List of stars in Pictor

This is the list of notable stars in the constellation Pictor, sorted by decreasing brightness.

Name B Var HD HIP RA Dec vis.
Dist. (ly) Sp. class Notes
α Pic α 50241 32607 06h 48m 11.54s −61° 56 31.1 3.30 0.83 99 A7IV
β Pic β 39060 27321 05h 47m 17.08s −51° 04 00.2 3.85 2.42 63 A5V δ Sct variable, Vmax = 3.80m, Vmin = 3.86m, P = 0.026260 d; has a protoplanetary disk and one known transiting planet (b)
γ Pic γ 39523 27530 05h 49m 49.58s −56° 09 59.4 4.50 0.87 174 K1III
δ Pic δ 42933 29276 06h 10m 17.91s −54° 58 07.2 4.72 −3.81 1655 B0.5IV β Lyr variable, Vmax = 4.65m, Vmin = 4.9m, P = 1.672541 d
HD 42540 42540 28991 06h 07m 03.36s −62° 09 15.9 5.04 −0.37 394 K2/K3III
η2 Pic η2 33042 23649 05h 04m 57.95s −49° 34 40.2 5.05 −0.76 474 M2IIIvar suspected variable, Vmax = 5.00m, Vmin = 5.1m
HD 39640 39640 27621 05h 50m 53.22s −52° 06 31.3 5.16 0.61 264 G8III
HD 46355 46355 30932 06h 29m 28.54s −56° 51 10.2 5.20 0.29 312 K0III
HD 40292 40292 27947 05h 54m 50.11s −52° 38 09.9 5.29 2.58 114 F0Ve...
λ Pic λ 30185 21914 04h 42m 46.46s −50° 28 53.1 5.30 0.19 343 K0/K1III
HD 38871 38871 27243 05h 46m 27.37s −46° 35 50.0 5.31 −0.44 460 K0/K1II
η1 Pic η1 32743 23482 05h 02m 48.73s −49° 09 05.3 5.37 3.28 85 F2V
ζ Pic ζ 35072 24829 05h 19m 22.11s −50° 36 23.5 5.44 2.65 118 F7III-IV
HD 36553 36553 25768 05h 30m 09.46s −47° 04 38.4 5.46 2.26 143 G3IV
ι Pic A ι 31203 22531 04h 50m 55.39s −53° 27 42.2 5.58 2.73 121 F0IV...
ν Pic ν 45229 30342 06h 22m 55.87s −56° 22 11.7 5.60 2.09 164 Am
HD 41214 41214 28484 06h 00m 49.20s −51° 12 59.6 5.65 1.65 206 A1m...
μ Pic μ 46860 31137 06h 31m 58.31s −58° 45 13.8 5.69 −1.04 724 B9V suspected variable
HD 45557 45557 30463 06h 24m 13.88s −60° 16 53.0 5.78 1.06 287 A0V
HD 40733 40733 28287 05h 58m 37.56s −44° 02 04.5 5.81 −2.13 1264 G8II
HD 45984 45984 30703 06h 27m 04.14s −58° 00 07.6 5.82 −0.53 606 K3III
HD 36734 36734 25887 05h 31m 35.99s −45° 55 31.5 5.86 0.07 468 K3III
HD 39937 39937 27737 05h 52m 20.18s −57° 09 21.6 5.93 0.41 415 F7IV
HD 34347 34347 24384 05h 13m 53.33s −52° 01 50.6 6.03 −0.63 701 K3III
HD 35765 35765 25317 05h 24m 55.58s −44° 13 32.5 6.09 0.03 532 K1III
κ Pic κ 35580 25098 05h 22m 22.15s −56° 08 04.0 6.10 −0.71 749 B8/B9V
TX Pic TX 37434 26300 05h 36m 02.85s −47° 18 49.4 6.10 0.08 522 K2III RS CVn variable, Vmax = 6.08m, Vmin = 6.12m
HD 40200 40200 27937 05h 54m 41.12s −49° 37 37.4 6.11 −1.53 1101 B3V
HD 50571 50571 32775 06h 50m 01.01s −60° 14 57.9 6.11 3.51 108 F7III-IV
AE Pic AE 46792 31068 06h 31m 10.65s −61° 52 46.5 6.15 −1.58 1148 B3V β Lyr variable
HD 39110 39110 27317 05h 47m 13.33s −54° 21 38.6 6.19 −1.68 1221 K3III
AK Pic AK 48189 31711 06h 38m 00.42s −61° 32 00.8 6.18 4.47 71 G1/G2V T Tau star, ΔV = 0.05m, P = 2.60 d
