Haplogroup O-M176

Haplogroup O-M176
Geograhpical distribution of Y-crhomosome haplogroup O1b2-M176

Possible time of origin 28,500 [95% CI 26,200 <-> 30,900] years before present[1]
Possible place of origin Korean Peninsula, Manchuria or a nearby part of northern East Asia[2][3]
Coalescence age 12,100 [95% CI 9,700 <-> 14,600] years before present (YFull[1])

6,300 [95% CI 600–37,000] years ago (Katoh 2004)
Ancestor O-P31
Defining mutations M176/SRY465, P49, 022454
Highest frequencies

Koreans, Japanese, Ryukyuans, Manchus

In human population genetics, Y-Chromosome haplogroups define the major lineages of direct paternal (male) lines back to a shared common ancestor in Africa. Haplogroup O-M176 (aka O-SRY465) is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. It is best known for its part in the settlement of Korea and Japan. It is a descendant of Haplogroup O-P31, and it has been estimated to share a most recent common ancestor with its nearest outgroup, Haplogroup O-K18, approximately 28,500 [95% CI 26,200 <-> 30,900] years before present.[4]


Haplogroup O-M176 is found mainly in the northernmost parts of East Asia, from the Uriankhai and Zakhchin peoples of western Mongolia (Katoh 2004) to the Japanese of Japan, though it also has been detected sporadically in the Buryats (Jin 2003). It's been detected with moderate frequencies in Udegeys (Jin 2010) of southern Siberia, rarely among populations of Southeast Asia including Indonesia (Hammer 2006 and Jin 2003), the Philippines (Jin 2003), Thailand (Jin 2003), and Vietnam (Hammer 2006 and Jin 2003), and Micronesians (Hammer 2006). This haplogroup is found with its highest frequency and diversity values among modern populations of Japan and Korea and is absent from most populations in China, but it has been detected in some samples of Han Chinese from Beijing (Jin 2003) and (1/51, Kim 2011)[5], Shanghai (seven individuals, (Wu 2009)), Xi'an (1/34, Kim 2011)[5], Jiangsu (Lu 2008), Wuhan (1/160)[6], South China outside of Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, and Shanghai (1/65)[7] and southern Fujian[8], Koreans in China (Xue 2006 and Katoh 2004), Manchus (Xue 2006, Katoh 2004, and Karafet 2001), Sibes (Xue 2006), and Kham Tibetans.[9]

Subclade distribution

Paragroup O-M176*

Y-DNA that belongs to O-M176(xK10, F3356) has been found in an individual from Hiroshima, an individual from Beijing, and 1% (7/706) of a sample of males collected in Seoul and Daejeon.[10]

O-M176(x47z) has been found in approximately 3.5%[11] to 9.9%[12] of Japanese males. However, most of those individuals probably belong to subclades of O-K10(x47z).


The majority of extant members of O-M176 belong to the subclade O-K10 (or O-F3356). O-K10 subsumes the prolific subclades O-47z, which occurs with especially high frequency in Japan, and O-L682, which occurs with especially high frequency in Korea, in addition to a relatively rare subclade, O-K3, which has been found among Manchus and southern Han Chinese. O-L682 and O-K3 are linked by 18 SNPs that define the O-K4 clade, and thus their members are more closely related to one another by paternal lineage than any of them is related to any member of O-47z.

An example of Y-DNA that belongs to O-K10 but neither O-47z nor O-K4 has been found in an individual in Tokyo, Japan. This individual's Y-DNA is estimated to share a most recent common ancestor with O-47z and O-K4 roughly around the same time as the most recent common ancestor of those latter two clades, about 8,200 [95% CI 6,300 <-> 10,200] ybp.[4]

O-F3356(x47z, L682) has been found in 2% (14/706) of a sample of Koreans collected in Seoul and Daejeon, South Korea.[10] However, the status of these individuals' Y-DNA in regard to K4, K3, and phylogenetically equivalent SNPs has not been published.


Haplogroup O-47z
Geograhpical distribution of Y-crhomosome haplogroup O1b2a1-47z

Possible time of origin 7,870 [95% CI 5,720–12,630] years ago (Hammer 2006)

8,200 [95% CI 6,300 <-> 10,200] ybp[4]
Possible place of origin Japanese Archipelago(Hammer 2006) or Korean Peninsula(see Jin 2003)
Ancestor O-M176
Defining mutations 47z
Highest frequencies

Japanese, Ryukyuans, Koreans, Manchus

O-47z or O-CTS11986 is a subclade of O-K10. It is found with high frequency among the Japanese and Ryukyuan populations of Japan, and with lower frequency among Koreans.

