

Conrad-Albert, 1st Duke d'Ursel (1665–1738):
He married to Eleonore Christine Elisabeth zu Salm, daughter of Charles Theodore, Prince of Salm and noble lady of the Starry Cross.[18]

    1. Charles, 2nd Duke d'Ursel (1717–1775):[18]
      married to Eleonora von Lobkowicz, daughter of Georg Christian, Fürst von Lobkowitz and Henriette von Waldstein-Wartenburg (1702 - 1780).
      1. Wolfgang-William, 3rd Duke d'Ursel (1750–1804).[18]
        1. Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel (1777–1860): [18]

Belgian Kingdom

Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel (1777–1860): [18]
Married to Louise-Victoire, princess di Masserano.

    1. Léon, 5th Duke d'Ursel (1805 – 1878).[20]:
      married to Sophie d'Harcourt (1812-1842), daughter of Eugène, Duke of Harcourt.
      1. Marie Charles Joseph, 6th Duke d'Ursel (1848 – 1903).[20]
        1. Robert-Marie, 7th Duke d'Ursel ( 1873 – 1955):
          1. Henri, 8th Duke d'Ursel, (1900 – 1974):
            1. Antonin, 9th Duke d'Ursel, (1925 - 1989)[21]
              1. Stéphane, 10th Duke d'Ursel, (1971 -)
                1. Matisse, Count d'Ursel. (2001-)

Count d'Ursel

Cadet family members are to beknown as Count or Countess d'Ursel.


  1. http://search.arch.be/fr/rechercher-des-archives/resultats/ead/index/eadid/BE-A0510_000626_003392_FRE/eac/eac-BE-A0500_007662/anchor/descgrp-context-bioghist/open/c:1.c:6.c:5.
  2. http://www.hex.be/?page_id=102
  3. http://villa-louise.be/streekproductenmarkt-in-het-kasteel-van-durbuy/
  4. http://www.hln.be/regio/nieuws-uit-wetteren/grond-kopen-kasteel-gratis-erbij-a2546300/
  5. http://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/ae3eijto
  6. https://inventaris.onroerenderfgoed.be/erfgoedobjecten/45149
  7. http://www.regiozottegem.be/index.php/201109048884/Oosterzele/Adellijk-huwelijk-in-Oosterzele.html
  8. https://inventaris.onroerenderfgoed.be/erfgoedobjecten/36646
  9. http://www.hln.be/hln/nl/1901/reisnieuws/article/detail/2048680/2014/09/12/Kasteeldomein-d-Ursel-winnaar-van-Vlaamse-Monumentenprijs-2014.dhtml
  10. http://www.angelfire.com/realm/gotha/gotha/ursel.html
  11. http://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/vv3ettdv
  12. https://books.google.es/books?id=zk274G4O-JUC&pg=PA34&lpg=PA34&dq=d%27ursel+monseigneur&source=bl&ots=sb38qmJ5IG&sig=aKGip3yTeU61v0YLrUDd6dw0CJg&hl=nl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiH64D4oN7RAhUjOJoKHRO2CMcQ6AEIQzAM#v=onepage&q=d'ursel%20monseigneur&f=false Een nobel doel : Erlend Hamerlijnck / 2005
  13. http://bajarlibros.co/libro/copie-d39;une-lettre-de-monseigneur-le-duc-d39;ursel,-adressee-agrave;-monsieur-de-villegas,-president-du-consiel-de-brabant,-le-22-mars-1790/FUfrvVaIcCaOcCal/
  14. http://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/wy_4_766_168121_2009
  15. http://search.arch.be/en/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/inventaris/index/archiefbewaarplaats/BE-A0510/eadid/BE-A0510_000626_003392_FRE/anchor/descgrp-context-bioghist/open/c%3A3.c%3A4./inventarisnr/I339200003146/level/file
  16. Dictionnaire genealogique, heraldique, chronologique et historique ..., Volume 3
  17. Annuaire de la noblesse de Belgique, Volume 21
  18. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Short historical overview of the d’Ursel family, retrieved 21 October 2009
  19. Zomers in Hingene. Het kasteel d'Ursel en zijn bewoners/ ISBN|9789058268747
  20. 1 2 Melville Henry Massue Ruvigny et Raineval The Plantagenet Roll of the Blood Royal: Being a Complete Table of All the Descendants Now Living of Edward III, King of England, Genealogical Pub. Co., 1994, ISBN 0-8063-1436-2, ISBN 978-0-8063-1436-5. Page 461
  21. "Ursel". angelfire.com.
  22. http://www.odis.be/hercules/toonPers.php?taalcode=nl&id=11910
  23. https://www.kerknet.be/kerknet-redactie/nieuws/nieuwe-belgische-ambassadeur-bij-heilige-stoel

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