HD 33116 33116 23653 05h 05m 00.61s −54° 24 26.7 6.26 −0.40 700 M2III semiregular variable
θ Pic θ 35860 25303 05h 24m 46.29s −52° 18 58.2 6.26 0.19 534 A0V
HD 45796 45796 30524 06h 24m 55.81s −63° 49 41.4 6.26 −0.43 710 B6V suspected variable
HD 45461 45461 30352 06h 23m 01.48s −63° 40 59.4 6.30 −1.28 1069 M1III
HD 39547 39547 27583 05h 50m 28.83s −52° 46 04.5 6.32 −0.84 883 K0/K1III
R Pic R 30551 22170 04h 46m 09.55s −49° 14 45.1 6.35 6700 M2.5:IIe semiregular variable, Vmax = 6.35m, Vmin = 10.1m, P = 168 d
HD 38458 38458 27001 05h 43m 41.12s −45° 49 59.2 6.38 1.82 266 F0IIIn suspected variable, named ε by Lacaille but dropped by Gould
HD 39312 39312 27512 05h 49m 34.13s −44° 52 31.5 6.38 −1.79 1405 K1III
ι Pic B ι 31204 22534 04h 50m 56.58s −53° 27 35.7 6.42 3.89 105 F0IV
HD 37226 37226 26079 05h 33m 44.30s −54° 54 08.3 6.42 2.67 183 F8V
HD 37781 37781 26515 05h 38m 17.42s −50° 38 27.7 6.43 0.41 522 A0V
HD 44120 44120 29788 06h 16m 18.84s −59° 12 45.8 6.44 3.64 119 G1V
SW Pic SW 41586 28596 06h 02m 09.32s −60° 05 48.7 6.45 −0.61 825 M4III semiregular variable, ΔV = 0.12m
HD 29805 29805 21666 04h 39m 04.29s −51° 40 22.1 6.45 −0.07 656 K2III
HD 45701 45701 30480 06h 24m 26.57s −63° 25 43.1 6.45 3.94 104 G3III/IV
HD 45450 45450 30423 06h 23m 46.92s −58° 32 38.2 6.47 1.52 319 A3V
HD 34587 34587 24520 05h 15m 38.80s −52° 10 56.0 6.48 −0.62 856 K2III
HD 40665 40665 28180 05h 57m 14.36s −53° 25 32.5 6.48 −0.24 720 K5/M0III
S Pic S 33894 24126 05h 10m 57.25s −48° 30 25.45 6.50 1330 M7e Mira variable, Vmax = 6.5m, Vmin = 14.0m, P = 422 d
HD 33331 TU 33331 23833 05h 07m 25.93s −44° 49 18.0 6.93 964 B5III slowly pulsating B star, ΔV = 0.03m, P = 1.14686 d
HD 40307 40307 27887 05h 54m 04.24s −60° 01 24.4 7.17 6.63 42 K2.5V has six planets (b, c, d, e, f and g)
TV Pic TV 30861 22370 04h 48m 57.47s −47° 08 04.3 7.44 634 A2V rotating ellipsoidal variable, Vmax = 7.37m, Vmin = 7.53m, P = 0.851994 d
HD 41004 41004 28393 05h 59m 49.65s −48° 14 22.9 8.65 5.48 140 K1V+M2 double star, has a planet (Ab) and a brown dwarf (Bb)
HD 41248 41248 28460 06h 00m 33.0s −56° 09 43 8.82 171 G2V has two planets (b and c)
Kapteyn's Star VZ 33793 24186 05h 11m 40.58s −45° 01 26.3 8.89 10.92 13 M1V nearest halo star; BY Dra variable; has two planets (b and c)
AB Pic AB 44627 30034 06h 19m 12.91s −58° 03 15.5 9.21 5.87 148 K2V T Tau star, ΔV = 0.045m, P = 3.853 d has a planet or a brown dwarf (b)
RR Pic RR 31481 06h 35m 36.06s −62° 38 24.3 12.50 nova, Vmax = 1.0m, Vmin = 12.65m, P = 0.145025 d
TW Pic TW 05h 34m 50.58s −58° 01 40.7 nova-like star
PSR J0437-4715 04h 37m 15.81s −47° 15 08.6 509.8 closest known millisecond pulsar
WISE 0647-6232 06h 47m 23.23s −62° 32 39.7 Y1 brown dwarf
Table legend:

See also


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