Hallel (pesukei dezimra)

Hallel of pesukei dezimra a selection of six psalms recited as part of pesukei dezimra (Hymnal Verses) — the introduction the daily morning service. This "Hallel" is specifically Ashrei (most of which is Psalm 145) followed by Psalms 146-150. The term Hallel without a qualifier general refers to Psalms 113-118 which are recited only of festivals; for this reason the Hallel of pesukei dezimra is also known as the "daily Hallel".

These psalms are recited because they are devoted entirely to the praise of God.[1]

Originally, this was the only part of pesukei dezimra. Its recitation was considered voluntary for a long time.[2]


The Babylonian Talmud relates that Rav Yosei said, "Let my part be of those who recite Hallel every day." The Gemara then questions this statement quoting the Master as having said, "He who reads Hallel every day is a curser and blasphemer." The Gemara then resolves this by saying that Rav Yosei was referring to the Hallel of Pesukei deZimra, and not the Hallel of Psalms 113-118.[3][4]


  1. To pray as a Jew: a guide to the prayer book and the synagogue service By Hayim Halevy Donin, page 168-69
  2. To pray as a Jew: a guide to the prayer book and the synagogue service By Hayim Halevy Donin, page 169
  3. Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 118b
  4. The Poetry of Prayer By Avi Baumol, page 69-70

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