Hans Karl Peterlini

Hans Karl Peterlini (born 12 March 1961) is a writer, journalist, university professor and educational researcher originally from South Tyrol (Alto Adige) in Italy.[1][2][3]

Like the majority of the population in the region, he uses German as his first language, reflecting the pre-1915 frontiers. His older brother is the politician Oskar Peterlini.


Born in Bolzano, Peterlini grew up in the South Tyrolean Unterland, completing his pre-university schooling by passing his school final exams ("Matura") at the classical school in Bolzano.

Peterlini became a journalist in 1982. By that time he had already produced some youthful contributions to Dolomiten, the regional daily newspaper. In 1982 he took a job with ff – Südtiroler Wochenmagazin, a weekly news magazine with broadly liberal views on politics and economics. He remained with the Wochenmagazin till 1990, by which time he had become its editor in chief. After that he joined with Hubertus Czernin and the Lentsch family to set up a rival news magazine, Südtirol Profil. When the rival magazine folded he returned to ff – Südtiroler Wochenmagazin, resuming his role as editor in chief between 1998 and 2004.[2] His career as a journalist placed him at the heart of a resurgence in the German language print media in South Tyrol (Alto Adige) which accompanied an acceptance of some political and cultural decentralisation by the authorities in Rome.

Enduring themes in his writing included the balance of risks between violent confrontation and peaceful co-existence in recent South Tyrol history, coupled with related questions involving how people might grow beyond traditional cultural patterns and ethnic hostilities that had been a feature of the region since its involuntary incorporation into Italy during the second decade of the twentieth century. During the early years of the twenty-first century he published his first books on themes of South Tyrol terrorism, and his book "Wir Kinder der Südtirol-Autonomie" (2003 - "We, the Children of South Tyrol Devolution").[1]

In 2004 Peterlini backed away from his journalistic career in order to become a student at the University of Innsbruck where he studied Pedagogy with a focus on psychoanalytical aspects. His objective was to be able to revisit the themes of his previous writing from a more academic perspective. His dissertation, submitted in 2006, was entitled "The Explosion of Power and Powerlessness" ("Die Sprengung von Macht und Ohnmacht"), and attempted to provide a psychoanalytic perspective on the terrorist attacks in South Tyrol between 1956 and 1967.[4] He undertook further related training (Psychoanalystic Propädeutikum, Interpersonal Communication and Coaching). His doctorate, received from the Faculty of Education Sciences at the Free University of Bolzano (Bozen), followed in 2010. The theme of his dissertation was "Homeland" as a catch-all for political identity in South Tyrol. Further elucidation comes from the Italian title used when it was published as a book, "Understanding the other" ("Capire l’altro").[5]

He received his habilitation (higher academic qualification) from Innsbruck for a dissertation entitled "Learning and Power: Paradigms of Education and Training in Schools, Culture and Politics" ("Lernen und Macht. Paradigmata der Bildung in Schule, Kultur, Politik") and he received his corresponding teaching certificate. For the 2014/2015 academic year he obtained the teaching chair in "General Education Sciences and Intercultural Education" at Klagenfurt's Alpen-Adria University.[6]



  1. 1 2 "Hans Karl Peterlini". Edition Raetia, Bozen (Bolzano). Retrieved 26 September 2016.
  2. 1 2 "hans karl peterlini - bildung und gesellschaft". Kreidekreis. Retrieved 26 September 2016.
  3. "Hans Karl Peterlini". Autore. Edizioni alphabeta Verlag, Merano. Retrieved 26 September 2016.
  4. "Die Sprengung von Macht und Ohnmacht : Psychoanalytische Deutung der Südtirol-Anschläge 1956 -1967Peterlini, Hans Karl". Die Österreichische Bibliothekenverbund und Service GmbH (OBVSG), Wien. 2006. Retrieved 27 September 2016.
  5. Hans Karl Peterlini (2012). Capire l'altro. Piccoli racconti per fare memoria sociale. FrancoAngeli. ISBN 978-88-568-4495-5.
  6. "Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans Karl Peterlini". Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt. Retrieved 27 September 2016.
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