HD 150706

HD 150706
Observation data
Epoch 2000      Equinox 2000
Constellation Ursa Minor
Right ascension 16h 31m 17.5856s
Declination +79° 47 23.189
Apparent magnitude (V) 7.029
Distance88.76 ly
(27.23 pc)
Spectral typeG0V
Other designations
BD+80° 519, 22337, GCRV 9549, Gliese 632, HIP 80902, SAO 8557
Database references
Extrasolar Planets

HD 150706 is a 7th magnitude star in the constellation of Ursa Minor. It is a remarkably Sun-like yellow dwarf (spectral type G0V) being only 6% less massive than the Sun.

Distance to the star, 89 light years, is enough that it is not visible to the unaided eye. However, it is an easy target for binoculars. It is located only about 10° from the northern celestial pole so it is always visible on the northern hemisphere except for near the equator. Likewise, it is never visible in most of the southern hemisphere.

The existence of an extrasolar planet orbiting this star was announced at the Scientific Frontiers in Research on Extrasolar Planets conference in 2002 . The claimed planet had a minimum mass equal to the mass of Jupiter and was thought to be located in an elliptical orbit with a period of 264 days. However independent measurements of the star failed to confirm the existence of the planet,[1] and the planet does not appear in the current web version of the Catalog of Nearby Exoplanets. But another planet was discovered in system in 2012; this Jupiter-twin completes one orbit in roughly 16 years. Its eccentricity and orbit is very poorly constrained.[2]

The HD 150706 planetary system[2]
(in order from star)
Mass Semimajor axis
Orbital period
Eccentricity Inclination Radius
b >2.71+1.14

See also


  1. Wright, J.T.; Marcy, G.W.; Fischer, D.A.; Butler, R.P.; Vogt, S.S.; Tinney, C.G.; Jones, H.R.A.; Carter, B.D.; Johnson, J.A.; McCarthy, C.; Apps, K. (2007). "Four New Exoplanets and Hints of Additional Substellar Companions to Exoplanet Host Stars". The Astrophysical Journal. 657 (1): 533–45. Bibcode:2007ApJ...657..533W. arXiv:astro-ph/0611658Freely accessible. doi:10.1086/510553.
  2. 1 2 Boisse, I.; et al. (2012). "The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. V. Follow-up of ELODIE candidates: Jupiter-analogs around Sun-like stars". Astronomy and Astrophysics. 545. A55. Bibcode:2012A&A...545A..55B. arXiv:1205.5835Freely accessible. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201118419.

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