Haplogroup O-47z has been detected in approximately 24% of males who speak a Japonic language, while it has not been found at all among Ainu males whose Y-DNA has been tested in two genetic studies (Tajima 2004, n=16; Hammer 2006, n=4). Based on the STR haplotype diversity within Haplogroup O-47z, it has been estimated that this haplogroup began to experience a population expansion among the proto-Japanese of approximately 4,000 years ago. Haplogroup O-47z also has been found among samples of modern Koreans, though with low frequency in comparison to both the frequency of O-47z in samples of Japanese and the frequency of O-M176(x47z) in samples of Koreans.

O-47z has also been detected in two separate Han Chinese in Shanghai (Wu 2009).


O-K4 is a subclade of O-K10. It includes at least two subclades, O-L682 and O-K3, which have been estimated to share a most recent common ancestor approximately 6,300 [95% CI 4,700 <-> 8,000] years before present.[1]

Haplogroup O-F940
Geograhpical distribution of Y-crhomosome haplogroup O1b2a2b-F940

Possible time of origin 3,500 [2,000-13,000]
Possible place of origin Manchuria or Korean Peninsula
Ancestor O-F2868
Defining mutations CTS12145, F1912, F2206, F2703, F940, K3
Highest frequencies

Manchurian, Manchu Mongolian, Manchu Han

The O-K3 (or O-F940) lineage is a subclade of O-K4 that has been observed to date in two Han Chinese individuals from Southern China (Hunan and/or Fujian).

Haplogroup O-L682
Geograhpical distribution of Y-crhomosome haplogroup O1b2a2a-L682

Possible time of origin 6,300 [95% CI 4,700 <-> 8,000] ybp[4]
Possible place of origin Korean Peninsula or Manchuria
Ancestor O-M176, O-F3356
Defining mutations L682
Highest frequencies

Koreans, Hezhen, Udege, Japanese, Ryukyuans, Manchus

The O-L682 subclade of O-K4 is believed to be related to Native Korean population. One study has found O-L682 Y-DNA in 19% (134/706) of Koreans sampled in Seoul and Daejeon.[10] O-L682 also has been found in Japanese in Tokyo and the USA, Chinese in Beijing and Shandong, Nanai people in China, and Udege people in Russia. Its descendants appear to have begun rapidly increasing in number at approximately the same time as those of its distant cousin O-47z, perhaps 4,000 years ago.[1]


Phylogenetic history

Prior to 2002, there were in academic literature at least seven naming systems for the Y-Chromosome phylogenetic tree. This led to considerable confusion. In 2002, the major research groups came together and formed the Y-Chromosome Consortium (YCC). They published a joint paper that created a single new tree that all agreed to use. Later, a group of citizen scientists with an interest in population genetics and genetic genealogy formed a working group to create an amateur tree aiming at being above all timely. The table below brings together all of these works at the point of the landmark 2002 YCC Tree. This allows a researcher reviewing older published literature to quickly move between nomenclatures.

YCC 2002/2008 (Shorthand) (α) (β) (γ) (δ) (ε) (ζ) (η) YCC 2002 (Longhand) YCC 2005 (Longhand) YCC 2008 (Longhand) YCC 2010r (Longhand) ISOGG 2006 ISOGG 2007 ISOGG 2008 ISOGG 2009 ISOGG 2010 ISOGG 2011 ISOGG 2012

Original research publications

The following research teams per their publications were represented in the creation of the YCC Tree.

Phylogenetic trees

This phylogenetic tree of haplogroup O subclades is based on the YCC 2008 tree (Karafet 2008) and subsequent published research.

