Holy Week in Málaga

Holy Week in Málaga

A procession in Holy Week
Official name Semana Santa en Málaga
Type Cultural, Religious, Historical
Significance Commemoration of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus
Begins Palm Sunday
Ends Easter Sunday
2017 date April 9 - April 16
2018 date March 25 - April 1
2019 date April 14 - April 21
Frequency Annual

Holy Week in Malaga (in Spanish Semana Santa en Málaga), is the annual commemoration of the Passion of Jesus Christ that takes place during the last week of Lent, the week immediately before Easter. It is one of the main cultural events, religious and tourist attraction of Málaga.

During Holy Week, 41 brotherhoods make 45 processions through the streets of Málaga showing realistic wooden sculptures narrating scenes of the events of the Passion of Christ, or images of the Virgin Mary showing sorrow.

Holy Week in Málaga was declared in 1965 Fiesta of International Tourist Interest of Spain.[1]


Nazarenes of the section of the Virgin of the Brotherhood of the Holy Transfer


A characteristic common with the rest of the Holy Week in Spain is usage of the nazareno or penitential robe for some of the participants in the processions. This garment consists in a tunic, capirote (a hood with conical tip) used to conceal the face of the wearer, and sometimes a cloak. The fabrics normally used in these garments are velvet, damask, satin or twill. The Nazarenos of some brotherhoods also can wear gloves, scapulars, stoles and the tunic fastened with cincture or belts of espartos. The exact colors and forms of these robes depend on the particular brotherhood, in Malaga normally the colors of the Nazarenos of the section of the Christ and the Virgin are different. Usually the nazarenos carry candles and they go before the thrones.

A banner embroidered with the shield of the brotherhood from Vineyards


The majority of the brotherhoods carry a significant number of insignia in the procession that are carried by nazarenos:

A standart embroidered with a painting of the Virgin of Grace


Some processions are accompanied by women who wear mantillas. It is formed by a black dress, a sign of mourning and pains, is accompanied by a mantilla, lace or silk veil or shawl worn over the head and back. The peineta, similar in appearance to a large comb, is used to hold up the mantilla.[2]


Before the throne are placed a group of six or eight acolytes dressed in vestments, many of them wearing dalmatics; the ceroferarios who carries the ciriales or processional candlestick; and the thurifers who carries the thurible where incense is burned and it is dispersed.

Throne of the Virgin of Great Power, where the canopy is visible with the bambalinas, the candelería at the front and the arbotantes on the corners.


The thrones, in others places called pasos, are enormous platforms where are located the sculptures that depict different scenes from the gospels related to the Passion of Christ or the Sorrows of Virgin Mary. Each brotherhood usually exhibit two thrones, the first one would be a sculpted scene of the Passion, or image of Christ; and the second an image of the Virgin Mary, known as a dolorosa.

The structure of the thrones, known as cajillo, is richly carved in wood, silver, bronze or nickel silver and some gilt with gold leaf. In each of the corners of the cajillo are placed the arbotantes (candelabra) or lantern to illuminate the image or sculptural group that is located in the upper part of the cajillo.

A throne butler rings a bell after the bearers' rest

The thrones of Christ are adorned at the top with carpet of flowers like carnations or iris, or mount of corks. while most of Virgin's thrones are covered by an ornate canopy sujeted to the cajillo by 12 or 16 palio bars. From the front, back and sides of the canopy hang the bambalinas, velver o mesh draperies embroidered in gold, plate and silk. In front of the image of the Virgin is placed the candelería, a set of candlesticks where they are placed the candles of stepped form.

Thrones are carried on the shoulders of men and women, called men of thrones or bearers, through long bars or beams called varales, which usually measure between 8 and 14 meters long, each throne has 6 or 8 varales depending on the size of the throne. Depending on weight, some can weigh up to 5 tonnes,[3] a throne requires between 120 and 270 portadores (beares) to moved. Each person can carry between 20 and 40 kilograms of weight,[4][5] during the time of the procession, from 6 to 14 hours.

