
Kevin Yarnell
Status Active
Born (1995-05-20) May 20, 1995
Nationality American
Current team Team SoloMid
Role Top laner
League North American League of Legends Championship Series
Games League of Legends
Professional career
Aug 2013 - Oct 2013 The Gentlemen's Guild
Nov 2013 - Oct 2014 Team LoLPro
Oct 2014 - Jan 2015 Curse Academy
Jan 2015 - Nov 2015 Gravity Gaming
Nov 2015 - Present Team SoloMid

Kevin Yarnell (born May 20, 1995), better known by his in-game name Hauntzer, is a professional League of Legends player who currently plays top laner for Team SoloMid of the League of Legends Championship Series North America. He has also played for Gravity Gaming, Curse Academy, and Team LoLPro.

Curse Academy left Team Curse and rebranded as Gravity Gaming in January 2015 upon qualifying for the LCS. In April, Gravity was at the top of the NA LCS rankings in part due to the play of Hauntzer.[1] Gravity finished 5th in the Spring LCS Regular Season, qualifying for the playoffs, where they finished 5-6th after being eliminated by Team Impulse. In the following Summer LCS they finished 4th in the Regular Season and then 5-6th in the playoffs.

Yarnell joined Team SoloMid in November, replacing Marcus "Dyrus" Hill at top lane after the latter retired from competitive play.[2] At his first tournament with TSM, Intel Extreme Masters Season X - San Jose,[3] the team finished 5-8th.[4]

Tournament results


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