Table of frequencies of O-M176

Population Frequency Sample Size SNPs Source
Korean (Gangweon)0.39763M176(x47z)=20
Kim 2011
(National Biobank of Korea)
Park 2013
South Korea0.37375M176/P49(x47z)=25
Hammer 2006
Japanese (Shizuoka)0.3446147z=13
Hammer 2006
Korean (Daejeon)0.338133M176(x47z)=30
Park 2012
Nonaka 2007
Korean (Jeju)0.32287M176(x47z)=20
Kim 2011
Japanese (Kyushu)0.3215347z=15
Hammer 2006
Korean (Seoul)0.316573M176(x47z)=125
Park 2012
Korean (Jeolla)0.31190M176(x47z)=21
Kim 2011
Japanese (Aomori)0.3082647z=7
Hammer 2006
Korean (Chungcheong)0.30672M176(x47z)=15
Kim 2011
Japanese (Tokushima)0.3007047z=17
Hammer 2006
Korean (Gyeongsang)0.29884M176(x47z)=15
Kim 2011
Kim 2011
Korean (Seoul/Gyeonggi)0.282110M176(x47z)=23
Kim 2011
Korean (PRC)0.28025M176(x47z)=5
Xue 2006
Korean (Korea)0.27943M176(x47z)=6
Xue 2006
Xue 2006
Jin 2009
Korean (Seoul & Daejeon)0.269216M176(x47z)=37
Kim 2007
Jin 2009
Hammer 2006
Jin 2009
Jin 2009
Jin 2009
Indonesia (West)0.16025M176/P49(x47z)=2
Hammer 2006
Han (Yunnan)0.09841M176(x47z)=4Jin 2009
Kim 2011
Indonesian0.08137M176(x47z)=3Kim 2011
Han (Beijing)0.06265M176(x47z)=4Jin 2009
Micronesia0.05917M176/P49(x47z)=1Hammer 2006
Manchu0.05735M176(x47z)=2Xue 2006
Uriankhai (Mongolia)0.05060M176=3Katoh 2005
Mongol (NE Mongolia)0.05020M176=1DiCristofaro 2013
Hezhe (PRC)0.04445M176(x47z)=2Xue 2006
Hammer 2006
Thai0.0405047z=2Jin 2009
Manchu0.03852M176/P49(x47z)=2Hammer 2006
Zakhchin (Mongolia)0.03360M176=2Katoh 2005
Manchurian0.03330M176(x47z)=1Kim 2011
Han (Xi'an)0.02934M176(x47z)=1Kim 2011
Buryat0.02836M176(x47z)=1Kim 2011
Daur0.02639M176(x47z)=1Xue 2006
Thai0.0254047z=1Kim 2011
Evenk (PRC)0.02441M176/P49(x47z)=1Hammer 2006
Xibe0.02441M176(x47z)=1Xue 2006
Buryat0.02050M176(x47z)=1Jin 2009
Han (Beijing)0.02051M176(x47z)=1Kim 2011
Philippines0.01469M176(x47z)=1Jin 2009
Mongols (Mongolia)0.006160M176=1DiCristofaro 2013
Zhuang0.00020M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Oroqen0.00022M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Evenk (PRC)0.00026M176=0Xue 2006
Alor0.00028M176=0Karafet 2010
Han (Lanzhou)0.00030M176=0Xue 2006
Even0.00031M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Oroqen0.00031M176=0Xue 2006
Uyghur (Urumqi)0.00031M176=0Xue 2006
Han (Yili)0.00032M176=0Xue 2006
Malay0.00032M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Australian aborigines0.00033M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Qiang0.00033M176=0Xue 2006
Han (Chengdu)0.00034M176=0Xue 2006
Hani (PRC)0.00034M176=0Xue 2006
Li0.00034M176=0Xue 2006
She0.00034M176=0Xue 2006
Buyi0.00035M176=0Xue 2006
Han (Harbin)0.00035M176=0Xue 2006
Han (Meixian)0.00035M176=0Xue 2006
Hui (PRC)0.00035M176=0Xue 2006
Tibetan0.00035M176=0Xue 2006
Yao (Bama)0.00035M176=0Xue 2006
Yao (Liannan)0.00035M176=0Xue 2006
Batak Toba (Sumatra)0.00038M176=0Karafet 2010
Uyghur (Yili)0.00039M176=0Xue 2006
Han (Guangdong)0.00040M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Yi (Butuo, Sichuan)0.00043M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Northern Han0.00044M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Khalkh0.00045M176=0Kim 2011
Mongol (Inner Mongolia)0.00045M176=0Xue 2006
Papua New Guinea0.00046M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Khalkh0.00048M176=0Jin 2009
Philippines0.00048M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Taiwanese aborigines0.00048M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Tujia0.00049M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
She0.00051M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Melanesia0.00053M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Mandar (Sulawesi)0.00054M176=0Karafet 2010
Indonesia (East)0.00055M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Miao0.00058M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Han (Yunnan)0.00060M176=0Kim 2011
Nias0.00060M176=0Karafet 2010
Polynesia0.00060M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Yao0.00060M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Java0.00061M176=0Karafet 2010
Filipino0.00064M176=0Kim 2011
Mongol (Outer Mongolia)0.00065M176=0Xue 2006
Uyghur0.00067M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Mentawai0.00074M176=0Karafet 2010
Buryat0.00081M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Han (Taiwan)0.00084M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Borneo0.00086M176=0Karafet 2010
Sri Lanka0.00091M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Lembata0.00092M176=0Karafet 2010
Evenk (Russia)0.00095M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Altai0.00098M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Tibet0.000105M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Mongolia0.000149M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Sumba0.000350M176=0Karafet 2010
Flores0.000394M176=0Karafet 2010
India0.000405M176/P49=0Hammer 2006
Bali0.000641M176=0Karafet 2010

