Gunz-Haslach interglacial

The Gunz-Haslach interglacial (German: Günz-Haslach-Interglazial), also Gunz-Haslach warm period (Günz-Haslach-Warmzeit), is one of the warm periods of the Pleistocene in the Alpine region. It lies between the Gunz and Haslach glaciations.


The Gunz-Haslach interglacial is defined as that erosion phase which follows the Günz and precedes the Haslach Glacial Stage. It thus corresponds to the stratigraphic gap between the Zeil gravels (Zeiler Schotter) in Swabia and Haslach gravels (Haslacher Schotter) northeast of the Rhine Glacier.[1][2] Depositions from the time of the Gunz-Haslach interglacial have hitherto only been detected as weathering formations (soils) on the Zeil gravels. The erosion during the interglacial is very marked and there are different views on the assignment of the gravels (Schotter) before and afterwards.

The interglacial may possible correlated to MIS 15. In this case it would be about 540,000 to 600,000 years old.[3] There are, however, clues that the interglacial could be older than MIS 15.[4]

The Günz-Haslach interglacial definitely corresponds in part to the Swiss Deckenschotter glaciations.[5]



  1. A. Schreiner & R. Ebel (1981), "Quartärgeologische Untersuchungen in der Umgebung von Interglazialvorkommen im östlichen Rheingletschergebiet (Baden-Württemberg)" (in German), Geologisches Jahrbuch (Hannover) A 59: pp. 3–64
  2. W. Fesseler & W. Goos (1988) (in German), Geologische Karte 1:25,000 von Baden-Württemberg. Erläuterungen zu Blatt 8026 Aitrach, Stuttgart
  3. Lorraine E. Lisiecki; Maureen E. Raymo (2005), [pdf file; 1.1 MB at the Wayback Machine (archived June 16, 2011) "A Plio-Pleistocene Stack of 57 Globally Distributed Benthic δ18O Records"] (in German), Paleoceanography 20, pdf file; 1.1 MB at the Wayback Machine (archived June 16, 2011)
  4. Habbe 2007, p. 75
  5. Ueli Reinmann (2004), "Auf den Spuren der Eiszeit im Raum Wangen a. A. : Neue Erkenntnisse auf Grund von bodenkundlichen Untersuchungen im Endmoränengebiet des Rhonegletschers" (in German), Jahrbuch des Oberaargaus 47: pp. 135–152,
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