Sherlock fandom

Sherlock fandom is an international, informal community of fans of the works of Arthur Conan Doyle, especially of the Canon of Sherlock Holmes. The fans are known as Sherlockian or Holmesian. Fans of the literary detective Sherlock Holmes are widely considered to have comprised the first modern fandom,[1] holding public demonstrations of mourning after Holmes was "killed off" in 1893, and creating some of the first fan fiction as early as about 1897 to 1902.[1][2]

See also


  1. 1 2 Brown, Scott (2009-04-20). "Scott Brown on Sherlock Holmes, Obsessed Nerds, and Fan Fiction". Wired. Condé Nast. Retrieved 2015-03-12. Sherlockians called them parodies and pastiches (they still do), and the initial ones appeared within 10 years of the first Holmes 1887 novella, A Study in Scarlet.
  2. The editors (2015-02-06). "Sherlock Holmes". Fanlore wiki. Fanlore. Archived from the original on 2015-02-06. Retrieved 2015-03-12. The earliest recorded examples of this fannish activity are from 1902...
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