HP Roman
In computing HP Roman is a family of character sets consisting of HP Roman Extension, HP Roman-8, HP Roman-9 and several variants. Originally introduced by Hewlett-Packard around 1978, revisions and adaptations were published several times up to 1999. The 1985 revisions were later standardized as IBM codepages 1050 and 1051. Supporting many European languages, the character sets were used by various HP workstations, terminals, calculators as well as many printers, also from third-parties.
HP Roman is a family of single byte character encodings supporting several Latin script based languages of Europe. It was originally introduced by Hewlett-Packard around 1978 as 7- and 8-bit HP Roman Extension for some of their computer terminals and printers. Early versions of the 8-bit variant were also used by some HP workstations in 1978/1979. Several revisions led to more characters being added before the 8-bit variant of the character set became officially known as HP Roman-8 in 1983.[1] Soon later, this became the default character set of the HP-UX[2] operating system and the page description language PCL for inkjet[3][4] and laser printers in 1984. The character set was again expanded in 1985.[5][6] A modified adaptation of the 1984 definition of Roman-8 was used in the HP Portable series of computers,[7][8] whereas a derivation of the updated 1985 definition of Roman-8 was used in several early RPL calculators and corresponding thermal printers since 1986.[9][10] The latest off-spring of the family is HP Roman-9, which was introduced in 1999 to include the euro sign.[11]
Character set
Roman Extension
The character set was originally introduced by Hewlett-Packard as extended ASCII 7-bit codepage named HP Roman Extension[12][13] (also known as RE,[13] code page 1050, CP1050 or ibm-1050[14]), which existed at least since 1978.[15][16][17][18][19] On some systems it was also accessible as 8-bit codepage. Before the name "Roman-8" was established for the 8-bit variant in 1983, this was sometimes called "8-bit mode", "8-bit Roman Extension" or "HP Roman-8 Extension". Over the years both variants were revised to include more characters. The final 1985 revision of the character set was also standardized as codepage 1050 by IBM in 1989.[14]
The table shows the 1982 version (a current variant is shown in the Roman-8 chapter).
Control character
Numeric digit
Extended punctuation
Graphic character
_0 | _1 | _2 | _3 | _4 | _5 | _6 | _7 | _8 | _9 | _A | _B | _C | _D | _E | _F | |
0_ |
NUL 0000 0 |
SOH 0001 1 |
STX 0002 2 |
ETX 0003 3 |
EOT 0004 4 |
ENQ 0005 5 |
ACK 0006 6 |
BEL 0007 7 |
BS 0008 8 |
HT 0009 9 |
LF 000A 10 |
VT 000B 11 |
FF 000C 12 |
CR 000D 13 |
SO 000E 14 |
SI 000F 15 |
1_ |
DLE 0010 16 |
DC1 0011 17 |
DC2 0012 18 |
DC3 0013 19 |
