Highway 60 (Israel)

Highway 60
כביש 60 / Kvish Shishim
Way of the Patriarchs
Route information
Length: 235 km (146 mi)
Major junctions
South end: Beersheba
Highway 25 (David Hacham Blvd.)
  • Hativat HaNegev Junction
  • Tel Sheva Junction
  • Shoket Junction
  • Gush Etzion Junction
  • HaMinharot Junction
  • Jaffa Gate Square
  • Sha'ar Mizrah Interchange
  • Tapuah Junction
  • Shomron Junction
  • Dotan Junction
  • Yizre'el Junction
  • Mikhabei Esh Junction
  • Iksal Interchange
North end: Nazareth
HaMusachim Junction
Major cities: Beersheba, Hebron, Gush Etzion, Jerusalem, Afula, Nazareth
Highway system

Roads in Israel

Highway 60 highlighted

Highway 60 or Route 60 (Hebrew: כביש 60, "Kvish Shishim") is a south-north intercity road in Israel and the West Bank that stretches from Beersheba to Nazareth.


The route is also known as the "Way of the Patriarchs" (Hebrew: דרך האבות) since it follows the path of the ancient highway that runs along the length of the central watershed, and which figures prominently in the travels of the Biblical patriarchs.

From its junction with Highway 40 in Beersheba to the city's outskirts, Route 60 is a dual carriageway with at-grade intersections. While it continues on to serve as the main north-south artery between Israeli settlements and Palestinian communities such as the cities of Hebron and Bethlehem in the southern West Bank, it is a two-lane, shoulderless road until past Hebron at Gush Etzion Junction, where it regains its lane-separation until short of Bethlehem, that section having recently been widened. Upon entering Jerusalem, its lanes are again mostly separated as it serves as a central artery in the city center. In the northern quarters it becomes a separate grade freeway with multiple interchanges, from where it continues through the central and northern West Bank as a two-lane road, not being divided again until the stretch between Afula and its terminus in downtown Nazareth.[1]

At present, the highway is non-contiguous pending final status agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. The section through Jenin is closed to yellow (Israeli) license plates. The sections north and south of the West Bank and through Jerusalem are closed to green (Palestinian Authority) license plates.[2]

Due to it running through a mainly rural setting, many of the junctions along its route feature hitchhiking posts called trempiadas.

Highway 60 in Jerusalem

Within Jerusalem, Highway 60, known by the municipality as the TalpiotAtarot Axis and often referred to by its official Jerusalem Municipality designation, "Road 1" (not to be confused with National Highway 1), is the central north-south artery running through the city centre. The Jerusalem portion of the road begins at the Tunnels Road (the northern end of the Bethlehem Bypass), passes the edges of Gilo and Beit Safafa, joins the "Hebron Road" (Hebrew: דרך חברון) from Bethlehem and continues northward through Talpiot. This section is divided with multiple lanes and has undergone recent construction to include dedicated bus lanes and infrastructure for its eventual conversion into a line of the Jerusalem Light Rail.

At its junction with David Remez Street, in the Abu Tor neighborhood, Route 60 narrows and descends into the Hinnom Valley, curving around Sultan's Pool directly under Mount Zion. It then ascends as Hativat Yerushalayim Street to intersect with the Jaffa Gate entrance to the Old City of Jerusalem.

From there it runs underneath the Jaffa Gate Square, briefly overlaps Jaffa Road and then enters "HaTsanhanim Tunnel" passing underneath Jerusalem's New Gate. It emerges just west of the Damascus Gate intersecting with Street of the Prophets, again becoming a divided street. This section of the road includes tracks for the now completed Jerusalem Light Rail's red line.

Briefly called Heil HaHandassa Boulevard and then Haim Bar-Lev Boulevard, it continues northward passing Meah Shearim, the American Colony, and French Hill, until Meinertzhagen junction, where it becomes a separate grade freeway. As a freeway, it interchanges with Highway 1 at Sha'ar Mizrah. The freeway then bypasses Shuafat with one of the longest and highest bridges in the country, feeding into Beit Hanina and Pisgat Ze'ev with two more interchanges. It continues as an at-grade road intersecting with Neve Yaakov Blvd. and finally exits the city near Kalandia.

Bypass roads

Before the Oslo Accords, Palestinians lived under Israeli authority and could travel freely on the road. After the Palestinian Authority assumed control over various cities, Israel established checkpoints on areas of the route which entered Palestinian jurisdiction. New routes of highway were paved so that Israeli traffic could bypass the Palestinian towns in order to reduce friction. These so-called bypass roads, while a contentious issue in their own right due to the varying levels of limitation on Palestinian access, also served as an improvement to the road which allowed traffic to flow around, rather than through the heart of congested urban areas.

