African Writers Series

African Writers Series (AWS) is a series of books by African writers that has been published by Heinemann since 1962. The series has ensured an international voice to major African writers—including Chinua Achebe, Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, Steve Biko, Ama Ata Aidoo, Nadine Gordimer, Buchi Emecheta, and Okot p'Bitek. The emphasis is on Anglophone Africa, although a number of volumes were translated into English from French, Portuguese, Zulu, Swahili, Acoli, Sesotho, Afrikaans, Luganda and Arabic.[1]


Founded in 1962, the AWS created a forum for many post-independence African writers, and provided texts that African universities could use to address the colonial bias then prominent in the teaching of literature. The books were designed for classroom use, printed solely in paperback to make them affordable for African students. They were published by Heinemann Educational Books (HEB) in London and in various African cities.

The idea of the series came from Heinemann executive Alan Hill, who "recognised that the nascent post-colonial publishing industry was not supporting the growth of original African literature".[2] The first advisory editor to the series was the Nigerian Chinua Achebe who became one of Africa's most famous writers. Achebe focused first on West African writers, but soon the series branched out, publishing the works of Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o in East Africa, and Nadine Gordimer in South Africa. Achebe left the editorship in 1972. James Currey, the editorial director at Heinemann Educational Books in charge of the African Writers Series from 1967 to 1984, has provided a book-length treatment of the series entitled Africa Writes Back.[3][4]

After a fairly successful beginning, the series faced difficulties that mirrored those that faced the continent. By the mid-1980s, Heinemann published only one or two new titles a year, and much of the back catalogue fell out of print. By the early 1990s, however, the series began to revive—having recently branched into new work, republishing originally locally released texts, and releasing translated works.

The AWS was relaunched by Pearson Education in 2011.[5][6][7]

List of authors and books in the African Writers Series

Number Author Year Title
1 Achebe, Chinua 1962 Things Fall Apart
2 Ekwensi, Cyprian 1962 Burning Grass: a story of the Fulani of Northern Nigeria. Illustrated by A. Folarin; cover drawing by Dennis Duerden.
3 Achebe, Chinua 1963 No Longer at Ease. Illustrated by Bruce Onobrakpeya.
4 Kaunda, Kenneth D. 1962 Zambia Shall Be Free: an autobiography
5 Ekwensi, Cyprian 1963 People of the City. Revised edition. (Originally published London: Dakers, 1954.)
6 Abrahams, Peter 1963 Mine Boy. Illustrated by Ruth Yudelowitz. (London: Crisp, 1946; London: Faber, 1954; New York: Knopf, 1955.)
7 Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o (as Ngugi, James) 1964 Weep Not, Child
8 Reed, John, Wake, Clive, eds 1964 A Book of African Verse. Later edition published (1984) as New Book of African Verse.
9 Rive, Richard, ed. 1964 Modern African Prose. An anthology compiled and edited by Richard Rive. Illustrated by Albert Adams. Contributions by Peter Abrahams, Chinua Achebe, Es'kia Mphahlele, Abioseh Nicol, Richard Rive, Alfred Hutchinson, Efua Sutherland, Jonathan Kariara, Peter Clarke, Luis Bernardo Honwana, Jack Cope, Cyprian Ekwensi, Amos Tutuola, Camara Laye, James Matthews, Alf Wannenburgh, William Conton, Onuora Nzekwu, and Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o.
10 Equiano, Olaudah 1966 Equiano's Travels: His Autobiography; The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa the African. Abridged and edited by Paul Edwards
11 Aluko, T. M. 1964 One Man, One Matchet
12 Conton, William 1964 The African. (Previously published London: Heinemann, 1960. Boston: Little Brown, 1960.)
13 Beti, Mongo 1964 Mission to Kala: a novel. Translated by Peter Green from the French novel Mission terminée (1957). US edition (New York, Macmillan) published as Mission Accomplished.
