Hispanically Speaking News

Hispanically Speaking News
Industry Digital Media

Estelle Gonzales Walgreen

Kim Kipp
Area served
Website www.hs-news.com

HS-News is an independent online news site, internet publisher and virtual cultural center for U.S. Hispanics, Latin Americans, and anyone seeking to learn more and engage this vibrant demographic. HS News’ team of editors, writers and crazy creative-types originate and publish valuable, timely and culturally sensitive content all peppered with spicy wit.

There is a stereotype-driven gap between how Latinos are talked about in official media and how Latinos view themselves, HS News exists and thrives in that gap.

HS News was one of the first independent Latino news providers on the internet when it launched in 2010, quickly garnering critical audience mass. HS News is one of the most visited Hispanic web properties in the U.S., becoming a market leader in their competitive landscape.

HS News borrowed its name from the country’s 43rd President George W. Bush who erroneously identified all things Latino as “hispanically”. In spite of the misnomer, the term suits the site’s lighter side the founders noted.

Awards and Recognitions

HSN has been recognized on a national scale in the media and recognized for its quality content:

• 2011: ‘Top Content Provider to Hispanic Audiences’ - Portada Magazine.

• 2012: Top Chicago Online Aggregator, 3rd Place - Chicago Community Media.


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