One of the more sophisticated segments – build in lands east to the Green line set in 1967 – is the stretch known as the Tunnels Highway. Designed by a French firm , the route leads from southern Jerusalem to the Gush Etzion Settlements Block area, bypasses upper ground in Bethlehem but yet is built under lands confiscated from the municipal boundaries of the city prior to the IDF control of the West Bank in 1967. Leading to the northwest using a pair of tunnels; The northern tunnel, called the Gilo tunnel because it is adjacent to the Gilo neighborhood/Settlement, is 270 metres long. The second tunnel, called the Refaim tunnel based on the nearby Refaim Valley and passing under Har Gilo and Beit Jala, is 900 m long, making it the longest road tunnel in the West Bank. The tunnels are linked by the West Bank's highest and longest bridge, crossing the Walaja Valley.

Arab-Israeli conflict

Route 60 was a central scene of violence during the al-Aqsa Intifada, which was in part defined by the thousands of shooting attacks on its Israeli traffic, including hundreds of casualties. The Israeli Army, in response, has fortified various sections with anti-sniper walls and had established checkpoints along the route. The Tunnels Highway came under particularly heavy assault during the shooting on Gilo neighborhood since it lies between Gilo and Beit Jala. The concrete barriers employed on other dangerous stretches of road were too heavy to be supported by the bridge, and so a barrier of bulletproof composite armour similar to that employed on Merkava tanks was constructed.

The road was also the site of terrorist attacks in June,[3] August 2010,[4][5] and June 2015.


Tunnel (below Gilo) and bridge (above Walaja Valley) to Gush Etzion. Part of the Bethlehem bypass.
Highway 60 crossing Street of the Prophets. The Dome of the Rock can be seen in the far right background.
View northward at Asaf Junction (Route 466)
View southward at Ein Yabrud
View southwards approaching Shomron Junction alongside Shavei Shomron (behind wall)
View northward at Iksal Junction
approaching Rafael Eitan Bridge
and Yitzhak Herskovitz Tunnels
under Mount Precipice
Iksal Junction & Rafael Eitan Bridge
viewed from above southward
km Location Name Type Meaning Road(s) Crossed
Beersheba Municipal Boundary
Hebron Road
0 Beersheba Highway 25,
Route 406
(David Hacham Blvd.)
0.3 Industrial Zone Nordau St.,
Rothschild Blvd.
0.4 Industrial Zone Dekel St.
0.4 Industrial Zone HaNagarim St.
0.7 Industrial Zone HaTahana St.
0.8 Industrial Zone HaNagarim St.
0.9 Industrial Zone Shazar Blvd.
1 Industrial Zone Pinhas HaHotzev St.
1.2 Industrial Zone Yosef HaBurska'i St.
1.5 Shopping District,
Industrial Zone
Heil HaHandasa St.,
Yitzhak Nafaha St.
2.4 Industrial Zone Saadia Malal Blvd.
2.4 Industrial Zone David Ben-Gurion Blvd.
2.6 Machteshim
Industrial Zone
Avraham Ben Ami St.
3.5 Beersheba צומת חטיבת הנגב
(Hativat HaNegev Junction)

Negev Brigade Ben Tzion Carmel Blvd.,
Highway 40 south
Beersheba Municipal Boundary
4.3 Omer,
Tel as-Sabi
צומת תל שבע
(Tel Sheva Junction)

