Halk TV

Halk TV
Launched 2005
Picture format 4:3 (576i, SDTV)
Slogan Halk İçin Haber
Country Turkey
Language Turkish
Headquarters Ankara, Turkey
Website www.halktv.com.tr
Digiturk Channel 53
D-Smart Channel 272
Turksat 3A 12130 V 27500 5/6
Kabel Deutschland (Germany) Channel 808 (SD)
Streaming media
Internet Live Stream

Halk TV is a Turkish nationwide TV channel established in 2005. It is known for its relationship with the Republican People's Party (Turkish: Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi, CHP), although the previous links were cut off in 2011 under a new CHP leader.[1][2] The Gezi Park protests brought Halk TV into the spotlight as one of the few Turkish television channels to broadcast live coverage of the events.[3][2] Because of this, the Turkish TV watchdog RTÜK imposed a fine on Halk TV for "harming the physical, moral and mental development of children and young people".[4]


Halk TV was established in 2005 "by former CHP accountant Mahmut Yıldız"[1] and received some funding from CHP. When Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu took over the CHP leadership in 2011, CHP cut its funding, leading to severe financial difficulties for Halk TV.[1] Kılıçdaroğlu also asked CHP deputies and members not to appear as guests on the station.[5] Former Esenyurt Mayor Gürbüz Çapan was linked with Halk TV in 2011.[6]

In May 2013 Halk TV was reprimanded by the media regulator RTÜK for broadcasting a "most watched" video from YouTube which it said was aimed at humiliating PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.[7]


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