14 Rive, Richard, ed. 1963 Quartet: New voices from South Africa. Short stories by Alex La Guma, James Matthews, Richard Rive and Alf Wannenburgh.
15 Cook, David 1965 Origin East Africa: a Makerere anthology devised and edited by David Cook. Prose and verse.
16 Achebe, Chinua 1966 Arrow of God
17 Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o (as Ngugi, James) 1965 The River Between
18 Obotunde Ijimere 1966 The Imprisonment of Obatala, and other plays.
19 Ekwensi, Cyprian 1966 Lokotown and Other Stories.
20 Gatheru, Mugo 1966 Child of Two Worlds.
21 Munonye, John 1966 The Only Son.
22 Peters, Lenrie 1966 The Second Round.
23 Beier, Ulli, ed. 1966 The Origin of Life and Death: African creation myths.
24 Kachingwe, Aubrey 1966 No Easy Task.
25 Amadi, Elechi 1966 The Concubine. Heinemann: London.
26 Nwapa, Flora 1966 Efuru.
27 Selormey, Francis 1966 The Narrow Path.
28 Cook, David, Lee, Miles, eds 1968 Short East African Plays in English: Ten plays in English.
29 Oyono, Ferdinand 1966 Houseboy. Translated by John Reed from the French Une vie de boy
30 Aluko, T. M. 1967 One Man, One Wife.
31 Achebe, Chinua 1966 A Man of the People. (Originally published: Nigerian Printing and Publishing, 1959.)
32 Aluko, T. M. 1966 Kinsman and Foreman
33 Samkange, Stanlake 1967 On Trial for my Country
34 Pieterse, Cosmo, ed. 1968 Ten One-Act Plays. Includes "Encounter" by Kuldip Sondhi; "Yon Kon" by Pat Maddy; "The Game" by Femi Euba; "Blind Cyclos" by Ime Ikeddeh; "With Strings' by Kuldip Sondhi; "The Deviant" by Ganesh Bagchi; "Fusane's Trial" by Alfred Hutchinson; "The Opportunity" by Arthur Maimane; "Maama" by Kwesi Kay; and "The Occupation" by Athol Fugard
35 La Guma, Alex 1968 A Walk in the Night and other stories.
36 Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o (as Ngugi, James) 1967 A Grain of Wheat.
37 Peters, Lenrie 1967 Satellites
38 Oginga Odinga 1967 Not Yet Uhuru: the autobiography of Oginga Odinga. With a foreword by Kwame Nkrumah.
39 Oyono, Ferdinand 1967 The Old Man and the Medal. Translated by John Reed from the French Le vieux nègre et la médaille.
40 Konadu, Asare 1967 A Woman in Her Prime
41 Djoleto, Amu 1967 The Strange Man.
42 Awoonor, Kofi and Adali, Mortty, G. 1970 Messages: poems from Ghana.
43 Armah, Ayi Kwei 1969 The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1968.)
44 Amadi, Elechi 1969 The Great Ponds.
45 Munonye, John 1969 Obi.
46 Brutus, Dennis 1968 Letters to Martha: and other poems from a South African prison.
47 Salih, Tayeb 1969 The Wedding of Zein, and other stories. London; printed in Malta: HEB, 1969. Translated by Denys Johnson-Davies from the Arabic, and illustrated by Ibrahim Salahi.
48 Gbadamosi, Bakare; Beier, Ulli 1968 Not Even God Is Ripe Enough. Translated from the Yoruba
49 Nkrumah, Kwame 1968 Neo-colonialism: the last stage of imperialism. (Originally published London: Nelson, 1965)
50 Clark, J. P. 1968 America: Their America. London: HEB in association with Andre Deutsch. (Originally published London: Deutsch, 1964.)
51 Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o (as Ngugi, James) 1968 The Black Hermit.