Hill of 'Seven' or 'Oath' Tel Sheva Rd.,
Highway 40 north
5.7 Omer Tamar St.
5.9 Omer
Industrial Park
Omrim St.
7.3 Omer Tapuah St.
9.9 Tarabin al-Sane'/Umra,
Umm Batin
local road
11 Abu Sabit,
local road
13.1 צומת שוקת
(Shoket Junction)
Water Trough Highway 31 East
13.2 צומת שוקת
(Shoket Junction)
Highway 31 West
14.5 Carmit
(city under construction)
local road
15.7 Meitar מחלף מיתר
(Meitar interchange)
Cord Hebron Blvd.
16.2 Kibbitz Kramim צומת כרמים
(Kramim Junction)
Vineyards local road
17.6 צומת סנסנה
(Sansana Junction)
(Biblical) Palm Tree local road to
18.5 Green Line
18.5 Green Line,
Meitar Terminal[6][7]
entrance to
passenger terminal and
cargo transfer station
18.6 Meitar Security Checkpoint
NO southbound through-traffic for green (Palestinian Authority) license plates
18.7 Green Line,
Meitar Terminal
Road 6002 to
Teneh Omarim,
Meitar Terminal
Dhahiriya Bypass
27 Meitarim Industrial Park צומת שמעה
(Shim'a Junction)
named after
minor biblical figure
Route 317
27.1 Shim'a (Yonadav) local road
28 Mitzpe Eshtemoa local road
31.9 as-Simya,
Road 3178
35.4 Otniel local road
35.3 Otniel,
צומת עתניאל
(Otniel Junction)
named after
biblical judge
local road
Otniel-Hagai Road
33.9 Karma local road
37 Deir Razih local road
37.9 Tarrama Road 3265
38.8 al-Hijra,
Hadab al-Fawwar,
Road 3266
41.2 South Hebron local road
Hebron Bypass
41.4 Beit Hagai local road
45.7 South Hebron local road,
entrance to Industrial Park
47.7 Route 356 to Zif
49.1 Bani Naim local road
50.9 Kiryat Arba local road,
open during Jewish festivals
for overflow traffic
52.2 Kiryat Arba Views of Mamre St.
55 Beit Einun,
Khirbat Zayta,
local road
55.9 Hebron,
צומת העוקפים
(HaOkfim Junction)
the bypasses Highway 35
Halhul bypass
59.2 Halhul,
Road 3517
62.6 Halhul local road
Halhul-Arrub Road
62.8 Karmei Tzur local road
64.9 Beit Ummar Road 3527
66.8 Mu'askar al-Arrub,
local road
Gush Road
69.5 Alon Shvut,
Beit Fajjar
צומת גוש עציון
(Gush Etzion Junction)
Etzion Bloc Route 367
70.7 Efrat (south) צומת אפרת דרום
South Efrat Junction
Road 3157
72 Elazar local road
73.3 Neve Daniel local road
75.8 al-Khader,
Efrat (north)
צומת שיירות עציון
(Shayarot Etzion Junction)
Etzion Convoys local road
green license plates rejoin Highway 60 south from al-Khader
Bethlehem Bypass
78.4 al-Khader,
צומת אל חאדר
(al-Khader Junction)
The Green One Route 375
to Beitar Illit,
Tzur Hadassah
79.5 Beit Jala al-Amal St.
NO northbound through-traffic for green (Palestinian Authority) license plates
green license plates continue to Route 60 north via al-Khader or Beit Jala, local roads, Routes 398, 417 and 437
79.6 Tunnels / Patriarch's Way Security checkpoint
Tunnels Road
80.6 Beit Jala מנהרת רפאים
(Refaim Tunnel)
2 lanes, 900 m.
'Giants' or 'Ghosts'
82.2 Beit Jala,
גשר גילה
(Gilo Bridge)
2 lanes, 400 m.
82.6 Gilo מנהרת גילה
(Gilo Tunnel)
2 lanes, 250 m.
Jerusalem Municipal Boundary
83.3 Gilo צומת המנהרות
(HaMinharot Junction)
Tunnels HaRosmarin St.
Gilo מחלף רוזמרין
(Rosmarin Interchange)
Rosemary HaRosmarin St.,
Highway 50
(Begin Boulevard)
HaRosmarin St.
83.5 Beit Safafa,
A-Safa St.,
entrance to Tantur
Hebron Road
83.6 Beit Safafa,
צומת טנטור
(Tantur Junction)
Hilltop Hebron Road,
south to Bethlehem
83.7 Mar Elias Monastery local road
84.7 Har Homa Route 398
(Shmuel Meir Blvd.)
84.9 Givat HaMatos,
Beit Safafa
local road
84.9 Green Line
85.2 Talpiot Derech Beit Lehem
85.5 Talpiot HaUman St,
Asher Wiener St.
86.2 Talpiot HaTnufa St.
86.4 Talpiot Dostrovsky St.
86.7 Talpiot כיכר יצחק לוי
(Yitzhak Levi Square),
צומת הבנקים
(Banks Junction)
Rivka St.,
Ein Gedi St.
87 Baka,
Yehuda St.,
Daniel Yanovsky St.
87.3 Baka Queen Esther St.
87.6 Baka Miriam HaHashmonait St.
87.7 Talpiot כיכר בולגריה
(Bulgaria Square)
Hanoch Albeck St.
87.8 Abu Tor Naomi St.
88 Abu Tor Gihon St.
88.2 Abu Tor Aminadav St.
88.4 Abu Tor כיכר יוסף נבון
(Yosef Navon Square)
David Remez St.,
HaMefaked St.
89 Old City Ma'ale HaShalom St.
Hativat Yerushalayim Street
89.4 Old City,
Jaffa Gate
Omar ibn il-Khatab St.
entrance to Old City
Jaffa Road
89.5 Old City,
Jaffa Gate
כיכר שער יפו
(Jaffa Gate Square)
Yitzhak Kariv St.
Mamilla Mall
89.9 מנהרת הצנחנים
(HaTzanhanim Tunnel)
2 lanes, 600m.
HaTzanhanim Street
90 Old City,
New Gate
New Gate St.
entrance to Old City
90.05 Saint-Louis Hospital
(Notre Dame de Terre Sainte)
entrance to hospital
90.2 Old City,
כיכר אברהם הלפרין
(Avraham Halperin Square)
(southbound only)
named for
Avraham Halperin
Ha Ayin Het St
90.4 Old City,
Damascus Gate
Sultan Suleiman St.
Heil HaHandasa Street
90.5 Tunnel end
90.6 Musrara,
HaNevi'im St.,
Antarah ibn Shaddad St.,
Light Rail Station
90.75 Mas'udiyya Naomi Kis St.,
Ibn al-'As St.
90.8 Musrara,
(southbound only) HaHoma HaShlishit St.
90.85 Musrara (southbound only) Michel Leib Katz St.
90.9 Mas'udiyya (northbound only) Pikud HaMerkaz St.
91 Beit Yisrael,
American Colony
כיכר פיקוד הצפון
(Pikud HaMerkaz Square)
Central Command Shivtei Yisrael St.,
Saint George St.,
Light Rail Station
Haim Bar-Lev Street
91.2 Beit Yisrael כיכר מנדלבאום
(Mandelbaum Square)
(southbound only)
Named for
Mandelbaum Gate
Shmuel HaNavi St.
91.3 Beit Yisrael,
American Colony
Moshe Zaks St.,
Pierre van Paassen St.
91.6 Green Line
91.7 Arzei HaBira,
Sheikh Jarrah
Shimon HaTzadik St.,
Light Rail Station
92.3 Ma'alot Dafna,
Sheikh Jarrah
Zalman Shragai St.,
Clermont-Ganneau St.
92.6 Givat HaMivtar,
French Hill
כיכר מיינרצהאגן
(Meinertzhagen Square)
named after
Richard Meinertzhagen
Levi Eshkol Blvd.,
Hebrew University Blvd.
( Route 417),
Light Rail Station
93.2 Giv'at HaMivtar,
French Hill
Sheshet HaYamim Blvd.,
Shuafat Road,
HaHagana Blvd.,
Light Rail Station
Uzi Narkis Road
93.5 Shuafat,
French Hill
מחלף שער מזרח
(Sha'ar Mizrah Interchange)