DC4 0014 20 |
NAK 0015 21 |
SYN 0016 22 |
ETB 0017 23 |
CAN 0018 24 |
EM 0019 25 |
SUB 001A 26 |
ESC 001B 27 |
FS 001C 28 |
GS 001D 29 |
RS 001E 30 |
US 001F 31 |
2_ |
SP 0020 32 |
! 0021 33 |
" 0022 34 |
# 0023 35 |
$ 0024 36 |
% 0025 37 |
& 0026 38 |
' 0027 39 |
( 0028 40 |
) 0029 41 |
* 002A 42 |
+ 002B 43 |
, 002C 44 |
- 002D 45 |
. 002E 46 |
/ 002F 47 |
3_ |
0 0030 48 |
1 0031 49 |
2 0032 50 |
3 0033 51 |
4 0034 52 |
5 0035 53 |
6 0036 54 |
7 0037 55 |
8 0038 56 |
9 0039 57 |
: 003A 58 |
; 003B 59 |
< 003C 60 |
= 003D 61 |
> 003E 62 |
? 003F 63 |
4_ |
@ 0040 64 |
A 0041 65 |
B 0042 66 |
C 0043 67 |
D 0044 68 |
E 0045 69 |
F 0046 70 |
G 0047 71 |
H 0048 72 |
I 0049 73 |
J 004A 74 |
K 004B 75 |
L 004C 76 |
M 004D 77 |
N 004E 78 |
O 004F 79 |
5_ |
P 0050 80 |
Q 0051 81 |
R 0052 82 |
S 0053 83 |
T 0054 84 |
U 0055 85 |
V 0056 86 |
W 0057 87 |
X 0058 88 |
Y 0059 89 |
Z 005A 90 |
[ 005B 91 |
\ 005C 92 |
] 005D 93 |
^ 005E 94 |
_ 005F 95 |
6_ |
` 0060 96 |
a 0061 97 |
b 0062 98 |
c 0063 99 |
d 0064 100 |
e 0065 101 |
f 0066 102 |
g 0067 103 |
h 0068 104 |
i 0069 105 |
j 006A 106 |
k 006B 107 |
l 006C 108 |
m 006D 109 |
n 006E 110 |
o 006F 111 |
7_ |
p 0070 112 |
q 0071 113 |
r 0072 114 |
s 0073 115 |
t 0074 116 |
u 0075 117 |
v 0076 118 |
w 0077 119 |
x 0078 120 |
y 0079 121 |
z 007A 122 |
{ 007B 123 |
| 007C 124 |
} 007D 125 |
~ 007E 126 |
DEL (▒) 007F (2592) 127 |
8_ |
0080 128 |
0081 129 |
BPH 0082 130 |
NBH 0083 131 |
0084 132 |
NEL 0085 133 |
SSA 0086 134 |
ESA 0087 135 |
HTS 0088 136 |
HTJ 0089 137 |
VTS 008A 138 |
PLD 008B 139 |
PLU 008C 140 |
RI 008D 141 |
SS2 008E 142 |
SS3 008F 143 |
9_ |
DCS 0090 144 |
PU1 0091 145 |
PU2 0092 146 |
STS 0093 147 |
CCH 0094 148 |
MW 0095 149 |
SPA 0096 150 |
EPA 0097 151 |
SOS 0098 152 |
0099 153 |
SCI 009A 154 |
CSI 009B 155 |
ST 009C 156 |
OSC 009D 157 |
PM 009E 158 |
APC 009F 159 |
A_ |
NBSP 00A0 160 |
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 |
´ 00B4 168 |
ˋ (`) 02CB (0060) 169 |
ˆ 02C6 170 |
¨ 00A8 171 |
˜ 02DC 172 |
173 |
174 |
₤[20] (£) 20A4 (00A3) 175 |
B_ |
¯ (‾) 00AF (203E) 176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
180 |
ç 00E7 181 |
Ñ 00D1 182 |
ñ 00F1 183 |
¡ 00A1 184 |
¿ 00BF 185 |
¤ 00A4 186 |
£ 00A3 187 |
188 |
§ 00A7 189 |
190 |
191 |
C_ |
â 00E2 192 |
ê 00EA 193 |
ô 00F4 194 |
û 00FB 195 |
á 00E1 196 |
é 00E9 197 |
ó 00F3 198 |
ú 00FA 199 |
à 00E0 200 |
è 00E8 201 |
ò 00F2 202 |
ù 00F9 203 |
ä 00E4 204 |
ë 00EB 205 |
ö 00F6 206 |
ü 00FC 207 |
D_ |
Å 00C5 208 |
î 00EE 209 |
Ø 00D8 210 |
Æ 00C6 211 |
å 00E5 212 |
í 00ED 213 |
ø 00F8 214 |
æ 00E6 215 |
Ä 00C4 216 |
ì 00EC 217 |
Ö 00D6 218 |
Ü 00DC 219 |
É 00C9 220 |
ï 00EF 221 |
ß (β) 00DF (03B2) 222 |
223 |
E_ |
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 |
229 |
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
