Heidi Lück

Heidi Lück née Pfeifer (born 6 April 1943) is a German social-democratic (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands SPD) politician and member of the Bavarian state parliament (Bayerischer Landtag) in the Sonthofen-Lindau electoral constituency.

MP Heidi Lück

Childhood, education and early adult years

Lück was born Heidi Pfeifer in Strokele/Zwittau in BohemiaMoravia (present day Czech Republic), she is a Roman Catholic. At the age of 2, she was involved in the turmoil and absolute chaos surrounding the end of WW2. As a result of the Beneš decrees Heidi's parents had their property expropriated and Heidi, together with her mother (Anna Pfeifer) and her 3 brothers and sisters (Herbert, Helma and Horst), were resettled in Allmendingen in Baden-Württemberg after being expelled from their hometown of Zwittau in Bohemia (now Svitavy, Czech Republic). Heidi later graduated from school and was trained as a retail saleswoman. Always very involved in sport, Heidi became, at 18, the then youngest member of the board (Kreisjugendturnwart) of the Ehingen sports district in Baden-Württemberg, with responsibility for young people.

After working as a retail saleswoman, she married Willi Lück in 1967 and subsequently moved to Altusried in the Allgäu where she worked for many years with her husband in their own business in the Swabian region - as well as being an active mother. Lück is divorced and has one adult son.

Career in politics

After her divorce and re-entry into professional life in 1978, she worked part-time as an administrator for the SPD and also as an assistant to the MP Günter Wirth (Bavarian state parliament 1970-1994) in Kempten. From 1992 up to the date of her own election to the Bavarian state parliament in 1994, Heidi Lück worked full-time in the political arena and was responsible for the SPD district branches Oberallgäu, Kempten, Lindau (Bodensee), Neu-Ulm and Günzburg.

Heidi Lück has been a member of the Bavarian SPD since 1980 and has been active in almost all party functions. Amongst other activities, she worked for 16 years as district federation chairman for the SPD Oberallgäu until 2005 and as a chairman of the working-group of social democratic women (Arbeitsgemeinschaft sozialdemokratischer Frauen AsF), Swabian district, until 2004. In addition she has been chairmen of the AsF subdistrict Oberallgäu up to 2007 and a Delegate to various other branches and districts up to the present time, as well as being SPD subdistrict chairman, a local councillor in Durach/Allgäu and a district councillor in the Oberallgäu up until June 1998.

Bavarian State Parliament

In 1990 Heidi Lück campaigned for a seat in the Bavarian state parliament for the first time and was narrowly unsuccessful - failing by only 95 votes.

At 1994 she was a candidate in the parliamentary elections for a second time and was elected as a member of the Bavarian state parliament (Landtag in the 13th Legislative period) due to the district-list (Landesliste) of the SPD Swabia (proportional representation voting system). She is currently still a member of the parliament, now in the 15th legislative period (in all 3 electoral periods: 1994, 1998 and 2003 (note: starting from 1998, the Bavarian legislative period was increased from 4 to 5 years))

She represents the SPD state parliament faction in the committee for "agriculture, nutrition and forestry". Heidi Lück is agriculture and forestry spokeswoman and chairman of the SPD faction working group "agriculture, nutrition and forestry". As well as being a member of the working groups "women", "youth" and "sport" she is also the official representative of the SPD state parliament faction in the "Bodensee parliamentary commission" and member of the "Socialist Bodensee-International" (SBI) since 1994.

Besides her own electoral constituency, Sonthofen-Lindau, Heidi Lück additionally looks after the electoral constituencies Kempten/Oberallgäu, Kaufbeuren and Marktoberdorf/Ostallgäu (Füssen to Buchloe) due to the lack of other delegates in this areas.

Honorary offices and membership of associations and federations

Since 2001, now in her second electoral period, Heidi Lück has been voluntary chairman of the Oberallgäu BRK (Bavarian Red Cross) district federation, she is also a member of the board of the "Foundation for handicapped people in Allgäu" as well as a member of the board of trustees of the university of applied sciences, Kempten, likewise she has been a lay associate judge for juveniles (Jugendschöffe) for many years. She is member of the prison advisory board (Gefängnisbeirätin) of the correctional facility "JVA Kempten" (Justizvollzugsanstalt) and is active in the volunteer helpers organisation (Straffälligenhilfe).

She has been an active member for many years of the following organisations (and of others, not listed here):


On October 7, 2005 Heidi Lück was decorated with the "Protektor insignia" by the Bavarian sports marksmens' federation (Bayerischer Sportschützenbund), under the patronage of His Royal Highness Duke Franz of Bavaria, in "appreciation of services concerned with the promotion of shooting sports in Bavaria" (Würdigung der Verdienste um das Bayerische Schützenwesen), a very great honor.

On July 5, 2006 Heidi Lück was decorated by the Bavarian Prime Minister (Ministerpräsident Edmund Stoiber) as "an indication of honor and grateful acknowledgment of outstanding services to the Free State of Bavaria and the Bavarian people" with the Bavarian service medal (Bayerischer Verdienstorden), the highest honor of the Free State of Bavaria.

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