Grandstand (game show)
Grandstand was a short-lived sports-related game show that aired in syndication in 1988. It was hosted by Curt Chaplin, who was joined by hostess Deborah Johnston. The announcer was Dave Herman. It was produced by the PHoenix Communications Group and was shot in New York City. [1] [2]
Three teams consisting of one professional athlete and a regular contestant answer general sports trivia starting with the Face-Off Round where the athlete asks a series of questions about his/her career in which his/her partner has 60 seconds to come up with the correct answers. Each correct answer is worth 25 points with a perfect score of 7 out of 7 awarded an additional 25 points to make the score 200 points.
Round two is known as the Fast Break Round. The first team to buzz in with each correct answer earning 25 points. Questions consists of video questions and various equipment. Each correct answer also earns one team a bonus question where only that team can earn bonus points by answering correctly.
The winners compete in the final round, known as the Touchdown Round. To win the grand prize, the contestant must start at the 20-yard line of the Touchdown Round board. There are a choice of three different categories for the team to choose from. Each correct answer moves the contestant 10 yards closer to the "touchdown" and earns that player $200 in prizes each time. A touchdown wins the game and the grand prize. But if the time is about to run out, the player can call time-out to stop the clock and go for the "bomb question". In that question, the contestant MUST risk all of the prizes won up to the point of the time-out. The contestant and the athlete then have 10 seconds to converse over the possible answer to the "bomb question". A correct answer scores a touchdown, but a wrong answer causes the contestant to lose everything he/she has won up to that point.
Professional athletes that have appeared on Grandstand included Walt Frazier, Jay Johnstone, John Salley and Paul Warfield.
- ↑ Grandstand with Mark Fischl, YouTube
- ↑ Grand Stand with David Nagelberg, David Nagelberg's YouTube Channel