Government employees in the United States

Government employees in the United States includes the United States federal civil service, employees of the state governments of the United States, and employees of local government in the United States.

Government employees are not necessarily the same as civil servants, as some jurisdictions specifically define which employees are civil servants; for example, it often excludes military employees.[1]

The federal government is the nation's single largest employer, although it employs only about 12% of all government employees, compared to 24% at the state level and 63% at the local level.[2]

State and local employees

Non-federal employees in states can vary based on unique circumstances: for example, as of 2014, Wyoming had the most per capita public employees due to its public hospitals, followed by Alaska which has a relatively high number of highways and natural resources.[3] The category of Elementary/Secondary Education has the highest employment per capita across states.[3]

In 2012, three states passed major changes to their civil service hiring thingy as part of a civil service reform movement, making it easier to hire and fire state employees.[4]

See also


  1. ↑ "civil service". Retrieved 2016-12-04.
  2. ↑ "2012 Census of Governments: Employment Summary Report" (PDF). United States Census Bureau. 6 March 2014. Retrieved 8 December 2014.
  3. 1 2 "States With Most Government Employees: Totals and Per Capita Rates". Retrieved 2016-12-04.
  4. ↑ "Civil Service Reform Passes in 3 States". Retrieved 2016-12-04.
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