235 |
236 |
237 |
238 |
239 |
F_ |
240 |
241 |
242 |
243 |
244 |
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 |
250 |
251 |
252 |
253 |
254 |
255 |
_0 | _1 | _2 | _3 | _4 | _5 | _6 | _7 | _8 | _9 | _A | _B | _C | _D | _E | _F |
HP Roman-8[2][21][6][22][23][24][25][26][27][28] (also known as HP Roman 8, HP Roman, hp-roman8, roman8, R8, code page 1051, CP1051, ibm-1051,[29][30] WE8ROMAN8 (as well as N8ROMAN8, DK8ROMAN8, S8ROMAN8 and SF8ROMAN8)[31] is an 8-bit single byte character encoding that is mainly used on HP-UX[2] and many Hewlett-Packard[9][10] and PCL compatible printers. The name Roman-8 appeared in 1983,[1] but a pre-cursor of the character set was already used by the HP 250 and HP 300 workstations since 1978/1979 as 8-bit Roman Extension.[16][17][18][19]
The original 1983/1984 version of Roman-8 still had some codepoints undefined.[3][7][8][4][32] In a 1985 revision codepoints 177 (Ý), 178 (ý), 242 (·), 243 (µ), 244 (¶) and 245 (¾) were added and the appearance of codepoint 228 was changed from a stroked d (đ) to an eth (ð).[5][6][33][28] This final revision of the character set was also standardized as codepage 1051 by IBM in 1989.[29][30]
In contrast to the newer HP Roman-9, HP Roman-8 does not officially provide a codepoint for the euro sign. However, one source recommends to map it to codepoint 186 (as in Roman-9),[6] whereas another recommends codepoint 128 (0x80),[23] which lines up with where the character can end up in the modified HP Roman-8 character set as well.
The following table shows the latest 1985 definition of the HP Roman-8 character set (with some remarks regarding former definitions and alternative interpretations). Each character is shown with a potential Unicode equivalent and its decimal code, however, sources differ in the recommended translations for some of the codes even among definitions from Hewlett-Packard[2][28] and IBM.[29][30]
Control character
Numeric digit
Extended punctuation
Graphic character
_0 | _1 | _2 | _3 | _4 | _5 | _6 | _7 | _8 | _9 | _A | _B | _C | _D | _E | _F | |
0_ |
NUL 0000 0 |
SOH 0001 1 |
STX 0002 2 |
ETX 0003 3 |
EOT 0004 4 |
ENQ 0005 5 |
ACK 0006 6 |
BEL 0007 7 |
BS 0008 8 |
HT 0009 9 |
LF 000A 10 |
VT 000B 11 |
FF 000C 12 |
CR 000D 13 |
SO 000E 14 |
SI 000F 15 |
1_ |
DLE 0010 16 |
DC1 0011 17 |
DC2 0012 18 |
DC3 0013 19 |
DC4 0014 20 |
NAK 0015 21 |
SYN 0016 22 |
ETB 0017 23 |
CAN 0018 24 |
EM 0019 25 |
SUB 001A 26 |
ESC 001B 27 |
FS 001C 28 |
GS 001D 29 |
RS 001E 30 |
US 001F 31 |
2_ |
SP 0020 32 |
! 0021 33 |
" 0022 34 |
# 0023 35 |
$ 0024 36 |
% 0025 37 |
& 0026 38 |
' 0027 39 |
( 0028 40 |
) 0029 41 |
* 002A 42 |
+ 002B 43 |
, 002C 44 |
- 002D 45 |
. 002E 46 |
/ 002F 47 |
3_ |
0 0030 48 |
1 0031 49 |
2 0032 50 |
3 0033 51 |
4 0034 52 |
5 0035 53 |
