Gyula Koi

Gyula Koi (Hungarian Koi Gyula [ˈkoji ˈɟula]; born April 21, 1977, Budapest)[1][2] is a Hungarian legal scholar and lecturer. His main research fields are administrative law, and theory of public administration.[3][4] His Chinese name is Guo Yi.


Koi graduated from Public Administration (BA, BUESPA; 2002),[2][5][6] and Law (MA, University of Szeged; 2010).[4] From 2007 to 2009 he studied Sinology at ELTE University.[4] In 2014, he obtained a doctoral (PhD) degree at Széchenyi István University (Győr),[4] the topic of his thesis is 'Foreign influences in Hungarian Public Administration'. From 2002 to 2003, he was Head Librarian at the EU Documentation and Research Center in ELTE University, Faculty of Law.[7][8][9] From 2003 to 2005, he was Assistant Lecturer at BUESPA, Faculty of Public Administration, Dept. of Public Administration.[10] From 2005, he is Assistant Fellow at Institute for Legal Studies of Center for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.[11] In 2014, he is Research Fellow at the Institute.[12] From 2005, he is an expert of the Hungarian Parliament (Committee of Immunity), his main task is 'Code of Conduct for MPs'.[13] From 2009, he is editor-in-chief of 'Jogi Tudósító' (Legal Correspondent),[14] it is a review for translation of foreign legal papers. From 2012, he is Assistant Lecturer at National University of Public Service, Faculty of Public Administration, Institute for Public Law.[15] In 2014, he became a lecturer at this university. Number of his published papers are more than 110. The number of his papers in Foreign Languages (English, French, German, Slovak and Ukrainian) are 22.[3][16][17] Number of his citations is 130 to 35 publications.[16][17][18]

Selected publications


Edited Books

Book chapters, articles


  1. Pablényi, Attila (2006). Ki kicsoda a magyar közigazgatásban 2006 [Who's who in Hungarian Public Administration 2006]. Budapest: DFT Hungária. p. 94. ISSN 1786-9862.
  2. 1 2 Radosiczky, Imre (2006). Ki kicsoda a magyar oktatásban II. Felsőoktatás, felnőttképzés, szakképzés, nyelviskolák. [Who's who in Hungarian education II. Higher education, adult education, vocational training, and language schools.]. Budapest: FISZ. p. 288. ISSN 1787-1026.
  3. 1 2 "His selected works in Foreign Languages at Google Scholar". Google Scholar. Retrieved 17 September 2012.
  4. 1 2 3 4 "CV of Koi Gyula in the Webpage of Institute for Legal Studies, Center for Social Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences". Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Retrieved 17 September 2012.
  5. Pablényi, Attila (2006). Ki kicsoda a magyar közigazgatásban 2006. [Who's who in Hungarian Public Administration 2006]. Budapest: DFT Hungária. p. 94. ISSN 1786-9862.
  6. Orosz, Ágnes (2007). A Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Közigazgatás-tudományi Karának (Államigazgatási Főiskola) története 1977-2007. (The history of Corvinus University of Budapest /BUESPA/. Faculty of Public Administration (National School of Public Administration) 1977-2007.). Budapest: HVG-Orac Lap-és Könyvkiadó Kft. p. 296. ISBN 978-963-7490-93-4.
  7. Lengyel, Tibor (28 February 2003). "Dokumentációs központok. /Documentation Centers./". Népszava. 13.
  8. Előházi, Zsófia (15 September 2003). "A kari Dokumentációs Központ. (Interjú a Központ könyvtárosával, Koi Gyulával). [The (EU) Documentation Center of the Faculty. (Interview with the Head Librarian of the Center, Gyula Koi)]". Jurátus. 23 (1).
  9. Előházi, Zsófia (8 October 2003). "Helyben olvasható EU-s tudás. Lépéselőnyben a jogászok. (Knowledge on EU - Read on site. Lawyers in one step ahead)". Népszabadság. 47.
  10. Orosz, Ágnes (2007). A Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Közigazgatás-tudományi Karának (Államigazgatási Főiskola) története 1977-2007. (The history of Corvinus University of Budapest /BUESPA/. Faculty of Public Administration (National School of Public Administration) 1977-2007.). Budapest: HVG-Orac Lap-és Könyvkiadó Kft. p. 44. ISBN 978-963-7490-93-4.
  11. "CV of Koi Gyula at the Webpage of the Institute for Legal Studies". Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Retrieved 17 September 2012.
  12. "CV of Koi Gyula at the Webpage of the Institute for Legal Studies". Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Retrieved 8 February 2015.
  13. Farkas, János (12 April 2006). "Etikai kódex a honatyák magatartásáról. /Code of Conduct for the Members of the Parliament./ - Interview with Gyula Koi". Kisalföld.
  14. "Főszerkesztői bemutatkozás. /The Introduction of the Editor-in-Chief/". Jogi Tudósító. 40 (11): 3. 2009.
  15. "Webpage of the National University of Public Service". National University of Public Service.
  16. 1 2 hu:Koi Gyula műveinek listája, Retrieved 17 September 2012
  17. 1 2 "Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára (Repertory of Hungarian Scientific Publications)". Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Retrieved 20 September 2012.
  18. hu:Koi Gyula


Discussion papers on Koi's academic writings

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