Gouden Griffel

The Gouden Griffel (Golden Stylus) is an award given to authors of children's or teenagers' literature in the Netherlands.

Since 1971, it is awarded each year during the Dutch Children's Books Week, by the Stichting Collectieve Propaganda van het Nederlandse Boek (Dutch Book Promotion Society) for the best children's books written in the past year. Between 1954 and 1970, one book per year was declared the "children's book of the year". Since then, griffels are awarded in several categories.

Only novels written in Dutch are eligible for the gouden griffel. However, the runner-up awards (Silver griffels) can also be given to translated works. Aside from these, the Gouden Penseel (golden paintbrush) is awarded to the best illustrated children's books (with silver penseel as a runner-up), and since 1997 the Gouden Zoen (golden kiss, with silver as a runner-up) is awarded to the best books for teenagers.

There is no award for 1960, as the award was then no longer named for the year of production of the book, but the year of the ceremony (i.e. one year later). Between 1966 and 1971, two awards were given, one for books for readers of ten years or less, and one for older readers. Until 1986, one or two awards were given, but without age categories. Since 1986, only one Gouden Griffel per year is awarded. No awards were given in 1967.

Since 2011, the Griffel is specifically for books for ages 6–12, and a new prize, the Gouden Lijst, was instated for books for ages 12–15. The inaugural winner was Rindert Kromhout for Soldaten huilen niet ("Soldiers don't cry"); there was also a Gouden Lijst for a translated boek, Mal Peet's Tamar.[1]

Beste kinderboek van het jaar

(Age +10): Toos Blom, Loeloedji, kleine rode bloem, De Arbeiderspers
(Age +10): Siny Van Iterson, De adjudant van de vrachtwagen, Leopold
(Age +10): Henk Van Kerkwijk, Komplot op volle zee, Ploegsma
(Age +10): Frank Herzen, De zoon van de woordbouwer, Sijthoff

Gouden Griffel

(Age +10): Alet Schouten, De mare van de witte toren, Van Holkema & Warendorf
Jan Terlouw, Koning van Katoren, Lemniscaat
Jan Terlouw, Oorlogswinter, Lemniscaat
Thea Beckman, Kruistocht in spijkerbroek, Lemniscaat
Alet Schouten, Iolo komt niet spelen, Van Holkema & Warendorf
Els Pelgrom, De kinderen van het achtste woud, Kosmos
Karel Eykman, Liefdesverdriet, De Harmonie
Willem Wilmink, Waar het hart vol van is, Van Holkema & Warendorf
Griffel der Griffels (best book of the past 50 years): Tonke Dragt, De brief voor de koning.

Gouden Penseel

Jan Marinus Verburg, Tom Tippelaar, Querido

Gouden Zoen

The Gouden Zoen is no longer awarded.


  1. "Rindert Kromhout en Mal Peet winnen Gouden Lijst". Collectieve Propaganda van het Nederlandse Boek. 17 September 2011. Retrieved 12 May 2012.
  2. "Gouden Griffel voor Winterdieren" (in Dutch), Jeugdjournaal, 2012. Retrieved 23 June 2016.
  3. "En de winnaar is..." (in Dutch), Jeugdjournaal, 2013. Retrieved 23 June 2016.
  4. "Jan Paul Schutten wint tweede Gouden Griffel" (in Dutch), Jeugdjournaal, 2014. Retrieved 23 June 2016.
  5. "'Doodgewoon' krijgt Gouden Griffel" (in Dutch), Jeugdjournaal, 2015. Retrieved 23 June 2016.
  6. "Sieb Posthuma wint Gouden Penseel 2012" (in Dutch), NU.nl, 2012. Retrieved 23 June 2016.
  7. Sofie Cerruti, "Sylvia Weve 'Het eerste wat je met een nieuw boek doet is toch ruiken en voelen?'" (in Dutch), Trouw, 2013. Retrieved 23 June 2016.
  8. "Floor Rieder wint het Gouden Penseel" (in Dutch), NU.nl, 2014. Retrieved 23 June 2016.
  9. "Alice Hoogstad in Rijksmuseum bekroond met Gouden Penseel" (in Dutch), NU.nl, 2015. Retrieved 23 June 2016.
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