6 0036 54 |
7 0037 55 |
8 0038 56 |
9 0039 57 |
: 003A 58 |
; 003B 59 |
< 003C 60 |
= 003D 61 |
> 003E 62 |
? 003F 63 |
4_ |
@ 0040 64 |
A 0041 65 |
B 0042 66 |
C 0043 67 |
D 0044 68 |
E 0045 69 |
F 0046 70 |
G 0047 71 |
H 0048 72 |
I 0049 73 |
J 004A 74 |
K 004B 75 |
L 004C 76 |
M 004D 77 |
N 004E 78 |
O 004F 79 |
5_ |
P 0050 80 |
Q 0051 81 |
R 0052 82 |
S 0053 83 |
T 0054 84 |
U 0055 85 |
V 0056 86 |
W 0057 87 |
X 0058 88 |
Y 0059 89 |
Z 005A 90 |
[ 005B 91 |
\ 005C 92 |
] 005D 93 |
^ 005E 94 |
_ 005F 95 |
6_ |
` 0060 96 |
a 0061 97 |
b 0062 98 |
c 0063 99 |
d 0064 100 |
e 0065 101 |
f 0066 102 |
g 0067 103 |
h 0068 104 |
i 0069 105 |
j 006A 106 |
k 006B 107 |
l 006C 108 |
m 006D 109 |
n 006E 110 |
o 006F 111 |
7_ |
p 0070 112 |
q 0071 113 |
r 0072 114 |
s 0073 115 |
t 0074 116 |
u 0075 117 |
v 0076 118 |
w 0077 119 |
x 0078 120 |
y 0079 121 |
z 007A 122 |
{ 007B 123 |
| 007C 124 |
} 007D 125 |
~ 007E 126 |
DEL 007F 127 |
8_ |
0080 128 |
0081 129 |
BPH 0082 130 |
NBH 0083 131 |
0084 132 |
NEL 0085 133 |
SSA 0086 134 |
ESA 0087 135 |
HTS 0088 136 |
HTJ 0089 137 |
VTS 008A 138 |
PLD 008B 139 |
PLU 008C 140 |
RI 008D 141 |
SS2 008E 142 |
SS3 008F 143 |
9_ |
DCS 0090 144 |
PU1 0091 145 |
PU2 0092 146 |
STS 0093 147 |
CCH 0094 148 |
MW 0095 149 |
SPA 0096 150 |
EPA 0097 151 |
SOS 0098 152 |
0099 153 |
SCI 009A 154 |
CSI 009B 155 |
ST 009C 156 |
OSC 009D 157 |
PM 009E 158 |
APC 009F 159 |
A_ |
NBSP 00A0 160 |
À 00C0 161 |
 00C2 162 |
È 00C8 163 |
Ê 00CA 164 |
Ë 00CB 165 |
Î 00CE 166 |
Ï 00CF 167 |
´ 00B4 168 |
ˋ (`) 02CB (0060) 169 |
ˆ 02C6 170 |
¨ 00A8 171 |
˜ 02DC 172 |
Ù 00D9 173 |
Û 00DB 174 |
₤[20] (£) 20A4 (00A3) 175 |
B_ |
¯ (‾) 00AF (203E) 176 |
Ý 00DD 177 |
ý 00FD 178 |
° (˚) 00B0 (02DA) 179 |
Ç 00C7 180 |
ç 00E7 181 |
Ñ 00D1 182 |
ñ 00F1 183 |
¡ 00A1 184 |
¿ 00BF 185 |
¤ 00A4 186 |
£ 00A3 187 |
¥ 00A5 188 |
§ 00A7 189 |
ƒ 0192 190 |
¢ 00A2 191 |
C_ |
â 00E2 192 |
ê 00EA 193 |
ô 00F4 194 |
û 00FB 195 |
á 00E1 196 |
é 00E9 197 |
ó 00F3 198 |
ú 00FA 199 |
à 00E0 200 |
è 00E8 201 |
ò 00F2 202 |
ù 00F9 203 |
ä 00E4 204 |
ë 00EB 205 |
ö 00F6 206 |
ü 00FC 207 |
D_ |
Å 00C5 208 |
î 00EE 209 |
Ø 00D8 210 |
Æ 00C6 211 |
å 00E5 212 |
í 00ED 213 |
ø 00F8 214 |
æ 00E6 215 |
Ä 00C4 216 |
ì 00EC 217 |
Ö 00D6 218 |
Ü 00DC 219 |
É 00C9 220 |
ï 00EF 221 |
ß (β) 00DF (03B2) 222 |
Ô 00D4 223 |
E_ |
Á 00C1 224 |
à 00C3 225 |
ã 00E3 226 |
Ð 00D0 227 |
ð (đ) 00F0 (0111) 228 |
Í 00CD 229 |
Ì 00CC 230 |
Ó 00D3 231 |
Ò 00D2 232 |
Õ 00D5 233 |
õ 00F5 234 |
Š 0160 235 |
š 0161 236 |
Ú 00DA 237 |
Ÿ 0178 238 |
ÿ 00FF 239 |
F_ |
Þ 00DE 240 |
þ 00FE 241 |
· 00B7 242 |
µ (μ) 00B5 (03BC) 243 |
¶ 00B6 244 |
¾ 00BE 245 |
SHY (-) 00AD (002D) 246 |
¼ 00BC 247 |
½ 00BD 248 |
ª 00AA 249 |
º 00BA 250 |
« 00AB 251 |
■ 25A0 252 |
» 00BB 253 |
± 00B1 254 |
255 |