52 Sellassie, B. M. Sahle 1969 The Afersata: an Ethiopian novel. London: HEB.
53 Palangyo, Peter K. 1968 Dying in the Sun.136pp
54 Serumaga, Robert 1969 Return to the Shadows.
55 Konadu, Asare 1969 Ordained by the Oracle. 160 pp. Originally published as Come Back Dora, Accra: Anowuo Educational Publ.
56 Nwapa, Flora 1970 Idu.
57 Dipoko, Mbella Sonne 1969 Because of Women.
58 Beier, Ulli, ed. 1969 Political Spider: an anthology of stories from "Black Orpheus".
59 Asare, Bediako 1971 Rebel.
60 Honwana, Luís Bernardo 1969 We Killed Mangy-Dog, & other stories. Translated from the Portuguese by Dorothy Guedes.
61 Umeasiegbu, Rems Nna 1969 The Way We Lived: Ibo customs and stories.
62 Okigbo, Christopher 1971 Labyrinths. With Path of Thunder.
63 Ousmane, Sembene 1970 God's Bits of Wood. Translated by Francis Price.
64 Pieterse, Cosmo, ed. 1971 7 South African Poets: poems of exile. Collected and selected by Cosmo Pieterse.
65 Emecheta, Buchi 1980 The Joys of Motherhood. (Originally published London: Allison & Busby, 1979)
66 Salih, Tayeb 1969 Season of Migration to the North. Translated by Denys Johnson-Davies from the Arabic Mawsim al-hijrah ilā al-shamāl.
67 Nwankwo, Nkem 1970 Danda. (Originally published London: Deutsch, 1964)
68 Okara, Gabriel 1970 The Voice. Introduction by Arthur Ravenscroft. (Originally published London: Deutsch, 1964)
69 Liyong, Taban lo 1969 Fixions, and other stories.
70 Aluko, T. M. 1970 Chief, The Honourable Minister.
71 Senghor, Léopold Sédar 1969 Nocturnes. Translated by John Reed and Clive Wake from the French.
72 U'tamsi, Felix 1970 Selected Poems. Translated by Gerald Moore from the French.
73 Ortzen, Len, ed. 1970 North African Writing. Selected, translated, and with an introduction by Len Ortzen.
74 Liyong, Taban lo, ed. 1970 Eating Chiefs: Lwo culture from Lolwe to Malkal. Selected, interpreted and transmuted by Taban lo Liyong.
75 Knappert, Jan 1970 Myths and Legends of the Swahili.
76 Soyinka, Wole 1970 The Interpreters. With introduction and notes by Eldred Jones. London: Heinemann. (Originally published London: Deutsch, 1965.)
77 Beti, Mongo 1970 King Lazarus: a novel. Translated from the French Le roi miraculé (French version originally published Editions Buchet, 1958.)
78 Pieterse, Cosmo 1972 Short African plays. Including: "Ancestral Power" by Kofi Awoonor; "Magic Pool" by Kuldip Sondhi; "God's Deputy" by Sanya Dosunmu; "Resurrection" by Richard Rive; "Life Everlasting" by Pat Amadu Maddy; "Lament" by Kofi Awoonor; "Ballad of the Cells" by Cosmo Pieterse; "Overseas" by Mbella Sonne Dipoko; "This Time Tomorrow" by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o; "Episodes of an Easter Rising" by David Lytton
79 Chraibi, Driss 1972 Heirs to the Past. Translated by Len Ortzen from the French.(Succession ouverte originally published Paris: Denoël, 1962.)
80 Farah, Nuruddin 1970 From a Crooked Rib.
81 Mboya, Tom 1970 The Challenge of Nationhood: a collection of speeches and writings. Foreword by H. E. Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, and postscript by Pamela Mboya.