East Gate Highway 1
95.1 Shuafat,
Pisgat Zeev
Yekutiel Adam Blvd.
96.1 Beit Hanina,
Pisgat Zeev
Hamid Shomaan St.
(Jerusalem Road 20),
Amihai "Gidi" Feiglin St.
(Sayeret Duchifat Blvd.)
to Route 437
Musa Peled Street
97.4 Beit Hanina,
Pisgat Zeev,
Neve Ya'akov
כיכר מגיני
עטרות ונווה יעקב
Atarot & Neve Ya'akov
defenders of
Atarot & Neve Ya'akov
Beit Hanina Rd.
Neve Ya'akov Blvd.
Ramallah Road
Shikunei Nuseiba,
Dahiat al-Barid
14 local streets
98.9 Atarot Bir Nabala Rd.
99.4 Atarot Aviation Rd.
100.4 Qalandia
Atarot Airport
to Highway 45
Jerusalem Municipal Boundary
NO northbound through-traffic for yellow (Israeli) license plates
yellow license plates continue to Highway 60 north via Sayeret Duchifat Blvd. and Route 437
100.5 Qalandia Security checkpoint[9]
NO southbound through-traffic for green (Palestinian Authority) license plates
green license plates continue to Highway 60 south via Routes 437, 417, 398 and local roads, Beit Jala or al-Khader
100.6 Kafr 'Aqab Ramallah Road
Ramallah Bypass
101.9 Ar-Ram, Jaba' Bir Nabala Rd
yellow license plates rejoin Highway 60 north from Route 437
104.4 Geva Binyamin
Route 437,
Adam Blvd.
105.1 Sha'ar Binyamin
Industrial Park
local road
106.1 Mikhmas local road
106.2 Kokhav Ya'akov,
local road
107.3 Ma'ale Mikhmas Route 457
to Route 458
109.8 Migron
(ordered removed by Apr 2012)[10]
local road
112.4 al-Bireh,
Beit El,
Giv'at Asaf,
צומת אסף
(Asaf Junction)
named after
Asaf Hershkovitz
Route 466
113.4 Deir Dibwan local road
118.1 Ofra צומת עפרה
(Ofra Junction)
named after
biblical town
HaMiyasdim St.
118.3 Ein Yabrud,
Route 449
123.1 צומת עם
'Am Junction
Route 465
to Birzeit, Ateret
124.2 Al-Mazra'a ash-Sharqiya Road 4568
127.4 Sinjil Road 4665
129 Sinjil local road
129.4 Turmus Ayya local road
131.3 Shilo צומת שילה
(Ofra Junction)
named after
biblical town
local road
Wadi ash-Sha'ir Road
135.1 Eli Elkana Rd.
135.3 Eli 14th of Elul St.
136.9 Ma'ale Levona local road
137.9 Al-Lubban ash-Sharqiya local road
140.3 Qabalan Road 4777
140.1 As-Sawiya local road
142.7 Rechelim,
local road
145.1 Kfar Tapuach צומת תפוח
(Tapuah Junction)
Apple Route 505
Huwara Road
147.8 Beita local road
147.9 Huwara local streets
148.4 Huwara
Road 5076, local streets
148.6 Huwara local road to Odala,
local streets
149.3 Huwara local streets,
Road 555
to Nablus,
Elon Moreh
Nablus Bypass
151.2 Yitzhar,
local road
160.9 Sarra local road to Nablus
161.1 Jit צומת ג'ית
(Jit Junction)
Highway 55 (west)
163.9 Kedumim Local Council,
Bar-On Industrial Park
local road
167.2 Route 557 (west)
167.9 Shavei Shomron local road
Travel for yellow (Israeli) license plates between Shomron Junction and Dotan Junction permitted, IDF escort recommended
169.9 Deir Sharaf צומת שומרון
(Shomron Junction)
Samaria local road
169.8 An-Naqura local road
171 Sebastia Road 5715
171.7 Sebastia local road
177.1 Burqa local road
178.4 Bazariya local road
179.1 Homesh (evacuated) local road
180.3 Silat ad-Dhahr local streets
182.5 Fandaqumiya local streets
183.9 Jaba local road
184 Jaba Road 5725 to
Sanur, Meithalun
184.8 Sa-Nur (evacuated) local road
186 Ajjah local road
187.5 Anzah local road
189.6 Zawiya local road
191.5 local road
194.2 Mirka צומת דותן
(Dotan Junction)
named after
ancient city
Route 585,
Route 588
Travel for yellow (Israeli) license plates between Dotan Junction and Shomron Junction permitted, IDF escort recommended
NO northbound through-traffic for yellow (Israeli) license plates
Route 588[2]
194.5 Tel Dothan local road
195.2 Bir al-Basha 6 local streets
Palestinian Authority Area A
199.7 Ash-Shuhada, Qabatiya צומת קבאטיה
(Qabatiya Junction)
local road
203.2 Jenin 22 local streets
207.2 Dahiyat Sabah al-Kheir 11 local streets
↑Palestinian Authority Area A↑
Jalamah Road[2]
209.8 Jalamah Road 6010 South
to Zababdeh,
Wadi ad-Dabi',
Kadim (evacuated),
Ganim (evacuated)
210.2 Jalamah 6 local streets
211.2 Green Line,
Jalamah Terminal[13][14]
entrance to
passenger terminal and
cargo transfer station
211.4 Green Line
NO northbound through-traffic for green (Palestinian Authority) license plates
211.5 Jalamah Security checkpoint
NO southbound through-traffic for yellow (Israeli) license plates
211.8 Green Line,
Jalamah Terminal,
entrance to
passenger terminal and
cargo transfer station,