_0 | _1 | _2 | _3 | _4 | _5 | _6 | _7 | _8 | _9 | _A | _B | _C | _D | _E | _F |
Modified Roman-8
In 1984, Hewlett-Packard introduced the HP 110 / HP Portable personal computer followed by the HP 110 Plus / HP Portable Plus in 1985. In "HP mode" they supported a derivation of the 1984 revision of 8-bit HP Roman-8 (still lacking the six additional characters at codepoints 177 to 178 and 242 to 245, and with codepoint 228 still resembling a stroked d (đ)), but with 32 additional graphical symbols at codepoints 128 to 159.[7][8]
Control character
Numeric digit
Extended punctuation
Graphic character
_0 | _1 | _2 | _3 | _4 | _5 | _6 | _7 | _8 | _9 | _A | _B | _C | _D | _E | _F | |
0_–6_ |
... | |||||||||||||||
7_ |
p 0070 112 |
q 0071 113 |
r 0072 114 |
s 0073 115 |
t 0074 116 |
u 0075 117 |
v 0076 118 |
w 0077 119 |
x 0078 120 |
y 0079 121 |
z 007A 122 |
{ 007B 123 |
| 007C 124 |
} 007D 125 |
~ 007E 126 |
▒ 2592 127 |
8_ |
◄ 25C4 128 |
▲ 25B2 129 |
▼ 25BC 130 |
► 25BA 131 |
╝ 255D 132 |
╗ 2557 133 |
╔ 2554 134 |
╚ 255A 135 |
╣ 2563 136 |
╩ 2569 137 |
╦ 2566 138 |
╠ 2560 139 |
═ 2550 140 |
║ 2551 141 |
╬ 256C 142 |
♦ 2666 143 |
9_ |
↑ 2191 144 |
▀ 2580 145 |
▄ 2584 146 |
↓ 2193 147 |
┘ 2518 148 |
┐ 2510 149 |
┌ 250C 150 |
└ 2514 151 |
┤ 2524 152 |
┴ 2534 153 |
┬ 252C 154 |
├ 251C 155 |
─ 2500 156 |
│ 2502 157 |
┼ 253C 158 |
█ 2588 159 |
A_ |
(NBSP) 00A0 160 |
À 00C0 161 |
 00C2 162 |
È 00C8 163 |
Ê 00CA 164 |
Ë 00CB 165 |
Î 00CE 166 |
Ï 00CF 167 |
´ 00B4 168 |
ˋ (`) 02CB (0060) 169 |
ˆ 02C6 170 |
¨ 00A8 171 |
˜ 02DC 172 |
Ù 00D9 173 |
Û 00DB 174 |
₤[20] (£) 20A4 (00A3) 175 |
B_–F_ |
... | |||||||||||||||
_0 | _1 | _2 | _3 | _4 | _5 | _6 | _7 | _8 | _9 | _A | _B | _C | _D | _E | _F |
In 1986,[34] Hewlett-Packard introduced the HP-18C calculator and HP 82240A thermo printer,[34] which internally used an extended variant of the 1985 revision of the 8-bit HP Roman-8 character set (now with the six additional characters defined and with codepoint 228 already changed to an eth (ð)), but with the codepoints 127 (0x7F) and 160 (0xA0) as well as the control codes in the range 128 to 159 (0x80 to 0x9F) being replaced by additional displayable characters.[9][10][35] On the HP-28 series, characters above 147 (0x93) could not be displayed on the calculator, only be printed.[35][9][36]
There is no official codepoint definition for the euro sign in this modified character set. The HP 49/50 series of calculators use a different character set[37] based on ECMA-94 / ISO 8859-1 which includes the euro symbol. When printing to the HP 82240A printer via a user-defined translation vector defined in the PRTPAR
variable,[38][39][40] the euro sign could be translated to f.e. codepoint 128 (0x80). Mapping the euro sign to code point 186 (0xBA) as in HP Roman-9 would be another choice.