82 Dipoko, Mbella Sonne 1970 A Few Nights and Days. (Originally published, Harlow: Longmans, 1966.)
83 Knappert, Jan 1971 Myths and Legends of the Congo. Nairobi: HEB.
84 Ekwensi, Cyprian 1971 Beautiful Feathers. (Originally published London: Hutchinson, 1963)
85 Onuora Nzekwu 1971 Wand of Noble Wood.
86 Bebey, Francis 1971 Agatha Moudio's Son. Translated by Joyce A. Hutchinson from the French Le fils d'Agatha Moudio.
87 Dadié, Bernard B. 1971 Climbié. Translated by Karen C. Chapman from the French.
88 Beti, Mongo 1971 The Poor Christ of Bomba. Translated by Gerald Moore from the French Le pauvre Christ de Bombay. (Original French edition published 1956.)
89 Maddy, Pat Amadu 1971 Obasai and other plays.
90 Liyong, Taban lo 1971 Frantz Fanon's Uneven Ribs: poems more and more.
91 Nzekwu, Onuora 1972 Blade Among the Boys. (Originally published London: Hutchinson, 1962.)
92 Ousmane, Sembène 1972 The Money-Order; with, White Genesis. Translated by Clive Wake. London: Heinemann. (Translation of Vehi ciosane; ou, Blanche-genèse; suivi du Mandat, Paris: Présence Africaine, 1965.)
93 Knappert, Jan, ed. 1972 A Choice of Flowers. Chaguo la Maua: an anthology of Swahili love poetry. Edited and translated from Swahili by Jan Knappert.
94 Munonye, John 1971 Oil Man of Obange.
95 Ibrahim, Sonallah 1971 The Smell Of It, and other stories. Translated from the Arabic by Denys Johnson-Davies.
96 Cook, David, Rubadiri, David, eds 1971 Poems from East Africa.
97 Mazrui, Ali A. 1971 The Trial of Christopher Okigbo.
98 Mulaisho, Dominic 1971 The Tongue of the Dumb.
99 Ouologuem, Yambo 1971 Bound to Violence. Translated by Ralph Manheim from the French Devoi de violence. (Originally published London: Secker & Warburg, 1971.)
100 Achebe, Chinua 1972 Girls At War.
101 Head, Bessie 1972 Maru.
102 Omotoso, Kole 1971 The Edifice.
103 Peters, Lenrie 1971 Katchikali. Poems.
104 Themba, Can 1972 The Will to Die. Selected by Donald Stuart and Roy Holland.
105 Lubega, Bonnie 1971 The Outcasts.
106 Reed, John, Wake, Clive, eds 1972 French African verse. With English translations by John Reed & Clive Wake.
107 Dipoko, Mbella Sonne 1972 Black and White in Love: poems.
108 Awoonor, Kofi 1972 This Earth, My Brother. (Originally published Garden City: Doubleday, 1971.)
109 Obiechina, Emmanuel N. 1972 Onitsha Market Literature.
110 La Guma, Alex 1972 In the Fog of the Seasons' End.
111 Angira, Jared 1972 Silent Voices: poems.
112 Vambe, Laurence 1972 An Ill-Fated People: Zimbabwe before and after Rhodes. (Originally published with a foreword by Doris Lessing, London: Heinemann, 1972.)
113 Mezu, S. Okechukwu 1971 Behind the Rising Sun.
114 Pieterse, Cosmo 1972 Five African Plays.
115 Brutus, Dennis 1973 A Simple Lust: selected poems including Sirens Knuckles Boots; Letters to Martha; Poems from Algiers; Thoughts Abroad.
116 Liyong, Taban lo 1972 Another Nigger Dead: poems.
117 Hakim, Tawfiq al- 1973 Fate of a Cockroach: four plays of freedom. Selected and translated from the Arabic by Denys Johnson-Davies.
118 Amadu, Malum 1972 Amadu's Bundle: Fulani tales of love and djinns. Collected by Malum Amadu; edited by Gulla Kell and translated into English by Ronald Moody.