At the front of the throne’s varales there is a big bell. This is rung with a hammer by the Throne Butler (the chief of the Throne Men) to guide and stop to rest the bearers.[4]

Christ of the Souls of the Blind (c. 1649) attributed to Pedro de Zayas, Royal Merged Brotherhood


The sculptures are located at the top of the throne and are the central axis of each brotherhood, most of the sculptures are carved wood and later polychrome, often life-size or somewhat smaller. Some of these carvings are great works of art with centuries of antiquity.[6] Although unfortunately during the burning of churches and convents of the year 1931, a great amount of these sculptures were destroyed, between them the great majority of works of Pedro de Mena.[6] After the Civil War, authors such as Mariano Benlliure, Francisco Palma Burgos, Castillo Lastrucci or José Navas Parejo began to make new sculptures to replace the destroyed works.

These sculptures are in their respective churches and chapels during the rest of the year where they receive worship.

Cape of the Virgin of the Solitude, Congregations of Mena

The images of Jesus are situated on the first throne, which represents a biblical passage of the Gospels: triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Jesus carrying the cross, Jesus crucified, descent from the Cross, etc. Depending on the scene depicted the carving of Jesus may appear alone or accompanied by other statues related to the biblical passage. Some images of Christ wear tunics, smooth or richly embroidered over much of its surface.[6]

In the second throne is located the Virgin of Sorrow, mostly alone but sometimes accompanied by sculture St. John the Evangelist. The statue of the Virgin usually is of mannequin, only carved the hands and the head. The body and arms are covered with luxurious dresses embroidered with gold and silver thread as well as colored silks.[6] Around the head is placed a veil and usually carry a crown or halo. In the back is placed long capes embroidered in gold and silver thread and taking forms that are generally inspired by vegetable motifs, in Malaga these capes can reach up to 8 meters in length.[6]

Drums belonging to a band


Musis Band

Most of the thrones are accompanied by bands of music. Each procession usually has 3 bands, the first of cornets and drums is located behind the cross guide. The second band is going behind the first throne, this band is usually of bugle and drums, military band or concert band with woodwind instrument, brass instrument and percussion. Finally, the throne of the virgin is only accompanied by concert band. Many of these bands are created by the brotherhoods themselves.

These bands play processional marches during processions, most of these marches have been created to accompany the movement of the thrones. It is a tradition that the Marcha Real is played at the departure and entrance of the confraternity of their temples.


Like other points of the Spanish geography and concretely in Andalucia, during the processions, saetas are sung to the sculptures. The saeta is a religious song, generally improvised and without accompaniment, which is usually done from a balcony or on the street. It is a melody of free and full of lyricism. They demand to know the style of cante jondo typical of the musical tradition of flamenco.

The Route

Brotherhood' house

Own location of the brotherhoods. It is the place from which the great majority of the corporations begin their processional route, because the dimensions of the thrones do not allow them to begin the procession of the different churches.

It is also where they keep the heritage throughout the year, becoming many of these places in museum during the rest of the year.[7][8][9][10]

Official Route

Marqués de Larios Street, one of the streets that form the official route

In Holy Week, the official route is made up of those streets that share each and every one of the brotherhoods.[11]

During Holy Week, the brotherhoods of Málaga leave their temple or brotherhood' house, to go to the official route that begins in the Alameda Principal and follows the Larios roundabout, Marqués de Larios street, Constitution Square and Granada street.[5] This route has a distance of about 850 meters. Once left this route, the brotherhoods continuing their own journey returning to their houses-brotherhood or their temples of origin or entering the Cathedral to do penitence station.

The Association of Holy Brotherhoods of Malaga places on the official route around 16,000 chairs and several grandstands, among which stands out the Constitution Square.

