Public holidays in Malta

Malta is the country with the most holidays in the European Union. Since 2005, any holidays falling on Saturdays or Sundays do not add an extra day to the workers' leave pool.

National holidays

Public holidays

Traditional Feasts

The following is a list of feasts or special days celebrated in Malta. Note that, with the exception of the dates mentioned in the previous section, these feasts are not public holidays and on these days, business runs as usual across the Maltese islands. As Malta is largely Roman Catholic, most of these feasts celebrate Saints or events from the Holy Bible.


January by the Maltese is known as 'ix-xahar tal-bard' ('the coldest month')


February by the Maltese is known as 'ix-xahar ta' San Pawl' ('Saint Paul’s month')


March by the Maltese is known as 'ix-xahar ta' San Ġużepp, tal-Lunzjata u tar-roħs' ('Saint Joseph, the Annunciation and Sales' month')


April is known by the Maltese as 'ix-xahar tan-nwhar u ta' San Girgor' ('the month of blossoms and Saint Gregory').

The following feasts are moveable, as they can occur either in March or in April.


May by the Maltese is known as 'ix-xahar tal-ħsad, tal-Madonna ta' Pompej' ('the month of harvest, Our Lady of Pompeii')


June by the Maltese is known as 'ix-xahar tad-dris, tal-ħġejjeġ, tal-Imnarja, u tal-Qalb ta' Ġesù' ('the month of reaping, bonfires, Saint Peter and Saint Paul, and Sacred Heart').


July by the Maltese is known as 'tal-Karmnu' ('Our Lady of Mount Carmel').


Assumption of Mary statue by Mariano Gerada, 1808, Għaxaq, Malta

August by the Maltese is known as 'ix-xahar tal-frott, ta' Santa Marija u ta' San Lawrenz' ('the month of fruit, Saint Mary and Saint Lawrence').


September by the Maltese is known as 'ix-xahar tal-Vitorja, tal-Bambina, u tal-Grazzja' ('the month of Victory, the Nativity of Our Lady, and Our Lady of Graces').


October by the Maltese is known as 'ix-xahar tar-Rużarju' ('the month of the Rosary').


By the Maltese, November is known as 'ix-xahar tal-inżigħ tal-weraq, tal-erwieħ, u tal-imwiet' ('the month of fallen leaves, of souls, and of deaths').


December by the Maltese is known as 'ix-xahar tal-Milied u tal-Kunċizzjoni' ('the Christmas and Conception month')

Distinction between National and Public Holidays

Article 3 of the National Holidays and Other Public Holidays Act (chapter 252) provides the distinction between National and Public Holidays.[1]

The National Holidays shall be public holidays and on those occasions there shall be flown on public buildings the National Flag of Malta.


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