119 Kane, Hamidou 1972 Ambiguous Adventure. Translated from the French by Katherine Woods. (This translation originally published New York: Walker, 1963. Translation of L'Aventure ambiguë. Paris: Julliard, 1962.)
120 Achebe, Chinua 1970 Beware, Soul Brother: poems. Revised and enlarged edition. London: HEB.
121 Munonye, John 1973 A Wreath for Maidens. [S.I.]: Heinemann
122 Omotoso, Kole 1972 The Combat.
123 Mandela, Nelson 1973 No Easy Walk to Freedom.
124 Dikobe, Modikwe 1973 The Marabi Dance.
125 Worku, Daniachew 1973 The Thirteenth Sun.
126 Cheney-Coker, Syl 1973 Concerto for an Exile: poems.
127 Henderson, Gwyneth, Pieterse, Cosmo, eds 1973 Nine African Plays for Radio.
128 Zwelonke, D. M. 1973 Robben Island.
129 Egudu, Romanus, Nwoga, Donatus, eds 1973 Igbo Traditional Verse. Compiled and translated by Romanus Egudu and Donatus Nwoga. (Originally published 1971 as Poetic Heritage.)
130 Aluko, T. M. 1973 His Worshipful Majesty.
131 Lessing, Doris 1973 The Grass is Singing
132 Bown, Lalage 1973 Two Centuries of African English: a survey and anthology of non-fictional English prose by African writers since 1769.
133 Mukasa, Ham 1975 Sir Apolo Kagwa Discovers Britain. Edited by Taban lo Liyong. (First published in 1904 as Uganda's Katikiro in England.)
134 Henderson, Gwyneth, ed. 1973 African Theatre: eight prize-winning plays for radio. Includes "Make Like Slaves" by Richard Rive; "Station Street" by A. K. Mustapha; "Sweet Scum of Freedom" by J. Singh; "Double Attack" by C. C. Umeh; "Scholarship Woman" by D. Clems; "The Transistor Radio" by K. Tsaro-Wiwa; "Family Spear" by E. N. Zirimu; and "Sign of the Rainbow" by W. Ogunyemi.
135 Maran, René 1973 Batouala. Translated by Barbara Beck and Alexandre Mboukou; introduction by Donald E. Herdeck.
136 Sekyi, Kobina 1974 The Blinkards.
137 Maddy, Yulisa Amadu 1973 No Past, No Present, No Future.
138 Owusu, Martin 1973 The Sudden Return, and other plays.
139 Ruheni, Mwangi 1973 The Future Leaders.
140 Amadi, Elechi 1973 Sunset in Biafra: a civil war diary.
141 Nortje, Arthur 1973 Dead Roots. Poems.
142 Sembène, Ousmane 1974 Tribal Scars and other stories. Translated from the French by Len Ortzen.
143 Mwangi, Meja 1973 Kill Me Quick.
144 Fall, Malick 1973 The Wound. Translated by Clive Wake from the French La plaie.
145 Mwangi, Meja 1973 Carcase for Hounds.
146 Ekwensi, Cyprian 1975 Jagua Nana. (Originally published, London: Hutchinson, 1961.)
147 p'Bitek, Okot 1974 The Horn of My Love.
148 Aniebo, I. N. C. 1974 The Anonymity of Sacrifice.
149 Head, Bessie 1974 A Question of Power. (Originally published London: Davis-Poynter, 1974.)
150 Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o 1975 Secret Lives, and other stories.
151 Mahfouz, Naguib 1975 Midaq Alley. Translated from the Arabic by Trevor Le Gassick.
152 La Guma, Alex 1974 The Stone-Country. (Originally published 1967.)
153 Munonye, John 1975 A Dancer of Fortune. (London: William Heinemann, 1974.)
154 Armah, Ayi Kwei 1974 Fragments.
155 Armah, Ayi Kwei 1974 Why Are We So Blest?: a novel. London: Heinemann.
156 Ruheni, Mwangi 1975 The Minister's Daughter.
157 Kayper-Mensah, A. W. 1975 The Drummer in Our Time.
158 Kahiga, Samuel 1974 The Girl From Abroad.
159 Mvungi, Martha 1975 Three Solid Stones.
160 Mwasi, George Simeon 1975 Strike a Blow and Die: the classic story of the Chilembwe Rising. Edited and introduced by Robert I. Rotberg.