See also


Y-DNA O subclades

Y-DNA backbone tree

Phylogenetic tree of human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroups [χ 1][χ 2]
"Y-chromosomal Adam"
A00 A0-T [χ 3]
A0 A1 [χ 4]
A1a A1b
A1b1 BT
F1  F2  F3  GHIJK
IJ   K
I J     LT [χ 5]  K2
L     T [χ 6] K2a [χ 7] K2b [χ 8]   K2c   K2d  K2e [χ 9]  
K2a1                    K2b1 [χ 10]    P [χ 11]
NO    S [χ 12]  M [χ 13]    P1     P2
NO1    Q   R
  1. Van Oven M, Van Geystelen A, Kayser M, Decorte R, Larmuseau HD (2014). "Seeing the wood for the trees: a minimal reference phylogeny for the human Y chromosome". Human Mutation. 35 (2): 187–91. PMID 24166809. doi:10.1002/humu.22468.
  2. International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG; 2015), Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2015. (Access date: 1 February 2015.)
  3. Haplogroup A0-T is also known as A0'1'2'3'4.
  4. Haplogroup A1 is also known as A1'2'3'4.
  5. Haplogroup LT (L298/P326) is also known as Haplogroup K1.
  6. Between 2002 and 2008, Haplogroup T (M184) was known as "Haplogroup K2" – that name has since been re-assigned to K-M526, the sibling of Haplogroup LT.
  7. Haplogroup K2a (M2308) and the new subclade K2a1 (M2313) were separated from Haplogroup NO (F549) in 2016. (This followed the publication of: Poznik GD, Xue Y, Mendez FL, et al. (2016). "Punctuated bursts in human male demography inferred from 1,244 worldwide Y-chromosome sequences". Nature Genetics. 48 (6): 593–9. PMC 4884158Freely accessible. PMID 27111036. doi:10.1038/ng.3559. In the past, other haplogroups, including NO1 (M214) and K2e had also been identified with the name "K2a".
  8. Haplogroup K2b (M1221/P331/PF5911) is also known as Haplogroup MPS.
  9. Haplogroup K2e (K-M147) was previously known as "Haplogroup X" and "K2a" (but is a sibling subclade of the present K2a).
  10. Haplogroup K2b1 (P397/P399) is also known as Haplogroup MS, but has a broader and more complex internal structure.
  11. Haplogroup P (P295) is also klnown as K2b2.
  12. Haplogroup S, as of 2017, is also known as K2b1a. (Previously the name Haplogroup S was assigned to K2b1a4.)
  13. Haplogroup M, as of 2017, is also known as K2b1b. (Previously the name Haplogroup M was assigned to K2b1d.)



  1. 238/744=32.0% O-M176 in a pool of all Japanese samples of (Xue 2006), (Katoh 2004), (Jin 2009), (Nonaka 2007), and all non-Ainu and non-Okinawan Japanese samples of (Hammer 2006).
  2. 202/677=29.8% O-M176 in a pool of all ethnic Korean samples of (Hammer 2006), (Xue 2006), (Katoh 2004), (Kim 2007), and (Park 2013).
  3. 30/132=22.7% O-M176 in a pool of all Okinawan data from (Hammer 2006) and (Nonaka 2007)
  4. 45/232=19.4% O-M176 in a pool of all Manchu samples of (Karafet 2001), (Jin 2003), (Katoh 2004), and (Xue 2006)
  5. 150/628=23.9% O-47z in a pool of all non-Ainu and non-Okinawan Japanese samples of (Jin 2003), (Hammer 2006), (Xue 2006), and (Nonaka 2007)
  6. 22/132=16.7% O-47z in a pool of all Okinawan samples of Hammer 2006 and Nonaka 2007
  7. 41/519=7.9% O-47z in a pool of all ethnic Korean samples of (Jin 2003), (Hammer 2006), (Xue 2006), and (Kim 2007)
  8. 9/135=6.7% O-47z in a pool of all "Manchu" or "Manchurian" samples of (Hammer 2006), (Xue 2006), and (Jin 2009)
  9. 41/519=7.9% O-L682 in a pool of all ethnic Korean samples of (Yoo 2014), (Katoh 2004), and (Kim 2011)
  10. 22/132=16.7% O-47z in a pool of all Okinawan samples of Hammer 2006 and Nonaka 2007
  11. 150/628=23.9% O-47z in a pool of all non-Ainu and non-Okinawan Japanese samples of (Jin 2003), (Hammer 2006), (Xue 2006), and (Nonaka 2007)
  12. 9/135=6.7% O-47z in a pool of all "Manchu" or "Manchurian" samples of (Hammer 2006), (Xue 2006), and (Jin 2009)

Works cited

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