HLA-B (alpha)-β2MG with bound peptide
major histocompatibility complex (human), class I, B45
Alleles B*4501, 4502 . .
Structure (See HLA-B)
Shared data
Locus chr.6 6p21.31

HLA-B45 (B45) is an HLA-B serotype. The serotype identifies the B*45 gene-allele protein products of HLA-B.[1]

B45 is a split antigen of the broad antigen B12, and is a sister type of B44.


Serotypes B45, B12, and B44 recognition of the
HLA B*44 gene products[2]
B*45 B45 B12 B45 Sample
allele % % % size (N)
*4501 93 1 1 2307
*4502 75 4
Alleles link-out to IMGT/HLA Databease at EBI


It was reported that a novel haplotype was found in Italian bone marrow doners. A2-CW*1601-B45- DRB1*1101-DRB3*0301-DQA1*0102-DQB1*0502. This haplotype indicates possible very recent ancestry from Africa, with the Cw*1601 and B45 components and also with the DR11-DQ5.2 component both extremely rare in Europe.[3]


  1. Marsh SG, Albert ED, Bodmer WF, et al. (2005). "Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, 2004". Tissue Antigens. 65 (4): 301–69. PMID 15787720. doi:10.1111/j.1399-0039.2005.00379.x.
  2. derived from IMGT/HLA
  3. Daielli C, Salvaneschi L, Ghidini G, Ambroselli F, Gatti C, Martinetti M (April 1996). "A novel Italian haplotype predominates in HLA-B45-positive bone marrow donors: HLA-A2, CW*1601, B45, DRB1*1101, DRB3*0301, DQA1*0102, DQB1*0502". Tissue Antigens. 47 (4): 341–3. PMID 8773326. doi:10.1111/j.1399-0039.1996.tb02564.x.
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