Hartmut Lutz

Hartmut Lutz (born April 26, 1945) is a professor at the University of Szczecin, Poland. Until April 2011, he had been a professor of American and Canadian studies at the University of Greifswald, Germany, with a special interest in Native American and Native Canadian studies.


Lutz was born in Rendsburg, Germany, and studied at the University of Kiel. He earned his doctorate in English literature at the University of Tübingen, and subsequently taught English and American Literature as well as North American and Minorities Studies at the University of Osnabrück from 1975 to 1994.

On April 1, 1994, he assumed a professorship at the University of Greifswald, where he established a research centre of Canadian Studies with a particular focus on Canadian Aboriginal literature and other minority literature in Canada. His academic interests are American and Canadian literatures, minority literatures, Native American Studies and issues of race, class and gender in North America.

He is the founding editor of the OBEMA-series, which published twice a year bilingual editions of works by Minority authors (1989-1998).[1]

He has held guest professorships in Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain and the United States.[1]

From 2009 to 2011, he was President of the Association for Canadian Studies in the German speaking countries (Gesellschaft für Kanada-Studien (GKS) in den deutschsprachigen Ländern; GKS) (Austria, Germany, Switzerland).[2]


Year Award
2001-2002 Harris German-Dartmouth Distinguished Visiting Professorship [3]
2003 John G. Diefenbaker Award by the Canada Council for the Arts (awards is funded by the Canadian Government) [4]
2012 Izaak Walton Killam Visiting Fellowship at the University of Calgary.[5]
2013 International Council for Canadian StudiesCertificate of Merit awarded during a visiting professorship at the University of Trier’s International Research Training Group “Diversity”, on June 22, 2013, in recognition of outstanding contributions to the development of Canadian Studies.[6]


Selection of books authored and/or edited by Harmut Lutz.

Year Title ISBN
1975 Lutz, Hartmut. William Goldings Prosawerk im Lichte der Analytischen Psychologie Carl Gustav Jungs und der Psychoanalyse Sigmund Freuds. Frankfurt am Main: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft. xiv, 335 pp. 978-3-799702-54-6
1980 Lutz, Hartmut. D-Q University: Native American Self-Determination in Higher Education. Davis,Ca.: Department of Applied Behavioral Sciences, UC Davis. vi. 142 pp.
1985 Lutz, Hartmut. "Indianer" und "Native Americans": Zur sozial- und literarhistorischen Vermittlung eines Stereotyps. Hildesheim: Olms Verlag. xii, 538 pp. 978-3-487075-30-3
1987 Lutz, Hartmut. Achte Deines Bruders Traum. Gespräche mit nordamerikanischen Indianern 1978-1985. Osnabrück: Druck- und Verlagsccoperative. 2nd and revised edition 1999. xvi, 226 pp. 978-3-923881-20-8
1990 Karrer, Wolfgang and Hartmut Lutz. Minority literatures in North America: contemporary perspectives. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 205 pp. 978-3-631422-51-9
1991 Lutz, Hartmut. Contemporary challenges: conversations with Canadian native authors. Saskatoon: Fifth House Publishers. 276 pp. 978-0-920079-75-1
2002 Lutz, Hartmut. Approaches: essays in native North American studies and literatures. Beiträge zur Kanadistik, Vol. 11. Augsburg : Wissner Verlag. 282 pp. 978-3-896393-40-1
2003 Lutz, Hartmut and Coomi S. Vevaina. Connections: Non-Native Responses to Native Canadian Literature. Creative New Literature. New Delhi. 305 pp. 978-8-180430-06-0
2005 Lutz, Hartmut, Murray Hamilton, and Donna Heimbecker. Howard Adams: OTAPAWY! The Life of a Métis Leader in His Own Words and in Those of His Contemporaries. Saskatoon : The Gabriel Dumont Institute Press. xii, 310pp., & CD-ROM. 978-0-920915-74-4
2005 Lutz, Hartmut (editor and head translator), Hans Blohm and Alootook Ipellie. The Diary of Abraham Ulrikab : Text and Context. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press. xxvii & 100 pp. Translations by Hartmut Lutz and students from the University of Greifswald, Germany. 978-0-776606-02-6
2007 Lutz, Hartmut, Kathrin Grollmuß, Hans Blohm and Alootook Ipellie. Abraham Ulrikab im Zoo: Tagebuch eines Inuk 1880/81. Wesel (Germany): von der Linden Verlag. 167 p. German translation of The Diary of Abraham Ulrikab : Text and Context. 978-3-926308-10-8
2007 Lutz, Hartmut and Rafico Ruiz. What is Your Place? Indigeneity and Immigration in Canada. Beiträge zur Kanadistik, Bd. 14. Augsburg: Wissner Verlag. 192 pp. 978-3-896395-88-7
2009 Ertler, Klaus-Dieter and Hartmut Lutz. Canada in Grainau : A Multidisciplinary Survey of Canadian Studies After 30 Years = Le Canada à Grainau : Tour d'horizon multidisciplinaire d'études canadiennes, 30 ans après. Collection: Canadiana - Volume 7. Frankfurt am Main et al.: Peter Lang. 978-3-631589-42-7
2009 Lutz, Hartmut and students from the Greisfwald University. Heute sind wir hier/We are Here Today: A Bilingual Collection of Contemporary Aboriginal Literature(s) from Canada. Wesel : von der Linden Verlag. 215 pp. 978-3-926308-12-2
2014 Jacobsen, Johan Adrian. Voyage with the Labrador Eskimos, 1880-1881. Gatineau (Quebec): Polar Horizons. 86 pp. (English translation by Hartmut Lutz of Johan Adrian Jacobsen's 1880-1881 diary when he recruited Abraham Ulrikab) 978-0-9936740-5-1 (paperback) 978-0-9936740-1-3 (pdf)
2014 Suchacka, Weronika, Uwe Zagratzki and Hartmut Lutz. Despite Harper: International Perceptions of Canadian Literature and Culture. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac, 167 pp. 978-3-830074-12-0
2015 Lutz, Hartmut. Contemporary Achievements: Contextualizing Canadian Aboriginal Literatures. Studies in Anglophone Literatures and Cultures. vol. 6, ed. Martin Kuester. Augsburg: Wissner Verlag, 334 pp. 978-3-957860-09-5


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