160 Djoleto, Amu 1975 Money Galore.
162 Kayira, Legson 1974 The Detainee. London: Heinemann.
163 Sellassie, B. M. Sahle 1974 Warrior King.
164 Royston, Robert 1974 Black Poets in South Africa.
165 Etherton, Michael, ed. 1975 African Plays for Playing 2. Plays by Nuwa Sentongo, Jacob Hevi & Segun Ajibade. Selected and edited by Michael Etherton. London: Heinemann.
166 De Graft, Joe 1975 Beneath the Jazz and Brass.
167 Rabearivelo, Jean-Joseph 1975 Translations from the Night: selected poems of Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo. Edited with English translations by Clive Wake and John Reed.
169 Samkange, Stanlake 1975 The Mourned One.
170 Mungoshi, Charles 1975 Waiting for the Rain.
171 Soyinka, Wole, ed. 1975 Poems of Black Africa. Edited and introduced by Wole Soyinka. London: Heinemann.
172 Ekwensi, Cyprian 1975 Restless City and Christmas Gold. London: Heinemann.
173 Nwankwo, Nkem My Mercedes is Bigger Than Yours.
174 Diop, David Mandessi 1975 Hammer Blows. Translated from the French and edited by Simon Mpondo and Frank Jones. London: Heinemann.
175 Ousmane, Sembène 1976 Xala. Translated from the French by Clive Wake. As Xala: roman, Paris: Présence Africaine, 1973.
176 Mwangi, Meja 1976 Going Down River Road.
178 Peteni, R. L. 1976 Hill of Fools.
181 Beti, Mongo 1978 Perpetua and the Habit of Unhappiness. Translated by Clive Wake and John Reed from the French Perpétue et l'habitude du malheur (originally published Paris: Editions Buchet-Chastel, 1974).
182 Head, Bessie 1977 The Collector of Treasures.
183 Okara, Gabriel 1978 The Fisherman's Invocation.
184 Farah, Nuruddin 1976 A Naked Needle.
186 Boateng, Yaw M. 1977 The Return.
188 Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o 1977 Petals of Blood.
190 Samkange, Stanlake 1978 Year of the Uprising
193 p'Bitek, Okot 1978 Hare and Hornbill. Compiled and translated from the Acholi by Okot p'Bitek. London: Heinemann.
194 Armah, Ayi Kwei 1979 The Healers: an historical novel.
195 Munonye, John 1978 Bridge to a Wedding. London: Heinemann.
198 Cabral, Amilcar 1979 Unity and Struggle: speeches and writings. Texts selected by the PAIGC; translated from Portuguese by Michael Wolfers.
200 Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o 1982 Devil on the Cross.
201 Plaatje, Sol T. 1978 Mhudi: an epic of South African native life a hundred years ago. (New York: Negro Univ. Press, 1970; Johannesburg: Quagga Press, Ad. Donker, 1975; London: Rex Collings, 1976; Washington, DC: Three Continents Press, 1978).
222 Vieira, José Luandino 1980 The Real Life of Domingos Xavier. Translated from the Portuguese by Michael Wolfers. London: Heinemann.