Control character
Numeric digit
Extended punctuation
Graphic character
_0 | _1 | _2 | _3 | _4 | _5 | _6 | _7 | _8 | _9 | _A | _B | _C | _D | _E | _F | |
0_ |
NUL 0000 0 |
SOH 0001 1 |
STX 0002 2 |
ETX 0003 3 |
EOT 0004 4 |
ENQ 0005 5 |
ACK 0006 6 |
BEL 0007 7 |
BS 0008 8 |
HT 0009 9 |
LF 000A 10 |
VT 000B 11 |
FF 000C 12 |
CR 000D 13 |
SO 000E 14 |
SI 000F 15 |
1_ |
DLE 0010 16 |
DC1 0011 17 |
DC2 0012 18 |
DC3 0013 19 |
DC4 0014 20 |
NAK 0015 21 |
SYN 0016 22 |
ETB 0017 23 |
CAN 0018 24 |
EM 0019 25 |
SUB 001A 26 |
ESC 001B 27 |
FS 001C 28 |
GS 001D 29 |
RS 001E 30 |
US 001F 31 |
2_–6_ |
... | |||||||||||||||
7_ |
p 0070 112 |
q 0071 113 |
r 0072 114 |
s 0073 115 |
t 0074 116 |
u 0075 117 |
v 0076 118 |
w 0077 119 |
x 0078 120 |
y 0079 121 |
z 007A 122 |
{ 007B 123 |
| 007C 124 |
} 007D 125 |
~ 007E 126 |
▒ 2592 127 |
8_ |
NBSP[37]) 00A0 128 |
÷ 00F7 129 |
× 00D7 130 |
√ 221A 131 |
∫ 222B 132 |
Σ 03A3 133 |
▶ 25B6 134 |
π 03C0 135 |
∂ 2202 136 |
≤ 2264 137 |
≥ 2265 138 |
≠ 2260 139 |
α 03B1 140 |
→ 2192 141 |
← 2190 142 |
µ (μ) 00B5 (03BC) 143 |
9_ |
␊ 240A 144 |
° 00B0 145 |
« 00AB 146 |
» 00BB 147 |
⊦ 22A6? 148 |
₁ 2081 149 |
₂ 2082 150 |
² 00B2 151 |
³ 00B3 152 |
ᵢ 1D62 153 |
ⱼ 2C7C 154 |
‥ 2025 155 |
ⁱ 2071 156 |
ʲ 02B2? 157 |
ᵏ 1D4F? 158 |
ⁿ 207F 159 |
A_ |
∡ (∠) 2221 (2220) 160 |
À 00C0 161 |
 00C2 162 |
È 00C8 163 |
Ê 00CA 164 |
Ë 00CB 165 |
Î 00CE 166 |
Ï 00CF 167 |
´ 00B4 168 |
ˋ (`) 02CB (0060) 169 |
ˆ 02C6 170 |
¨ 00A8 171 |
˜ 02DC 172 |
Ù 00D9 173 |
Û 00DB 174 |
₤[20] (£) 20A4 (00A3) 175 |
B_–F_ |
... | |||||||||||||||
_0 | _1 | _2 | _3 | _4 | _5 | _6 | _7 | _8 | _9 | _A | _B | _C | _D | _E | _F |
HP Roman-9 (also known as HP Roman 9, hp-roman9, roman9 or R9) is a slight modification of the 8-bit HP Roman-8 character set where the general currency sign (¤) at codepoint 186 (0xBA) was replaced by the euro sign (€).[41][42] It was introduced in early 1999.[11] As of 2016, HP Roman-9 still has no known code page number assigned to it.
