HD 108147

HD 108147
Observation data
Epoch 2000      Equinox 2000
Constellation Crux
Right ascension 12h 25m 46.2686s
Declination –64° 01 19.516
Apparent magnitude (V) 7.003
Distance125.7 ly
(38.57 pc)
Spectral typeF8/G0V
Other designations
CD−63°757, CPD−63°2270, GC 16944, HIP 60644, LTT 4696, SAO 251899
Database references
Extrasolar Planets

HD 108147 is a 7th magnitude star in the constellation of Crux in direct line with and very near to the bright star Acrux or Alpha Crucis. It is either a yellow-white or yellow dwarf (the line is arbitrary and the colour difference is only from classification, not real), slightly brighter and more massive than our Sun. The spectral type is F8 V or G0 V. The star is also younger than the Sun. Due to its distance, about 130 light years, it is too dim to be visible with unaided eye; with binoculars it is an easy target. However, due to its southerly location it is not visible in the northern hemisphere except for the tropics.

An extrasolar planet was detected orbiting it in 2000 by the Geneva Extrasolar Planet Search Team.[1] This exoplanet is "a gas giant smaller than Jupiter that screams around its primary [star] in 11 days at only 0.1 AU." This is much closer than the orbit of Mercury in the Solar System.[2]

It should not be confused with HD 107148, which also has an extrasolar planet discovered in 2006 in the Virgo constellation.

The HD 108147 planetary system[3]
(in order from star)
Mass Semimajor axis
Orbital period
Eccentricity Inclination Radius
b >0.40 MJ 0.104 10.901 ± 0.001 0.498 ± 0.025

See also


  1. "Exoplanets Galore!" (Press release). Garching, Germany: European Southern Observatory. April 15, 2000. Retrieved December 30, 2012.
  2. Musgrave, Ian, “Starhopping - The Crux of the Matter” in ‘Sky & Space’ magazine, September–October 2006, Galaxy publishing.
  3. Pepe; et al. (2002). "The CORALIE survey for southern extra-solar planets VII Two short-period Saturnian companions to HD 108147 and HD 168746". Astronomy and Astrophysics. 388 (2): 632–638. Bibcode:2002A&A...388..632P. arXiv:astro-ph/0202457Freely accessible. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20020433.

Coordinates: 12h 25m 46.2686s, −64° 01′ 19.516″

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