
An 1861 German map displaying unoccupied El Hodh amid the Toucouleur Empire of Umar Tall.

Hodh or El Hodh[1] (from the Arabic for "the Basin") is a region of West Africa.[3] Previously administered as part of French Sudan (present-day Mali), the area was transferred to French Mauritania in 1944, apparently on a whim of the colonial governor Laigret.[5] The transfer was still resented upon Mali's independence.[6] Formerly more fertile, it is now largely a barren waste.[7]

It gave its name to the modern Mauritanian regions of Hodh Ech Chargui and Hodh El Gharbi.


  1. Also encountered as Hōdh, Ḥawḍ,[2] Hódh,[3] and al-Hodh.[4]
  2. Fāsī, Muḥammad & al. General History of Africa, Vol. III: Africa from the Seventh to the Eleventh Century, p. 130. UNESCO (Paris), 1988. Accessed 18 Apr 2014.
  3. 1 2 Barth, Henry. Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa, being a Journal of an Expedition undertaken under the Auspices of H.B.M.'s Government, in the Years 18491855, Vol. 3, pp. 712 ff. Harper & Bros. (New York), 1859. Accessed 18 Apr 2014.
  4. Ould-Mey, Mohameden. Global Restructuring and Peripheral States: The Carrot and the Stick in Mauritania, p. 66. Rowman & Littlefield (Lanham), 1996. Accessed 18 Apr 2014.
  5. Lalonde, Suzanne. Determining Boundaries in a Conflicted World: The Role of Uti Possidetis, p. 109. McGill-Queen's University Press (Montreal), 2002. Accessed 18 Apr 2014.
  6. Touval, Saadia. The Boundary Politics of Independent Africa, p. 247. iUniverse, 1999. ISBN 1583484221. Accessed 18 Apr 2014.
  7. Morgan, William & al. West Africa, pp. 254 ff. Methuen, 1973.

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