Control character
Numeric digit
Extended punctuation
Graphic character
_0 | _1 | _2 | _3 | _4 | _5 | _6 | _7 | _8 | _9 | _A | _B | _C | _D | _E | _F | |
0_–A_ |
... | |||||||||||||||
B_ |
¯ (‾) 00AF (203E) 176 |
Ý 00DD 177 |
ý 00FD 178 |
° (˚) 00B0 (02DA) 179 |
Ç 00C7 180 |
ç 00E7 181 |
Ñ 00D1 182 |
ñ 00F1 183 |
¡ 00A1 184 |
¿ 00BF 185 |
€ 20AC 186 |
£ 00A3 187 |
¥ 00A5 188 |
§ 00A7 189 |
ƒ 0192 190 |
¢ 00A2 191 |
C_–F_ |
... | |||||||||||||||
_0 | _1 | _2 | _3 | _4 | _5 | _6 | _7 | _8 | _9 | _A | _B | _C | _D | _E | _F |
See also
- 1 2 Stone, Artie (1983-12-01). "Two for one printer program" (PDF). Computer News - For HP Field Personnel. Hewlett-Packard. 9 (3): 32. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2016-08-17. Retrieved 2016-08-17.
- 1 2 3 4 "MPE XL Native Language Programmer's Guide" (PDF). Hewlett-Packard. p. figure A-2 in appendix A. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2006-03-13.
- 1 2 "ThinkJet Printer - The Personal Printer from Hewlett-Packard - Reference Section". Hewlett-Packard. October 1984. p. B-2. Retrieved 2016-10-18.
- 1 2 "ThinkJet Printer - The Personal Printer from Hewlett-Packard - Reference Section" (PDF). Hewlett-Packard. March 1987. pp. D–2, D–3, 32. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2016-08-21. Retrieved 2016-08-21.
- 1 2 Hewlett-Packard LaserJet Printer Family Soft Font Selection Guide (PDF). Hewlett-Packard. November 1986. HP-ID 26026-90924. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2016-08-17. Retrieved 2016-08-17.
Roman-8 & Roman Extension: The Roman-8 and Roman Extension characters reflect the 1985 updates: 1. Six additional characters added to former blank positions. Ýý·µ¶¾ 2. Appearance of the lowercase đ character changed to ð.
- 1 2 3 4 "Roman-8 Character Set Codes" (PDF). 2007-02-16. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2016-08-10. Retrieved 2016-08-10.
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009 - Roman Extension Set […] option 009 gives all the commonly used European characters a unique code. When this "Roman Extension" set is used in conjunction with the standard ASCII character set, the end result is a 256 character set represented by 8-bit code. The use of shift-in and shift-out characters is not required, since decimal codes 0 through 127 automatically access USASCII while codes 128 through 255 access the European characters. It is important to understand the differences between the two techniques and to know which technique is supported on a given system. The HP 250 and HP 300 support the 8-bit code technique, consequently, 2631A option 009 must be ordered to provide local language printing on these two systems. All other HP computer systems and the 264X terminals support the 7-bit code, shift-in/shift-out method.
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[…] Currency Symbols: U+20A0–U+20CF […] Lira Sign. A separate currency sign U+20A4 LIRA SIGN is encoded for compatibility with the HP Roman-8 character set, which is still widely implemented in printers. In general, U+00A3 POUND SIGN may be used for both the various currencies known as pound (or punt) and the currencies known as lira. […]
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External links
- "Graphical View of Code Page 1051". ICU's Converter Explorer. Retrieved 2016-08-09.