Gregory coefficients

Gregory coefficients Gn, also known as reciprocal logarithmic numbers, Bernoulli numbers of the second kind, or Cauchy numbers of the first kind,[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13] are the rational numbers

n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... OEIS sequences
Gn +1/2 1/12 +1/24 19/720 +3/160 863/60480 +275/24192 33953/3628800 +8183/1036800 3250433/479001600 +4671/788480 ... A002206 (numerators),

A002207 (denominators)

that occur in the Maclaurin series expansion of the reciprocal logarithm

Gregory coefficients are alternating Gn = (−1)n−1|Gn| and decreasing in absolute value. These numbers are named after James Gregory who introduced them in 1670 in the numerical integration context. They were subsequently rediscovered by many famous mathematicians and often appear in works of modern authors who do not recognize them.[1][5][14][15][16][17]

Computation and representations

The simplest way to compute Gregory coefficients is to use the recurrence formula

with G1 = 1/2.[14][18] Gregory coefficients may be also computed explicitly via the following differential

the integral

Schröder's integral formula[19][20]

or the finite summation formula

where s(n,) are the signed Stirling numbers of the first kind.

Bounds and asymptotic behavior

The Gregory coefficients satisfy the bounds

given by Johan Steffensen.[15] These bounds were later improved by various authors. The best known bounds for them were given by Blagouchine.[17] In particular,

Asymptotically, at large index n, these numbers behave as[2][17][19]

More accurate description of Gn at large n may be found in works of Van Veen,[18] Davis,[3] Coffey,[21] Nemes[6] and Blagouchine.[17]

Series with Gregory coefficients

Series involving Gregory coefficients may be often calculated in a closed-form. Basic series with these numbers include

where γ = 0.5772156649... is Euler's constant. These results are very old, and their history may be traced back to the works of Gregorio Fontana and Lorenzo Mascheroni.[17][22] More complicated series with the Gregory coefficients were calculated by various authors. Kowalenko,[8] Alabdulmohsin [10] and some other authors calculated

Alabdulmohsin[10] also gives these identities

Candelperger, Coppo[23][24] and Young[7] showed that

where Hn are the harmonic numbers. Blagouchine[17][25][26][27] provides the following identities

where li(z) is the integral logarithm and is the binomial coefficient. It is also known that the zeta function, the gamma function, the polygamma functions, the Stieltjes constants and many other special functions and constants may be expressed in terms of infinite series containing these numbers.[1][17][18][28][29]


Various generalizations are possible for the Gregory coefficients. Many of them may be obtained by modifying the parent generating equation. For example, Van Veen[18] consider

and hence

Equivalent generalizations were later proposed by Kowalenko[9] and Rubinstein.[30] In a similar manner, Gregory coefficients are related to the generalized Bernoulli numbers

see,[18][28] so that

Jordan[1][16][31] defines polynomials ψn(s) such that

and call them Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind. From the above, it is clear that Gn = ψn(0). Carlitz[16] generalized Jordan's polynomials ψn(s) by introducing polynomials β

and therefore

Blagouchine[17] introduced numbers Gn(k) such that

and studied their asymptotics at large n. Clearly, Gn = Gn(1). A different generalization of the same kind was also proposed by Komatsu[31]

so that Gn = cn(1)/n! Numbers cn(k) are called by the author poly-Cauchy numbers.[31] Coffey[21] defines polynomials

and therefore |Gn| = Pn+1(1).


  1. 1 2 3 4 Ch. Jordan. The Calculus of Finite Differences Chelsea Publishing Company, USA, 1947.
  2. 1 2 L. Comtet. Advanced combinatorics (2nd Edn.) D. Reidel Publishing Company, Boston, USA, 1974.
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  13. Weisstein, Eric W. "Logarithmic Number." From MathWorld—A Wolfram Web Resource.
  14. 1 2 J. C. Kluyver. Euler's constant and natural numbers. Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet., vol. 27(1-2), 1924.
  15. 1 2 J.F. Steffensen. Interpolation (2nd Edn.). Chelsea Publishing Company, NewYork, USA, 1950.
  16. 1 2 3 L. Carlitz. A note on Bernoulli and Euler polynomials of the second kind. Scripta Math., vol. 25, pp. 323–330,1961.
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