local road to Muqeible
212.7 Magen Shaul local road
212.9 Sandala 2 local roads
214.3 Gan Ner local road
216 Prazon local road
217.2 Yizre'el,
צומת יזרעאל
(Yizre'el Junction)
God Sows Route 675
Afula Municipal Boundary
Jerusalem Boulevard
223.1 Afula צומת אפולה דרום מזרח
(Afula Drom Mizrah Junction)
South-East Afula Menachem Begin Blvd.
223.3 Afula Gilboa St.
223.6 Afula Yehoshua Hankin St.
223.8 Afula Ussishkin St.
223.9 Afula Kehilat Tzion Blvd.
Yosef Sprinzak Boulevard
224 Afula HaNasi Weizmann Blvd.,
Afula Central Bus Station
HaNasi Weizmann Boulevard
224.1 Afula Jerusalem Blvd.
224.3 Afula כיכר העצמאות
(HaAtzma'ut Square)
Independence Arlozorov St.
224.5 Afula כיכר פז
(Paz Square)
Moshe Sharett St.,
Holland St.,
Zalman Hod St.
Hativat Teisha' Boulevard
224.6 Afula Zalman Shazar St.
224.7 Afula Rimon St.
224.8 Afula Hadasim St.,
Einstein Blvd.
224.9 Afula Etrog St.
225 Afula Tzaftzefot St.,
HaAvoda St.
225.2 Afula צומת מכבי אש
(Mikhabei Esh Junction)
Firefighters Highway 65 East,
Hadarim St.,
HaHistadrut Blvd.
225.4 Afula Yukler B'Emek
Shopping Center
226.2 Afula Highway 65 West
Afula Municipal Boundary
226.9 Balfouria local road
228.7 Kfar Gid'on local road
229.2 Jezreel Valley
Regional Council
Emek Yezreel College
local road
230 Tel Adashim local road
230.2 Tel Adashim צומת עדשים
(Adashim Junction)
Lentils Highway 73 West
Nazareth Municipal Boundary
232.2 Nazareth,
מחלף איכסאל
(Iksal Interchange)
Chores Marj Ibn Amer Rd.
232.6 Har HaKfitza
(Mount Precipice)
גשר רפאל איתן
(Raphael Eitan Bridge)
4 lanes, 400m.
233 Har HaKfitza
(Mount Precipice)
מנהרות יצחק הרשקוביץ
(Yitzhak Herskovitz Tunnels)
4 lanes, 380m.
234.6 Nazareth
Industrial Zone A
(southbound only) Wadi el-Hadj St.
235.1 Nazareth צומת המוסכים
(HaMusachim Junction)
Auto Repair Shops Highway 75
(HaTsiyonut Blvd.),
Tawfiq Ziad St.