203 Njau, Rebeka 1978 Ripples in the Pool. (Nairobi: Transafrica, 1975.)
204 Mulaisho, Dominic 1979 The Smoke that Thunders
205 Bebey, Francis 1978 The Ashanti Doll. Translated from the French by Joyce A. Hutchinson.
206 Aniebo, I. N. C. 1978 The Journey Within.
207 Marechera, Dambudzo 1978 The House of Hunger.
208 Brutus, Dennis 1978 Stubborn Hope: new poems and selections. London: Heinemann.
210 Amadi, Elechi 1978 The Slave.
212 Le Guma, Alex 1979 Time of the Butcherbird. (Heinemann, 1979)
214 Beti, Mongo 1980 Remember Ruben. Translated from the French by Gerald Moore. (Originally published Ibadan: New Horn, 1980.)
218 Armah, Ayi Kwei 1979 Two Thousand Seasons. London: Heinemann.
221 Cheney-Coker, Syl 1973 The Graveyard Also Has Teeth, with Concerto for an Exile: poems. London: Heinemann.
222 Vieira, José Luandino 1980 Luuanda. Translated from the Portuguese by Tamara L. Bender. London: Heinemann.
225 Mahfouz, Naguib 1981 Children of Gebelawi.
226 Farah, Nuruddin 1980 Sweet and Sour Milk. (Originally published London: Allison & Busby, 1979.)
229 Mofolo, Thomas 1981 Chaka: an historical romance. New translation by Daniel P. Kunene. Originally translated from the Sesuto by F. H. Dutton, London & New York: OUP, 1967.
233 Nyamfukudza, S. 1980 The Non-Believer's Journey; 128 pp.
236 Mapanje, Jack 1981 Of Chameleons and Gods; 80 pp.
237 Marechera, Dambudzo 1980 Black Sunlight.
238 Peters, Lenrie 1981 Selected Poetry; 160 pp.
240 Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o 1981 Detained
242 Aluko, T. M. 1982 Wrong Ones in the Dock. London: Heinemann.
249 Obasanjo, Olusegun 1981 My Command: An Account of the Nigerian Civil War, 1967-1970.
250 Ousmane, Sembène 1981 The Last of the Empire.
252 Farah, Nuruddin 1982 Sardines. (Originally published London: Allison & Busby, 1981.)
253 Aniebo, I. N. C. 1983 Of Wives, Talismans, and the Dead: short stories. Arranged by Willfred F. Feuser. London; Exeter, N.H.: Heinemann.
258 Pheto, Molefe 1985 And Night Fell: Memoirs of a Political Prisoner in South Africa. (Originally published London: Allison & Busby, 1983.)
262 Nagenda, John 1986 The Seasons of Thomas Tebo.
264 De Graft, Joe 1977 Muntu.
266 p'Bitek, Okot 1984 Song of Lawino: &, Song of Ocol. Translated from the Acholi by Okot p'Bitek. Introduction by G. A. Heron; illustrations by Frank Horle. London: Heinemann.
269 Pepetela 1984 Mayombe.
271 Rifaat, Alifa 1983 Distant View of a Minaret.
272 Amadi, Elechi 1986 Estrangement.
273 Oguine, Ike 2000 A Squatter's Tale. London: Heinemann.

See also


  1. "Heinemann African Writers Series" Archived April 29, 2015, at the Wayback Machine. at African Studies Centre, Leiden.
  2. Akin Ajayi, "Books Blog: Penguin's African Writers Series is stuck in the past", The Guardian, 17 February 2010.
  3. Currey, James (2008). Africa Writes Back: The African Writers Series and the Launch of African Literature. Oxford: James Currey. ISBN 978-1-847-01502-0.
  4. Joseph L. Mbele, "Africa Writes Back: The African Writers Series & the Launch of African Literature (review)", from Comparative Literature Studies, Vol. 46, No. 2, 2009, pp. 425-428. Excerpted at Project Muse.
  5. "Pearson revives African Writers Series, calls for submissions", Naija Stories, 4 August 2011.
  6. Nicholas Norbrook, "Publishing Africa Writers Series celebrates 50 years", The Africa Report, 29 February 2012.
  7. "A celebrated selection of literature from Africa", Pearson.
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