The Rostrum of the Poor

At the end of Carretería Street from Málaga, at the confluence with the Santa Isabel Hall, there is a staircase which at Holy Week becomes a natural tribune to witness the processions of Malaga. Some brotherhoods are expected there with great enthusiasm and popular fervor. It is called this because it is free and in contrast to the Official Rostrum, located in Constitution Square where the authorities are sat.[12][13]

Of the 45 processions participating in Holy Week, 28 pass through this place.


Some brotherhoods made penitential station inside the Cathedral of Malaga. There are 15 cofradias that enter the Cathedral. The remaining corporations do not station in the Cathedral due essentially to the large size of their thrones, which prevents them from trespassing the access gate to the temple.

Previous Days


In the previous days, especially the Friday of Sorrows and the Saturday of Passion, some brotherhoods already do processions. These brotherhoods are usually historical confraternities of neighborhoods very far from the center, as the Brotherhood of the Sorrows from Puerto de la Torre or Brotherhood of the Sorrows from Churriana, or young brotherhoods that still do not belong to the Brotherhood' Association, so even they can not go through the official route.

Transfer of Christ of the Good Death by Legion, Holy Thursday morning


The transfers are small processions in which usually only one throne of reduced dimensions in which go the two sculptures of the brotherhood. They aim to move the statues of their temple to the Brotherhood' House. They usually take place the week before Holy Week, although some brotherhoods carry out during Holy Week.

Some of these transfers are well known and awaited with great expectation, such as that of Jesus Captive who visits the patients of the Civil Hospital or the Christ of the Good Death on the morning of Holy Thursday made by the Legion, they arrive by boat to the port of Málaga,[14] from there they move to the Church of Santo Domingo to transfer the Christ of the Good Death to his throne, which is in the brotherhood' house next to the church.[15][16]

The Days of Holy Week

During the days of Holy Week, 41 brotherhoods, belonging to the Brotherhoods Association, carry out 45 penitential processions through the streets of Malaga, the following list shows these cofradías by day and order of passage by the official route.

Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Pollinica
Jesus of Solitude leaving the Cathedral
Virgin of the Great Pardon, Prendimiento

Palm Sunday

The first day of the Holy Week is also the day that more brotherhoods process, nine brotherhoods take the street from different neighborhoods of the city.[17][18]

Virgin of the Sorrows of the Bridge
Jesus, the Captive

Holy Monday

In Holy Monday, six brotherhoods procession through the streets of Malaga.[24][25]

Virgen of Rocío, known as the Bride of Malaga
Our Father Jesus of the Sentence

Holy Tuesday

Six other brotherhoods participate in this day in the processions parades through the streets of Malaga.[12][32]

Throne of Virgin of the Dove
Jesus The Rich
Virgin of Sorrows

Holy Wednesday

This day some of the oldest and most traditional brotherhoods participate in the processions.[33] 7 brotherhoods with 15 thrones in total take the streets of the city.

Virgin of Peace
Our Father Jesus of Mercy
Our Lady of Hope

Maundy Thursday

Holy Thursday is another day where some of the most popular and historic brotherhoods take part.[37] 8 brotherhoods participate this day.[38]

Brotherhood of Descent
Holy Transport
Virgin of Solitude of Brotherhood of the Sepulchre

Good Friday

The cofradias that participate in this day usually are cofradias of serious and funeral court.[41]


Easter Sunday

The procession of the Resurrection of Jesus and the Virgin Queen of the Heaven is the last procession of Holy Week. This procession is organized by the Brotherhoods Association and in it participate nazarenes of all the brotherhoods.[43][44]

See also


  1. Padilla, Brenda. "Holy Week in Málaga". www.andalucia.com. Retrieved 22 March 2017.
  2. "Processions and saetas. Here are 10 things you should know about Holy Week in Andalucia". Retrieved 31 March 2017.
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  44. "Easter Sunday in Malaga". Retrieved 31 March 2017.
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