References & Notes

  1. "Eretz Binyamin: Leave politics behind" Ynetnews
  2. 1 2 3 At the time of its designation Highway 60 was a consecutive highway, running from Beersheba to Nazareth. With the outbreak of the Al-Aqsa Intifada an IDF decree forbade Israelis from traveling on the Tel Dotan-Jenin-Jalamah section, effectively splitting Highway 60. Final designation of the highway is dependent on the final status agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.
  3. IDF Statement on Rt. 60 Terror Attack, 31 Aug 2010
  4. On the eve of the summit meeting in Washington to relaunch the direct Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, a shooting attack was carried out targeting an Israeli vehicle southeast of Hebron. Four Israeli civilians were killed. Hamas' military wing claimed responsibility; the Palestinian Authority condemned the attack, September 1, 2010, Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center.
  5. "4 Israelis shot dead in West Bank," Janine Zacharia and Samuel Sockol, September 1, 2010, The Washington Post.
  6. "Crossing Points West Bank and Gaza Strip". Palestinian Shipper's Council. Retrieved 2014-08-22.
  7. "Coordination of Government Activity in the Territories - Meitar Crossing". Israel Defense Forces. Retrieved 2014-08-22.
  8. "Work continues on Begin Highway". Jerusalem Municipality. 2012-04-01. Retrieved 2012-08-05.(in Hebrew)
  9. "Coordination of Government Activity in the Territories - Atarot (Kalandia) Crossing". Israel Defense Forces. Retrieved 2014-08-22.
  10. Chaim Levinson (2011-08-02). "Israel's Supreme Court orders state to dismantle largest West Bank outpost". Haaretz. Retrieved 2011-08-06.
  11. Joshua 18:23
  12. Judges 21:19
  13. "Crossing Points West Bank and Gaza Strip – Jalameh Terminal". Palestinian Shipper's Councill. Retrieved 2014-08-22.
  14. "Coordination of Government Activity in the Territories- Gilboa-Jalame Crossing". Israel Defense Forces. Retrieved 2014-08-22.

See also

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