See different meaning for the word Gurukkal.
- Gurukkal Brahmins - One of the caste of tamilnadu the people who is doing the temple rituals, also themselves called sivacharia. They are all doing as a priest in lord siva's temples. They are all dravidian. Gurukkal the name comes for these peoples works as saiva sidhdhantha guru (teacher, acharya) to the dravidian society.
Note:- Same time people those working in vishnu's temples, that themselves called as Battachariyas. Come to the point, The Gurukkals are pure dravidians, their religion is Hinduism and their caste is Aadhi saivas. Which means a pure vegetarian sector at the dravidian society. They are doing their rituals in siva agama way. Once upon a time they are all treated as a kulaguru by dravidian kings chola, chera and pandiyas. Their main deity is lord shiva. They have the rights to give diksha to the people. Inbetween the migrant of aarya, the gurukkal community gots lots of suffer. Because inbetween times aaryas had more powerful situation than gurukkal at the dravidian kingdoms. (Imitation is more shine from the original). So the gurukkal lost their power step by step from the kingdom and the society, they became as a temple sanctum slaves.
- Gurukkal (kalaripayattu) - Kalaripayattu masters are referred as gurukkal.