
Gongsangnorbu, as pictured in the 1925 edition of Who's Who in China[1]

Gungsangnorbu (1871–1930) was an Inner Mongolian prince and politician of the Republic of China.[2] Some scholars describe him as a moderate, progressive moderniser caught between the influence of conservative older leaders and young radicals.[3] Others describe him less favourably as a conservative who, despite his early activities for promoting education, would go on to become protective of his own rights and interest as a member of the nobility, and suspicious of young Mongols who had received a modern education as potential challengers to those interests.[4]


His Mongolian name, which is of Tibetan origin, is transcribed into Chinese as Chinese: 貢桑諾爾布; pinyin: Gòngsāngnuò'ěrbù.[1] In the (proleptic) Mongolian Cyrillic alphabet, it is written Гүнсэнноров (Günsennorov).[5] His courtesy name was Chinese: 樂亭; pinyin: Lètíng.[1] His art-name was Chinese: 夔庵; pinyin: Kuí'ān.


Gungsangnorbu was prince of Right Harqin Banner (today part of Chifeng).[4] In 1902, he established what has been described as one of the first modern schools in Inner Mongolia.[2] In 1903, he was invited to visit Japan along with a group of Manchu nobles, where he was highly impressed with the Meiji period reforms; upon his return to Inner Mongolia established a military school and a girls' school, both with Japanese teachers.[6] Among his pupils there was Serengdongrub.[7] Later, he sent a small number of Mongolian students to Japan, including Altanochir.[4]

In 1912, in the aftermath of the Xinhai Revolution, Gungsangnorbu made some attempts to form an alliance with Bogd Khan and the Khalkha Mongols in the newly independent state of Mongolia, with the Pan-Mongolist aim of annexing China's Inner Mongolian territories to an independent, Mongol-dominated Greater Mongolia. However, political fragmentation and the reality of a large Han Chinese population in his own domains thwarted this idea. He restricted himself to a more modest effort to attempt to consolidate his own power and unite the Inner Mongolian nobility. He began purchasing weapons from a group of Japanese army officers in Beijing connected to Naniwa Kawashima; however, the arms shipments were intercepted and the officers involved arrested, bringing to an end Gungsangnorbu's efforts to strengthen his own military power.[8] Instead, he participated in Yuan Shikai's Beiyang Government, taking a position as director of the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission, and overseeing the establishment of the Mongolian and Tibetan Academy in Beijing, which trained a number of cadres who would go on to achieve prominence in Inner Mongolian politics in the coming decades.[2] He was the only Mongol prince to achieve ministerial rank in Yuan's government.[3] He would hold that position for seventeen years, though in the chaos of the warlord era he was not able to achieve all that he hoped for. After the 1928 Northern Expedition he resigned from his position, and died two years later.[3]



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