Green Gas
Green Gas is an environmental enterprise (501c3) headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts.
The organization's mission is to leverage American fossil fuel consumption to crowdfund proven solutions to climate change. Green Gas embeds carbon offsets directly into fossil fuel purchases to ignite grassroots funding for climate solutions and measurably reduce carbon emissions. Green Gas is an award-winning carbon reduction solution backed by MIT's Solve Initiative. Green Gas was first proposed at the United Nations in March 2017, when the model won MIT's Solve 2017 competition.
Green Gas is a market-based, grassroots approach to carbon pricing. Green Gas gives the public an option to pay a few cents extra on gasoline purchases to fund reforestation and renewable energy projects, offsetting 100% of the carbon footprint of gasoline purchased.
There are two ways drivers can participate in Green Gas: Through the Green Gas Card or Green Gas on the Pump.
Green Gas movement is registered as a 501c3 under the name "Global Citizens Imperative."
Green Gas Card
The Green Gas Card will give drivers the power to automatically erase the carbon footprint of all gasoline bought with it. Upon the launch of the card in September 2017, the card will neutralize gasoline at most gas stations in the United States. Drivers connect the card to their existing checking account, and then use it to buy carbon neutral gasoline at the pump. The card automatically applies a per-gallon carbon offset fee to fund certified carbon projects.
Green Gas on the Pump
Starting in October 2017, Green Gas will begin appearing directly on gas pumps at participating gas station retailers.
Green Gas Carbon Projects
Green Gas only partners with carbon projects that are scientifically certified by a third party, such as Verified Carbon Standard or Plan Vivo, to measurably reduce carbon emissions. In addition to measurable carbon mitigation or sequestration, Green Gas prioritizes projects that also generate social co-benefits in the form of livelihood building, have community ownership structures, and drive positive health outcomes for project benefactors.
The first project is led and managed by Taking Root, a nonprofit based in Canada. Their mission is to "use reforestation as a tool to mitigate climate change, restore ecosystems and improve livelihoods. This is achieved by encouraging smallholder-farming families to reforest the under-utilized parts of their farms using native tree species in exchange for direct payments over time as the trees sequester carbon from the atmosphere."
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