

A cuprosklodowskite vug filled with well formed dark green vandenbrandeite crystals. These are dusted over with small yellow crystals of guilleminite.
Category Oxide minerals
(repeating unit)
Strunz classification 4.JJ.10
Crystal system Orthorhombic
Crystal class Pyramidal (mm2)
(same H-M symbol)
Space group P21nm
References [1][2][3]

Guilleminite (Ba(UO2)3(SeO3)2(OH)4•3H2O) is a uranium mineral named by R. Pierrot, J. Toussaint, and T. Verbeek in 1965 in honor of Jean Claude Guillemin (1923–1994), a chemist and mineralogist. It is a rare uranium/selenium mineral found at the Musonoi Mine in the Katanga Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.[2]

This secondary mineral also includes barium in its structure, in addition to selenium and uranium. It is bright yellow in colour and usually has an acicular crystal habit. It has a Mohs hardness of 2–3.[4]


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