Guarantee of origin

The Guarantee of Origin (GO or GoO)[1] is an instrument defined in European legislation, that labels electricity from renewable sources to provide information to electricity customers on the source of their energy. Guarantees of Origin in the meaning of Directive 2009/28/EC[2] are the only precisely defined instruments evidencing the origin of electricity generated from renewable energy sources.

In operation, a GO is a "green label" or "tracker" guaranteeing that one MWh of electricity has been produced from renewable energy sources. Guarantees of Origin are traded. When a company buys Guarantees of Origin, as documentation for the electricity delivered or consumed, the Guarantees of Origin are cancelled in the electronic certificate registry. This single standardised instrument makes it possible to track ownership, verify claims and ensure that Guarantees of Origin are only sold once and that there is no double counting.[3]

A Guarantee of Origin is similar to a label on a bottle: it carries information telling the consumer facts about the product. Controlling the information and the accuracy of the Guarantee of Origin is therefore of critical importance. A unique body (e.g. an electricity regulator or a transmission system operator) is usually granted this authority for a given domain.[4]

In their most accomplished form, Guarantees of Origin are issued electronically for a controlled quantity of electricity generation (1 GO per MWh), traded and redeemed (i.e. used) by suppliers as evidence to their customers of the quality of the delivered electricity. Generation from renewable energy sources is the most sought-after attribute. A new development concerns guarantees of origin for cogeneration heat plants (or CHP). Some countries already have Guarantees of Origin issued for all types of electricity generation (nuclear, coal, ...). Possible extensions also include fair-trade, CO2 statistics, ...

AIB statistics from 2016 show that Germany, Switzerland, Sweden and the Netherlands are the largest markets for Guarantees of Origin in Europe. While Europe’s biggest market, Germany, halted its rapid growth, the Dutch market continued to grow at a faster pace than the rest, almost reaching 50 TWh in 2016.[5]

Guarantees of Origin should not be confused with the Eugene Green Energy Standard or EKOenergy labelling scheme. Both provide consumers with more information about their power (transparency). However, Eugene and EKOenergy go further by requiring additionality. Besides, Eugene and EKOenergy are private initiatives whereas guarantees of origin arise from European regulations.[6]

Providers of Guarantees of Origin

AFS Energy[7]

See also


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