House of Santcliment

Arms of the House of Santcliment.

The House of Santcliment is an aristocratic and noble Spanish Catalan House.


Branch of Lleida

The House of Santcliment was started by Tomàs de Santcliment, lord of Mequinenza between 1230 and 1244. He bought the castle of Alcarrás by Guillem de Cardona in 1249 and received authority from the king of the castles of Cinca, Malda and Maldanell as a reward for his participation in the Valencia's campaign. In the fourteenth century the members of this brench resided on carrer Major of Lleida and owned many lordships: Alcarràs, Montagut, Sarroca de Lleida, Llardecans, Vilanova de Remolins and large estates in Flix and La Palma d'Ebre (the last two were sold to Barcelona in 1398). Francesc de Santcliment, noble citizen of Lleida, was in the service of Peter IV of Aragon, who sent him as ambassador to Avignon in 1336 and as a defender of the Aran Valley against the bishop of Comminges; Francesc founded the family chapel in the cathedral of Lleida. One of his children, Pere, was chancellor of the university of Lleida (1387-1403), canon and then bishop of Lleida, while is son Francesc was paer in 1380 and veguer in 1413. The son of Francesc, Bernat de Santcliment, carried out a long lawsuit against the chapter of Lleida for some lands near Montagut, that he ended lost. He also fought in the war against John II of Aragon in 1467 and was paer. It seems that from the sixteenth century the decline of this branch is evident because they neither have nor Alcarrás, Sarroca or Llardecans.

Branch of Barcelona

Pere de Santcliment is the first prominent member of this branch of the House, already mentioned by James I of Aragon as "our scribe". The members of this branch continued to serve as notari major of the chancery under Peter III of Aragon. With these positions and favors the branch has created the family's fortune. From all these benefits the Santcliments continue to invest in the purchase of land and small lordship near the Catalan capital in order to ensure relevance to the group of distinguished citizens, who had to live on incomes so that for himself and his children. The branch of Barcelona had a rich heritage in and around Barcelona: the torre de Bell-lloc, site in Sant Andreu de Palomar, consisting of mills and farms, the Torre Vella, site in Badalona, the casa de la Murtra, near Santa Coloma and own several properties in Santa Coloma de Gramenet. In addition, the Santcliment received land after the conquest of Sardinia and several times a member went in the campaign to control the island.

Prominent members

Titles and lordships


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