Graph product

In mathematics, a graph product is a binary operation on graphs. Specifically, it is an operation that takes two graphs G1 and G2 and produces a graph H with the following properties:

The following table shows the most common graph products, with ; denoting is connected by an edge to, and denoting non-connection. The operator symbols listed here are by no means standard, especially in older papers.

Name Condition for (, )  (, ). Dimensions Example
Cartesian product
(  =  and    )

(    and  =  )

Tensor product
(Categorical product)
Lexicographical product
u1  v1
( u1 = v1 and u2  v2 )
Strong product
(Normal product, AND product)
( u1 = v1 and u2  v2 )
( u1  v1 and u2 = v2 )
( u1  v1 and u2  v2 )
Co-normal product
(disjunctive product, OR product)
u1  v1
u2  v2
Modular product

Rooted product see article
Zig-zag product see article see article see article
Replacement product
Homomorphic product[1][2]


In general, a graph product is determined by any condition for (u1, u2)  (v1, v2) that can be expressed in terms of the statements u1  v1, u2  v2, u1 = v1, and u2 = v2.


Let be the complete graph on two vertices (i.e. a single edge). The product graphs , , and look exactly like the graph representing the operator. For example, is a four cycle (a square) and is the complete graph on four vertices. The notation for lexicographic product serves as a reminder that this product is not commutative.

See also


  1. 1 2 Roberson, David E.; Mancinska, Laura (2012). "Graph Homomorphisms for Quantum Players". arXiv:1212.1724Freely accessible [quant-ph].
  2. The hom-product of [3] is the graph complement of the homomorphic product of.[1]
  3. Bačík, R.; Mahajan, S. (1995). "Semidefinite programming and its applications to NP problems". Computing and Combinatorics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 959. p. 566. ISBN 3-540-60216-X. doi:10.1007/BFb0030878.


  • Imrich, Wilfried; Klavžar, Sandi (2000). Product Graphs: Structure and Recognition. Wiley. ISBN 0-471-37039-8{{inconsistent citations}} .
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